The Heart of Man

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
Did you ever in the light of Scripture consider what the heart of man is? You will tell me it is a wicked thing. Aye, that it is; but it is not only capable of wickedness, it is incurable, desperate; conceive a man taking stones in his hand to batter and beat a face shining like an angel’s! Could you conceive it? Look at the priests in the temple in the presence of the rent vail; they plotted a lie. Look at the soldiers in the presence of a rent tomb; they consented to a lie. The riven waters of the Red Sea did not cure Pharaoh’s heart; the shining countenance of the martyr Stephen did not cure the heart of the multitude; a rent vail did not cure the priestly heart, and a rent tomb did not cure the populace’s heart. Is this a picture of the heart you carry? You may have different habitudes, but the flesh is the same in all, not only evil, but incurable. Tell me what will you do with a heart that has been proof against those things?