The Indians' Owl

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LONG AGO before the coming of the white man, only the Indians roamed this country. They lived in tribes and often these tribes would fight each other.
One of these tribes, the Choc-wa-wos, always took a strange-looking thing along with them when they went on the warpath. This strange-looking thing was a stuffed owl. They believed the owl would watch over them and keep their fighting men safe from harm.
They took good care of their stuffed owl, smoothed out his feathers and even put food before him, for they expected him to take care of them. They always kept him fang in the direction they were going, for they thought that as long as his face was pointing forward and his feathers were unruffled, the path ahead was safe.
A stuffed owl on a journey would not be so bad if it worked, but the truth is, boys and girls, that it didn’t work, for so often these Indians who trusted in the owl were attacked and many were killed and wounded.
How thankful we can be that boys and girls have someone better than a stuffed owl to trust and keep them along the dangerous path of life. They have a great Saviour to trust in — One who can truly save them not merely from their enemies but from their worst of foes — the judgment against their sins.
Those who put their trust in Jesus will find that He goes before them and all they have to do is to follow closely “in His steps,” for He guides them, fights their battles, overcomes all their enemies and will bring them safely home to heaven.
Unlike the Indian’s lifeless owl, the Lord Jesus lives, and lives forever. What a wonderful Saviour He is. Why not trust Him now?