
Luke 16:19
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Gospel—B. Warr
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We have time.
Sometimes we think because of what we see around us and we're victims of routine and custom.
Think that time is permanent.
This song tells us that time is gliding swiftly by.
But really, in a certain sense, it isn't.
Time doesn't pass. Men pass. Time waits for them.
What time they spent here is waiting for them.
One step away in the fire. This world is already condemned. First Corinthians Chapter 11, verse 32. But when we were judged, I'm not talking to an unbeliever here. I'm talking to believers that might be sitting in this room.
And you might be looking at us. You might be looking around to see what you can see in us believers. You might be deciding your eternal destiny based on what you see around you.
This verse tells us that it's true. God will chasten us. We are His.
But he chastens us so that we should not be condemned with the world.
Not be condemned with the word.
Where is already condemned? Where would you take your stand? Where would you be?
And God closes it all in. He finishes his offer of mercy. And it may be that I don't finish the sentence I'm working on right now because the Lord Jesus is coming.
God owes it to Jesus Christ to shut this place down and bring him back in glory.
He owes it to Jesus Christ all the glory which belongs to him.
This world because it took its place.
Against Christ is condemned.
Anyone sitting here tonight?
Refusing the Lord Jesus will be condemned with this world.
Time for you is passing.
Your opportunities are going by.
Maybe this is the last one, because the Lord Jesus is coming and he's going to take it and make a shout and all of his own, All of us belong to Him by faith. Everyone over the face of the earth, we're going to meet him in the clouds.
Never again.
You hear a lot of mercy from God.
Sealed in a doom unavoidable.
He refused God's offers of mercy, eternal love, offering eternal salvation.
Refusing by a hard heart who says no, I'll take my stand with this world against God.
Condemned with this world.
Like to read some passages First I'd like to go to Luke 16.
I want to read about a man who was here.
He is not here now, but he is.
Luke 16, verse 19.
And I read it this way for emphasis.
There is.
A certain rich man.
There is a certain rich man.
Which was clothed.
And purple and fine linen. And fared sumptuously every day.
There was a certain beggar named Lazarus which was laid at his gate full of sores.
Desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table.
Moreover, the dogs came and licked his swords.
It came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom. A rich man also died and was buried in hell. He lift up, his eyes being in torments.
See if Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom.
Cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me.
In Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water. Cool my tongue, for I'm tormented in this flame.
Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receiveth thy good things, likewise Lazarus, evil things.
Now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
Beside all this, between US and you there's a great gulf fixed, so that they which would pass from instant you cannot, neither can they pass to us that would come from fence. And he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou would send him to my house, to my father's house.
We have 5 brethren. He may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. Abraham saith on him. They have Moses and the prophets that can hear him.
And he said, Nay, father Abraham, But if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
Instead unto him, if they hear not Moses in the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though 1 rose from the dead.
It was a man.
I should say here is a man.
That man is tonight.
I mean, it's not he used to be here in this work.
And he passed his days in this world.
And he lived sumptuously. He lived in pleasures all of his life.
Let's look at Ecclesiastes Chapter 7.
In verse 4.
The heart of the wise is in the funeral parlor.
But the heart of proves in the House of murder.
Verse 6 Where is the ********* of thorns under a pot? So is the laughter of the fool.
This also is benefit.
You know, we're passing through a world.
And the only hope this world has is what this book says.
And we're passing through this world that is in such a condition.
That the only wisdom it has.
Is in a funeral park.
He goes universities. You don't learn anything about the truth.
You go to the president's palaces, you don't learn anything about the truth.
The only place in this world that is telling the truth is the House of mourning.
I don't think I've ever heard in my life anyone said, well, let's go out tonight, let's go to the funeral parlor.
That's where the truth is told. Death is here, sin is here, and the Lord Jesus, I want to tell you, was here.
No longer here.
Least fools, this world of fools and the world is existing now for a test for believers and to manifest fools.
Immersive Foods.
How much effort is spent in this world to create laughter?
They get a little chuckle out of people.
Like the ********* of thorns under the pot.
Am I telling you something that isn't evident and true?
Is there someone here who would join Remain with the Fools?
And say, I'll take this world, I'll believe what it says. I refuse what God says.
Cain did that.
Cain was not ignorant.
