The Jellyfish

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
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Tom was enjoying fishing with Grandpa in the bay. It was a sheered place, and the water hardly rocked the boat. Looking down into the clear water, suddenly, not far away, Tom saw a strange blue shadow just under the water. It was coming nearer and nearer.
“Look, Grandpa!” he exclaimed in an excited voice. “What’s that?”
Grandpa knew at once that it was a large group of jellyfish. He knew too well also that now they were in danger. If this sticky mass should swim around them, they could not get away. They would be carried out to the open ocean where the big waves would quickly upset the little boat.
Grandpa had strong arms. He rowed toward the shore as fast as ever he could. The jellyfish were coming closer, but so was the shore!
“Row, Grandpa, row!” shouted Tom, his eyes round with fear as he watched the jellyfish coming. Grana rowed with all his might, but nearer and nearer came the jellyfish. Now they were almost to the dock. Another minute and Grandpa jumped out and fastened the boat. Peter jumped out too. How glad they were to have reached the shore in safety. They watched the mass of jellyfish glide by and soon disappear from sight. This great sticky mass of living creatures had not been able to surround and trap them.
These strange fish make us think of sin and temptation. Satan, the great enemy of God and man, would like to overtake boys and girls and trap them in sin. Instead of reaching heaven’s shore, he would draw them out into the sea of eternal judgment.
Life is like a big sea. It is filled with storms, dangers and enemies. Even when the water is smooth and the sailing is pleasant, danger is still right there, like the jellyfish. But whosoever puts his trust in the Lord Jesus shall be saved and safe forever. Trust Him now, dear young reader. He loves you so much that He died for you on Calvary’s cross to put your sins away, and to have you with Himself in His own bright home in heaven forever. He shed His precious blood to purchase your redemption, and He wants to become the captain of your life if you let Him. If He can save you. He can also keep you safe.