The Kingdom of Heaven Pt.1

Matthew 13
Address—H. Brinkmann
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Feeding by Singing 256.
Praise the Savior.
Oh, my 30.
All we have had more.
It like it's over.
There, still believing.
Tell me.
Leaving from the joy to win.
Then we can be where we were.
Being and renowned.
What we just.
Think now.
Oh no. I love me. So now we are.
I had the desire to look into.
The subjects of the Kingdom.
And what particularly the Kingdom of heaven?
And we need more than one hour to take up that subject. But.
To begin with, I think what is important to see is that the Kingdom of God seems to be a general term.
And the Kingdom of heaven more particularly refers to.
The character that the Kingdom takes because the king is rejected and is in heaven.
But there is on Earth a sphere where his authority is owned but.
That might be that those who profess to own an authority might be male professors.
And they might see those. And there are those that are real, not just outwardly professing to call to his authority and acknowledge him, but in the hearts and in reality.
Belongs to a rejected tribe.
But then I believe the Kingdom becomes the Kingdom of the Son of Man and takes on that character when the Lord Jesus comes back in power and glory and sit upon his throne. We read of that in the 25th chapter, verse 31, the other passages in Matthew that speak of that coming day of glory, but more.
It is the Kingdom of the Son of Man. And then he finds the Kingdom of the Father. You know. That's where the good seed in Matthew 13 is gathered. They shall shine as the sun in the Kingdom of my Father. And when the Kingdom of the Son of Man runs its course, see the Kingdom of the Father where the good seed is and the Kingdom of the Son of Man go side by side. There's the earthly and the heavenly.
Realm at the same time. But then when the sun turns over the Kingdom to the Father at the end of the Millennium, and we have that in First Corinthians 15, then there's only one that's the heavenly or the eternal faith. But what we do find, and this is what is confusing to some people, is that the Kingdom of heaven, the term is used at times.
The Millennium, you know, for what is in dispensational.
Way called the Kingdom of the Son of Mary, but also the Kingdom of the Father at times.
Is used to refer to the Millennium. For instance, in Matthew, when the Lord introduces the Lord's Supper, you know at the time when He eats the last Passover with his disciples, He says He will not eat of the fruit of the wine or drink of the truth of the wine fillet be fulfilled in my Father's Kingdom that very clearly referred to the Millennium.
But I do believe that.
In most places in Matthew, especially the 10 parables that we have in Matthew's Gospel, there are 10 parables that tell us what the Kingdom of Heaven is like or they are the militants of the Kingdom of Heaven. Those parables have their application to the present aspect of the Kingdom while the king is rejected.
But for instance, in the 5th chapter where you have to leave the attitude, the Kingdom of heaven is used for those who faithfully suffer for the Lord Jesus, and then in the Kingdom of the heaven they will possess their Kingdom. It's obviously against the Millennium and the Kingdom of heaven is really a term that you only find in Matthew's Gospel.
And in Matthew's Gospel, why is that term there? Well, because it is the gospel to the Jews. The Lord Jesus is presented as the King of Israel, the Messiah. But we do see that he is rejected, that he is cast out. And not only is he crucified, even before his crucifixion has become evident.
That he is not wanted, and that he is cast out like in John chapter one. He came unto his own, That Israel, but his own received him not as many as received him. To then gave he the power to be, or the authority to be the children of God. Then they believe on his name.
So we find already before the Crucifixion, for instance, that they charge him that he is casting out demons by Baltimore.
You know, and this is really bringing things to a head and the Lord Jesus from then on. This own natural relationship we find for instance in the 12Th chapter after they have made that statement that the Lord Jesus was casting our demons by gospel, that his mother and brethren are outside and.
Then the Lord Jesus said, Who is my mother? Who am I, brethren, it is all natural relationship. And he goes by the seaside by the shore, and gives the 7th parable. And Matthew 13 So let us to see speaks of a speak of the Gentiles in turmoil.
So in unrest, he reaches out beyond Israel.
And goes to the Gentiles and then later on of course we all know.
He speaks in Matthew of that which he is going to form.
Which will take the place of Israel, and that is the church we know of Peter's confession. Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. Upon this rock I will build my church. The peace of Jesus will not have prevail against it. In the 18th chapter he speaks of that which will take over the administrative responsibility, or where is his administrative authority?
Now that Israel is set aside, that is in the two and three meeting in the name of the Lord Jesus, it's a new thing. But what is important for Israeli to understand is that this thing has taken place.