Cain heard God say the earth was cursed, but he believed what the devil said. No it's not. Tells us that in first John that he was of the wicked one. He believed what the devil said.
And apart from this book and all that blows from this book.
You're just believing what the devil says.
Total system built up down here.
By the enemy of souls, to deceive people until they.
End up in the Lake fire.
This man, back to our chapter.
This man, he lived in pleasures and he was a fool. He lived in the banqueting houses.
God and His faithfulness had left at his doorstep.
A witness.
And I say that because.
He sees Lazarus with Abraham as a messenger because he says send him to my father's house. I have brothers there.
God laid at this man's doorstep.
A beg.
And this man passed him by, I believe, many days on his way out to have fun and pleasure and living sumptuously every day. And there was a man who was there saying, you've got to acknowledge God.
You've got to come to terms with God. This life has an end. You're going to die. He laughed at it and chose.
25 Abraham. By the way, this is the first. I guess it's the only prayer I know of in the Bible is made to ascent.
Today, many prayers are made sense.
Don't work. They can't help. Abraham himself didn't help. Abraham is not a savior.
This man could claim Father Abraham. Abraham would look at him and say son.
That man in hell is his son, remember?
That thou in thy lifetime receiveth thy good things.
That man has made a choice.
He says these will be my things, this is good, that's bad. It was thy good things, his own choice that he made, and he spent it all because what he had chosen had nothing beyond this life.
And he had received everything that he had come.
And by his own choice.
You know they one day they held his funeral.
While his friends are on earth, sorrowing and weeping, perhaps over his death, he was in hell lamenting his life.
He didn't get away from that life.
Time didn't pass for him. He passed through and went on outward. That was waiting for him. All that he had spent in time was there waiting for him.
A fool.
Pass through the scene.
Opportunities is every day.
Refused to choose.
Good in this world which is totally used up.
The days you spend here, nothing leftover.
Only one light.
Will soon be fast.
The entire.
Only was done for Christ, but last.
Again, I say that God owes it to the man Jesus Christ to shut the whole system down because it's against Christ.
May put on a facade.
That has a name of Christian over many places in it. The Bible calls it a present evil age. The Bible says that God made foolish the wisdom of this world because it was the wisdom of this world, a crucified Christ.
Was not an uncontrolled mob.
Was the legal court system. It was the religious leaders of the day sitting down to calculate the very best thing to do.
Crucified. Crucified.
It's the world we live in.
That's the world we're going to leave.
The Lord Jesus one day in Acts chapter one, he just ascended up on high.
I was impressed by the brother that read the verse yesterday. I believe it was they said Jesus went on his way.
You know, he was rejected, he was insulted, he was, he was smitten, he was beaten and he just kept on his way.
And he went on his way in Acts chapter one in Resurrection. He ascended and left this world as it was.
You know we're going to send very shortly us who believe and leave it just like it is.
Will be found left behind, condemned with this world.
Be in time. These words are not just words that we have here as some way to to speak things that aren't true. They're solemn words. And if this man could speak for himself tonight.
But he can't. You have God's word.
That's enough.
Believe what God says.
God to save you sinners.
Men in Hell.
With the bizarre.
We don't know that they ever prayed before this.
Here he's found praying.
Nobody can help.
Nobody can help.
And tonight you are on your way. If you do not have the Lord Jesus, they're on the way to join this man.
And there you lift up your eyes. You won't see other men around you. This man has no complaints. He's not. No. He has no accusations. It's also evident in his own soul. He says I deserve to be here.
He's not accusing anybody, he's not finding any friends to have fun with. He's in utter misery without and within, and he can only lift up his eyes and see what.
When he lost.
I think that the stinging, burning conscience forever will remind a lost Sinner what he lost, what he had God offered him and he refused it. And he's there justly and righteously. This man doesn't see heaven open before him, he doesn't see all the people, and he only sees that messenger that he kept saying no one laughing at and wouldn't even help out a beggar.
He only sees him and Lazarus and Abraham, in whom he had trusted as his.
Father by natural birth he sees those two.
And they're far off from him.
There is an abyss.
Fixed and you can only see an accessible things that once he could have had.
He wants a drink of water. I'm tormenting this fling from without. He's burning. Oh, he says. If I could just have a drop of water in my tongue. He didn't have a tongue.
