The Heart's Desire

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
O, to be only for Jesus!
O, to be true to His name!
O, to be here for His pleasure—
Here where they put Him to shame!
O, to keep spotless our raiment,
Safe from the soil of this world!
O, with the faithful to follow
Under His banner unfurled!
This is my infinite longing,
Ever more faithful to be
Thou who hast died to redeem me,
Help me to glorify Thee.
Thine am I, mighty Redeemer!
Thine am I, bought by Thy blood;
Brought from the pit of corruption
Back to the bosom of God.
Sins done away with forever;
Satan, who held me in chains,
Crushed in his stronghold and broken,
Past are death’s terrors and pains.
Now with Thy blood-washed I find me,
Those who confess Thee as Lord,
Those who to Thee all the honor,
Greatness and glory accord.
Join we exultant together,
Sing we Thy praises again,
Here where despised and derided
Thou wast insulted and slain.
Boldly, great Captain, to battle
Strong in Thy strength I would go.
Say to my soul, “I am with Thee,
Fear not the face of the foe.”
Timid am I and faint-hearted,
Wishful the danger, to fly—
Make me, O Saviour, true-hearted,
Ready to conquer or die.