And that there is now a difference. You know, they look for the king to come to deliver them, but they rejected him. The nation rejected him. They were individuals that received him. But the nation is such rejected him. And is this the total end of everything?
No, there is a Kingdom, a kick, and a mystical form, and that's what we have in the parables that describe to us what the Kingdom of heaven is like. Now somebody might say, when did the Kingdom of heaven begin?
I believe that Washington already begun when the Lord Jesus was here.
Matthew Chapter 3, verse 2.
Verse two says and saying repent. This is John the Baptist.
Repent ye for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand or near at hand. That hasn't come yet, but they should prepare themselves for the Kingdom by repenting. Now in chapter 4, verse 17, the Lord Caesar said. From that time Jesus began to preach and say repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.
But the verse that really helps us.
People might argue, and might well be right, that he was still Speaking of the Kingdom of heaven in connection with the Millennium, because at this point when John the Baptist speaks.
And when the Lord Jesus speaks in the 4th chapter, the rejection was not there and the setting aside of Israel had not taken place. So people might argue, and might well be right, that this these two verses do not necessarily refer to the mystical.
Aspects that the Kingdom takes because the king is rejected but now turn to.
The 11Th chapter.
We know that John the Baptist in this chapter sends to the Lord Jesus.
Though he was kind of shaking.
A third one, or do we look for another? The Lord Jesus might be rebuked him, but when those who had come from John the Baptist are gone, who speak very highly of John the Baptist.
And then in verse 11 he says rarely, I say unto you among them that are born of women.
There has not risen a greater than John the Baptist, notwithstanding he that is least in the Kingdom of heaven is greater than he. So obviously the Kingdom of heaven had not yet begun.
John the Baptist wasn't in it, but the Kingdom of God had begun.
The Kingdom of God had begun.
Start to.
At the 12.
Here they had charged the Lord Jesus, that he by Satan cast out Satan were 26 and it Satan cast out Satan, He is divided against himself. How shall then his Kingdom stand? And if by Baltimore, If I by Baltimore can't tell devil by whom do your children cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges.
But if I cast out devils by the spirit of God.
Then the Kingdom of God is come unto you. We also have a verse where the Lord Jesus said that the Kingdom of God was in the midst of them by him himself being there. The Kingdom was in the midst of them.
But the Kingdom of God.
Takes on the character of the Kingdom of heaven because the Lord Jesus is rejected.
So he disowns, as I already indicated, his relationship to his mother and to his brethren. And then he goes by the seaside. Now let us read Matthew 13.
The same day, verse one, when Jesus out of the house and sat by the seaside, and great multitudes were gathered together unto him, so then he went into a ship, and sat, and the whole multitude stood on the shore.
And he speaks many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, A sower went forth to soul, and many sowed. Some seeds fell by the wayside, and the fowls came and devoured them up. Some fell upon Stony places where they had not much earth, and forthwith they sprung up, because they had not the deepness of earth. When the sun was up they were scored, and because they had no root, they withered away.
And some fell among thorns, and the sword sprung up and choked them. But other fell into good ground, and brought forth proof some an hundredfold, some 60 fold, some 30 fold. Who has ears to hear and hear? And the Cypress came and said unto him, Why speaketh thou unto them in parable? He answered, and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of heaven.
But to them it is not given, For whosoever has to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance, but whosoever has not from him shall be taken away even that he has. Therefore speak I to them in parable, because they see ain't seen up, and hearing they hear not either do they understand, and the damage fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah, which says.
By hearing he shall hear.
We shall not understand and seeing we shall see and shall not perceive. For these people's heart is where it grows, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed less than any time. They should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted and should keep. I should heal them.
But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears for they hear. But verily, I say unto you, that many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them, and hear those things which ye hear and have not heard them.
Clearly, therefore, the parable of the stores, when anyone heareth the word of the Kingdom, and understandeth, if not, then cometh the wicked one, and catches away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which we see seed by the wayside. Notice he said, this is he the way?
The seed has an effect, or lack of effect, characterizes a person.
But he had received the seed into Stony places. The same is she that heareth the word, and Anon with joy receiveth it. Yet has he not root in himself, but doareth for a while. For in tribulation and persecution arises, because of the Word. By and by he's offended. He also had received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word and the care of his world.
At the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes untruthful. But he had received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it, which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth. Psalm 100 and some 60, some 30 another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The Kingdom of heaven is likened.