He had these things he just craved for he could never satisfy. Part and parcel with his sufferings, the loss of tournament.
He's not asking to get out. He knows that's where he belongs.
Are you trying to fool me tonight?
Kind of fool your mother and dad.
Maybe your friends?
There's no pulling off.
And this man lives sumptuously every day. I imagine a lot of his neighbors said, oh, that man has everything.
But he leapt up, his eyes in hell.
He will write this moment. He's still in hand. From now on he will be in torment on into the lake of fire forever and ever.
We talked much about the Lord Jesus and his glory is One of his glories is.
Turn all the sinners there.
God owes it to him, He will do it.
Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receiveth thy good things. What are your good things?
Maybe some good thing that you say, No, I want this. I won't choose this. God is setting forth life and death. God is setting forth life in the Lord Jesus. He's setting forth death in the refusal of the Lord Jesus.
He's setting forth that you may have another minute in this world and you may not.
Time is riding swiftly by, and you have no guarantee that you'll ever see another sunrise. You have no guarantee you'll ever see the moon come up.
You're only here at his good pleasure, and He's offering in his own good pleasure. He has kept you so you can hear this word again.
And he's warning you without Christ.
That it won't go on forever. It's going to stop. This message will be stopped.
We may be left outside.
Concert practices come from the Lord Jesus.
The doors open.
Won't always be open.
This man looks up.
He's in torment.
All clear now.
All of his life is clear. Abraham knows about it. I don't know about he wasn't God. He's not on a mission. He not hadn't been up there looking down on this man, following his life. No. When you get there, when you pass through death, when you pass through that, everything is cleared.
Close all set.
And all with no solution.
Soil, Abraham says to him. You, you made your choice.
You chose your good things.
Say that Lazarus chose his good things. I mean his things that he called, He was said that he received evil things. But that's the only evilness world as it appeared to me. Just as this man chose his good things, Lazarus was just obedient. He received what appeared to man to be evil.
Because it was the will of God and Lazarus might have just pleaded with this man over and over again.
But now it's too late.
And tonight, I'm sure anyone here that if they knew you were lost, if they knew you were just hiding behind a friend or a relative, everyone here would plead with you. Everyone here would be on their knees weeping to cause you to stop. Stop before it's too late. Because this offered a wondrous glory of that man Christ Jesus setting being set forth as.
Sinners is going to stop.
We're going to be caught away in any instant after that moment.
This gospel is over.
Where would you be?
Who said you are where you want to be?
If you want to be with the Lord Jesus, oh he's got his arms open, a welcome. Come, come unto me, all you that labor and heavy laden, I'll give you rest.
Verse 27 he said, I pray thee, therefore, Father, that was sent into my Father's house.
Five Brethren.
Testifying to them, lest they also have come into this place of torment.
This man didn't love his brother.
There's no love down there.
It would only add in their presence would have only been another pain in his conscience for those times he had lived in such a way to influence him to get there.
Nothing but the misery, then.
He no, he wouldn't have had he seen his five brothers there with, with Lazarus, he wouldn't have been comforted. Oh, there's no comforting.
You know, we have a very easy life, most of us.
A lot of comfort in our times of trouble, A lot of help.
A lot of prayers. There's a man who ended up all alone. Utter misery, no hope.
Is that where you want to go?
Are you willing to tell God?
No, one more time.
You know this book ends with the word Amen.
One of these days, God's going to say Amen to what you say. You're going to say no, you'll say Amen. Shut it up.
I want to say no one more time.
No, I would take the side of the Lord Jesus Christ and I would say come to the Lord Jesus, come.
Believe and be saved.
2nd Corinthians chapter 2 I believe it is.
Verse 14.
And thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph, or always leads us in triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of His knowledge by us in every place.
We are unto God a sweet savour of Christ in them that are saved, and in them in them that perish. To the one we are a saver of death, and the death, and the other savour of life unto life.
Who is sufficient for these things?
I look at this world as a place.
Where when they look for wisdom.
A man would be walking down the street, we will suppose. And you see what? What is all this? Where can I find any answer to what I see here?
Someone would direct him over there on the corner.
It's a funeral parlor over there.
Let's say, well, that's the funeral park.
That's death.
That's the answer.
A House of mourning. He looks at it. He says, well, that's foolishness.
