The Joyful Sound

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 23
O THAT Thy Name may be sounded
Afar over earth and sea,
Till the dead awaken and praise Thee,
And the dumb lips sing to Thee!
Sound forth as a song of triumph
Wherever man's foot has trod,
The despised, the derided message,
The foolishness of God.
Jesus, dishonored and dying,
A felon on either side—
Jesus, the song of the drunkards,
Jesus the Crucified!
Name of God's tender comfort,
Name of His glorious power,
Name that is song and sweetness,
The strong everlasting tower.
Jesus the Lamb accepted,
Jesus the Priest on His throne—
Jesus the King who is coming—
Jesus, Thy Name alone!
C. P. C.