Unto a man Notice here that says what the Kingdom of heaven is like, and that was not the case.
In the parable that we just finished, another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The Kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field. But while men slept his enemy came, and saw pears among the weak, and went his way. But then the when the blade was sprung up and brought forth truth, then appeared to tear also. So the servants of the householder came, and sent unto him Sir.
It must also good seed in thy field, From whence then has its hair? He said unto them, An enemy hastened. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?
But he said, nay, lest why we get off the chair, he Rook up also the wheat with them, let both grow together until the harvest. And in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, gather he together first the tears, and bind them in bundles to burn deck, but gather the wheat into my barn another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The Kingdom of heaven.
Is like a grain of mustard seeds, which a man took and sold in his spear, which indeed is the least of all tea. But when it is grown, it is the greatest among earth, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come, and large in the branches thereof another parable he spake unto them. The Kingdom of heaven is like unto 11, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal.
Till the hole was level all these things fake Jesus unto the multitude in parables, and without a parable speaking, not answer them. Then it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet saying, I will open my mouth in parables. I will ask her things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world. Then Jesus sent a multitude away and went into the house, and his disciples came unto him saying.
Declare unto us the parable of the tears of the field.
Incident said unto them he that show us. The good seed is the Son of man, the field is the world, the good seed are the children of the Kingdom, but the tears are the children of the wicked ones. The enemy that sold them is the devil, The harvest is the end of the world, and the reapers are the angels. And therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire. So shall it be in the end.
Of the world or at the end of the age. The end of the world appears several times, and it should obviously the end of the age. Because the end of the world is when all the elements we've turned up in fire, and this is not what the Lord is referring to. Here the Son of Man shall send forth His angels, and they shall gather out of His Kingdom all things that offend.
And then went through iniquity, and shall cast them into a furnace of fire. There shall be wailing and gnashing of tea. Then shallow right, The righteous shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Who has ears to hear, let him hear again. The Kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hit in a fear to which when a man has found behind us, for joy thereof goeth himself all that he has, and bias that feel.
Again the Kingdom of heaven is like unto A merchant man seeking goodly Pearl, who, when he had found one Pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it again. The Kingdom of heaven is like unto a neck that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind, which when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the goodness of their souls, but cast the bad away.
So shall it be In the end of the world, or the end of the age, the Angel shall come forth and sever the wicked son to just.
And shall pass them into the furnace of fire. There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Jesus says unto them, Have he understood all these things? They said to him, Yeah, Lord, then steady unto them. Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the Kingdom of heaven is life unto a man, that is a householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure.
New and old.
We have four more parables that are familiar of the Kingdom of heaven. Or they tell us what the Kingdom of heaven is like in the 18th chapter and in the 20th chapter the 22nd I believe, and also in 25. But we might be able to touch at them another time but.
It's so important to understand that the first parable is not a similitude of the Kingdom of heaven. Why?
Because it doesn't say that the Kingdom of heaven is lightened unto a man that sows seed and some fell on the wayside and.
It speaks of that which began with the coming of the Lord Jesus and with the work that he did, and especially in connection with him, bringing the gospel soul in contrast to God's ways with men before the gospel was preached.
And I'm speaking now not necessarily distinguishing between the Kingdom and the gospel of the Kingdom and the gospel of the grace of God. In each age the gospel is preached and resolved in people being drawn to the Lord or the gospel.
If you find in Paul's writings, it's an order from life unto life or from death unto death.
And there is really not in this respect much different with the gospel of the Kingdom or the gospel of the grace of God. In other words, before God expects anything for himself and man, he shows the seed, you know, because it has been tried before.
In different ways. And it was proven that there was nothing in man for God, unless there was a special work of God by the Spirit and the souls of men.
And so now by this parable of God as it were showed, and the Lord Jesus in his teaching indicates that this testing of man has come to an end.
It has been proven that there is nothing for God and man, so before there can be anything, the seed has to be sown, and he and Matthew, the Gospel to the jury, is the word of the Kingdom.
In Luke, the same parable. It is the word of God and there are differences between Matthew and Luke because that is not a question of being converted, as a Jew would have to be converted, it's a question of being saved.
And so beautiful these differences. The gospel to the Gentiles, Things of differences, but.
At any time, and even still today, the result of the sowing of the seed has various results, whether it has to do with that which the Lord Jesus and his disciples began, or that which is still going on. This parable can be applied at any time, even today.
