The Great Supper - Luke 14:12-24

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 4min
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What different kinds of stories the Lord Jesus Christ told while He was here on earth. Each one was used by Him to either teach a lesson to those who were listening, or to make them think about something they should do.
In Luke 14 the Lord Jesus Christ was sitting at the table in a home where He had been invited for a meal. Quite a number of other people were there, too, and He taught them through a parable about being invited to a supper.
A man had prepared a great feast and had sent out many invitations. When the feast was ready his servant was sent out to tell the guests that it was time for them to come. But they all began to make excuses why they couldn’t come. One said he had bought a field, and he wanted to inspect it. Another guest said that since he had just bought five pairs of oxen he had to go try them out. And another guest had just gotten married and for that reason said he couldn’t come. When the servant reported back to his master, the master was angry, and with good reason.
The master of the house told his servant to go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the city and invite in all the beggars, the crippled, the lame and the blind. But even then there were still empty seats. He was then told to go out into the country lanes and behind the hedges and ask anyone who could be found to come, so that the house would be full. The master told the servant that since the invited guests had refused his invitation that they were not going to even taste his supper.
What was the Lord Jesus teaching here? Well, He was certainly agreeing with the man who said in verse 15 that it was a great honor to dine in God’s kingdom. But also He was telling them that there are those who do not value this great honor and refuse God’s invitation. The feast in the story cost a great deal of money and took a long time to prepare. But finally the master said, “Come; for all things are now ready.” verse 17.
The feast that God has prepared for those who accept His invitation was also very expensive. It cost the Lord Jesus Christ all that He had to provide it — it cost Him His own life! This was the only way that sinners like you and me could enjoy God’s blessings for all eternity.
We hope you won’t be like so many who have received the invitation to come to the Saviour, but have “weak excuses” for not coming, like those in the parable. Some have said, “Oh, I’m way too young,” or “My friends will laugh at me if I become a Christian.” Maybe you have a different reason, but whatever reason you give, it is still just an excuse. Remember, none of those invited guests who refused the invitation in the parable went in to the feast.
More invitations were given out. The master’s house was going to be full for the feast. What a poor group of people came in answer to that invitation — the crippled, the lame and the blind. Oh, but what a welcome they received and what a great honor and blessing were theirs! They came without giving excuses, because they knew they could well use the master’s abundant supply of food, even though they had done nothing to deserve it.
These poor people are a picture of each of us as needy sinners. Each one of us — man, woman, boy or girl — who has responded to the gospel invitation has received the forgivess, salvation and cleansing that only the Lord Jesus Christ can give. He can supply all our needs and is at this moment preparing a special place for us in His Father’s house in heaven. He is coming back very soon for those of us who have accepted Him as our Saviour. He will take us to be with Himself forever. After that it will be too late for those people who have made excuses to change their minds. The door of heaven will then be shut. The Bible says that all can come and that the time to come is now. Do not be like those foolish people who gave weak excuses. Accept today His invitation to come and be saved, and all the blessings of His free salvation will be yours.