The Kaiser's Birthday.

The Going.
Regiment after regiment marched past the Kaiser as he stood to review them on his birthday. And as these doomed men went past it reminded one of the old gladiatorial days of the Roman Empire, when the men about to fight cried to Caesar on his throne:
“Those about to die salute thee!”
They were called — these German soldiers — the “death brigades.” They knew they were going to certain death. Many went weeping into battle, knowing their cause was hopeless. But they were driven to the slaughter by the mad ambition and lust of power of a ruler without pity.
The Return of the Troops
Two long trains of locked goods’ vans from Rulers went Eastwards yesterday morning early, writes a correspondent.
Each van was filled with the naked bodies of dead Germans, lashed together in fours with wire ropes, on their way to the smelting furnaces in the Borinage district for cremation, all of them corpses of men who sacrificed their lives to gratify the ambition of their Emperor on the morning of his birthday.
Who shall answer to God for these immortal souls?
The Pathos of the Rank and File
A touching incident is reported. It is said that a few of the Germans met with some of the Allied troops, and they dined together, many on both sides regretting with tears that there should be the bitter necessity of coming so soon again into conflict.
God bless the soldiers and the sailors. Thank God for the Gospels and Testaments and books we have been enabled to send them. God bless the loving friends who are helping us in this. The days are dark indeed — but the light of Christian love is shining. In another part of this number I shall tell you of our efforts on behalf of the souls of the troops and the continued need of help. Please send all you can; never was the need greater.
Can you hear the guns are sounding,
And the day is awful night,
While the souls are struggling, fighting,
Just as if to win were right?
Yes, I know the war is raging,
Agonies beyond compare
On the battlefield and sea waves —
Oh, beloved, let’s to prayer.
‘Tis the cry, “Behold, He cometh!”
‘Tis the nation’s call for prayer;
God will answer through the war-cloud
To your knees, then — everywhere.
Prayer will change a nation’s story,
Prayer will melt a heart of stone,
Prayer will bring the reign of Jesus,
Pray in groups and pray alone.
Pray until the angels, whisper,
“In the world all wars shall cease;
Christ has taken up His birthright,
He is ruling — Prince of Peace.”
M. Warburton Booth.