That God made foolish the wisdom of this world, and the world by wisdom with whose they rejected God.
They look at the things of God is foolish and they would say that's foolishness.
House of mourning.
But the Lord Jesus has turned the House of mourning into a House of rejoicing.
As for you, me, for everybody.
Don't be deceived by what you see with your eyes. Believe what this book says.
I look at this passage.
As we've been told, or we've heard before of a general who has gone out and he's conquered the foe and he comes back and trailing behind him is a string of captives and chains.
And here's this man, this general, coming in with all the incense and honor and glory of a winner, a victor.
And he comes down the street and there are these in changes. Somebody would look and say, oh, those poor people, they're going to go down and they're going to be killed. They're going to be burned down here in the middle of town.
Look at those poor captives.
I look at another one who would see that He'd see that general going by.
So let me be one of them.
Let me take my place with him.
I'm getting I won't let my place in the chains to follow that general.
As a savior, we want to talk about tonight. To the world, it looks like he's It's all foolishness and death. But there is that beloved man who is leading on his own out to where he wants to have us.
How does it look to you?
Is it a savour of death? Hunter death?
Life unto life. Oh, for anyone here who has.
But themselves in the chains to follow that general, they would shout at me just life unto life.
Kind men speak of time passing. They have past times.
This poor man in our chapter.
Found out that he couldn't get away from his time.
Time and eternity come together here. This man steps from time out into eternity.
He didn't leave it all behind. Oh how he could wish he had never been born. Oh, I could wish he could just walk away from that life that he had chosen. That to him, looks so good.
We all waited for him.
As he lift up his eyes in torment in the fire.
Thought Abraham would be able to help him.
Abraham couldn't help.
He wanted God to give him, give his bread and another, give him a chance, send Lazarus back over there. I had my chances. I heard Liza and I refused him, sending to my brethren too late.
Too late.
Like to read and apply a few verses in Matthew's Gospel. I believe it's.
Verse 26.
What is a man profit that if he gained the whole world?
Move his own self.
Precious treasure of your soul.
We would be impressed if a man came in on this city block.
A man that might own the city was a state.
We'd be impressed with such wealth.
God looks in on it and says, Thou fool.
If you gain the whole world.
Lose your own soul.
But till a man give.
In exchange for his soul.
The Son of Man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels. The Lord Jesus is coming back.
I say it again, God owes it to him.
He'll come to the clouds and give a shout.
Everyone of us who believe we're going to have the happiest day of our lives.
And we see Jesus.
We're going to leave behind.
I'm afraid maybe someone from this very room this don't have the Saturday.
Their lives they will have said no to God on time to men.
Never again. Another opportunity, say.
Bible says a person who's heard this word and said no to God in this word, God himself will send him a working of error that he would believe a lot.
And the Lord Jesus, he uses this. I want to apply it to us today. The Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father. It's a day on down when we come back from heaven with him.
And then he will reward him and go his works. Very not seeing you there be some standing here.
It shall not taste of death.
So they see the Son of Man coming in his Kingdom.
You know if he comes and we expect him to night.
The only seven years old over.
We come back to this point. How old are you, 2017?
30 years old. At the age of 38, this would have already happened to seven years in some.
Very close and when the Lord Jesus was standing there, he was Speaking of his own glory manifest to them. But I want to use this tonight to say.
Could be someone sitting in this room tonight.
Not pass through death until they see the Son of Man coming on the floor.
Sinner, heed the warning voice.
And to Lord, your happy choice.
And all heaven will rejoice.
There's coming that moment.
When the Lord Jesus.
Has to have his public glory. He has to have is his waiting there in glory, waiting for you to say yes.
He's waited this long, almost 2000 years to hear you say yes.
You will say yes.
The offer holds this.
But it's not saying that tomorrow he's going to offer to you again.
In time, this end is surely coming. And he has given us this story. He has opened up his book and he's telling us about a man that's in torment tonight as a warning. He's telling about this man who had every opportunity, just as you have.
And refuses. He's there now.
In Torment.
The world is nothing more than a lie.
Built up to make these issues confusing.
That the Lord Jesus is the only savior. He's a willing savior, a loving savior, a pleading savior. We could use that expression.
And he wants to save you, as he saved me, as he saved many others.