O WONDROUS hour I when, Jesus, thou,
Co-equal with th' eternal God,
Beneath our sin vouchsafed to bow,
And in our nature bore the rod.
On thee, the Father's blessed Son,
Jehovah's utmost anger fell:
That all was borne, that all is done,
Thine agony, thy cross can tell.
When most in angry Satan's power,
Dear Lord, thy suff'ring spirit seemed,
Then, in that dark and fearful hour,
Thine arm our guilty souls redeem'd.
Thy cross! thy cross! there, Lord, we learn
What thou, in all thy fullness, art:
There, through the dark'ning cloud, discern
The love of thy devoted heart.
'Twas mighty love's constraining power
That made thee, blessed Savior! die:
'Twas love, in that tremendous hour,
That triumph'd in thy parting sigh.
'Tomas all for us—our life we owe,
Our hope, our crown of joy to thee;
Thy suff'rings, in that hour of woe,
Thy victory, Lord, hath made us free.