The Heeded Warning.

SOME years ago a young man was one evening hurrying to catch the last train from W―. He was many miles distant from London, where he had business early the next morning.
Just as he arrived at the station he heard the train come in. He ran down the steps, put his stick to the door to prevent the porter shutting it. But the porter said, “Too late, sir,” and closed the door. Bolt after bolt was fastened; every light put out; the last train gone.
The young man knew not what to do, and while standing there the thought came into his mind with terrible force, “What if it is thus with me at last when Christ comes, if I find I am just too late, and see the last hope gone, and I am left in darkness forever.”
The thought made him shudder; nor could he get rid of it.
“But,” suggested Satan, “how do you know the blood of Jesus is of any avail now? Jesus is not here to save you.”
In despair he threw open his Bible, and his eye rested on the 20th verse of John 17: “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on Me through their word.”
These were the words of Jesus, and they were enough. Light entered into the young man’s soul; he could shut the Book, and kneel down, and thank the Lord for saving him, and to this day never a doubt has he had as to his acceptance.
M. J. E. B.