The Hiding Place.

Psalm 139; 32:7
VAIN the thought from God to flee,
Though in cave or cell we hide;
Dive into the deepest sea,
Or in forest’s gloom abide;
Though upon the wings of morn,
With the sun we flee apace,
We the strife must yield forlorn,
Nature has no hiding-place.
Though the sinner far retreats,
Though his works his refuge be,
Or his thoughts, or his conceits,
He from God can never flee.
Him His piercing eye shall reach,
And his chosen covert trace;
There shall sound His solemn speech:
Come thou from thy hiding-place.
God in mercy calls thee hence,
Finds thee in thy place of pride,
Rends the veil from each pretence,
That in HIM thou mayst abide.
Hearken to His voice of Love,
Look on Him in Jesus’ face;
He who died e’er lives above;
Make Him now thy hiding-place.
Then, though Satan rave and roar,
Loath to let a pris’ner free,
Thou shalt be his slave no more,
But a son of God shalt be;
Christ will be thy righteousness,
Robe of beauty, light and grace;
While with joy thou wilt confess
God in Christ thy hiding-place.