So the first thing the seed falling by the wayside. You know this is unprepared ground.
You know many farmers who have made their living as a farmer and they know that they have to prepare the ground before they put the seed in and.
Then there has to be.
The wheat had to be.
Destroyed. So there's all kinds of work necessary before you can harvest, but you couldn't expect seed to spring up, that is on a hard surface where the seed can't fall into the ground well.
This is what that speaks of and it speaks of people.
Their condition, Their heart's condition, being such that they cannot have the seat bring it through. And you know how often the enemy still uses the same tactics of the work being preached, seat being sold. And then right after the meeting he takes, right after the meeting he takes it, Or even during the meeting he takes it away from the heart. Oh man.
I've related the story before.
That when I was a young man in Germany, I would say but.
We came out of the meeting and a man has been in that meeting who had grown up in the meeting. His family has been in the meeting, but they had gotten away from it all together. But this Sunday he came to the meeting and then some of us boys were standing around there talking. And you know what we were talking about right after we came out of the meeting.
Talking about epoxy and the outcome of that Sophocles, you know, instead of being occupied with what we had heard in the meeting, we were talking about a concert. This man was offended and he let us be known in no uncertain terms because he might have looked for an excuse. Who He never came back, to my knowledge. But still, for our own souls, what benefit did we get out of being under the sound of the work when right after we walked outside, we're talking about the outcome of Samsung disease?
But the enemy was busy taking away the sea.
God would have northeast be of no effect in our hearts and whether we are saved or not, I think that's the principle by which we work trying to not allow the word of God to do its job in our lives, in our and then we know of the Stony ground.
You know Stony ground, Stony heart is unrepentant part parts that are not broken before God acknowledging what we are.
But they received the word of God joyfully. And how much of this kind of thing you had, especially in system today, you know they want to accept the truth that God is love. You know they want to hear about the love of God, but they do not want the preacher to faithfully point out the condition of man, that the heart is desperately wicked. Who can know it.
And that we're dead incision, trespasses, that we are guilty before God, that we are lost, guilty, lost, Sinner, and that we have to acknowledge that before God. You know the gospel is repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus. You know they want to even do away with the word repentance. You know they don't want to hear that anymore from the pulpit. Neither do they want to hear the word of sin.
You know, and this kind of misrepresentation of what God is like, not stressing His Holiness and his righteousness and his righteous demand that He has taught His creatures.
Present a distorted picture of God, and Johnson brings the Sinner to repentance.
And they joyfully received the word of God. You know, the word of God at first makes us very sorrowful. And repentance is more than just being sorry, you know, Repentance is really acknowledging what God says about the Sinner. That's true of me. I'm guilty. I deserve to be banished from God's presence for all eternity.
That is thought it done for me and bring peace with joy and happiness through me if I accept that by faith. But you know, so much of the shallow preaching is going on. I had a patient once. He was a Methodist preacher.
And I talked with him. He said, Oh yes, he says I can give a Thurman and fire and brimstone and all this kind of a thing. If you want to hear something like that, I can't do that. But he didn't give it, you know, He did not blame this before his audience.
And this is unfortunately many times what we find, but there might even be.
Preaching a faithful preaching. But the soul might only take that which they like for themselves, and to have that is more the problem. Here you know that they only take what they like and try to forget the rest. And so.
When persecution comes, when they have to suffer for the name of the Lord Jesus, they suppose they belong to him. They don't like that, you see, And then they fall away.
But the thorns and the pistols?
How important it is for others believers. I know the primary application is for an unbeliever. You know that because of the cares of this life and the people of the Richard don't allow the word of God to have any result in the believers heart for them. In man's heart is more mostly for the unbeliever. But doesn't that principle also work in a believers life? What I'm saying is if I'm so burdened with the cares of this life and so anxious to make the dollar and accumulate wealth.
The word of God is not going to be affected in my life, you know, and I found just notice in Mark's gospel that there is something at it that we don't have any master here. The luck of many things. It's not only the cares of his life to be faithfulness of which says why is the richest be peaceful? Because at last meant to flee and give them confidence and distinction.
Secured and so honest support and if this is all that answer is concerned about, but it might fly away. You know how many people have experienced there? But I remember there was a family in a neighboring city in Germany. They used to be very wealthy and they lost it all. And I personally heard the sister say that it was a blessing that they had lost the wall because the wealth had taken them away from the Lord.
And losing it has lost it back to the law.
Well, which is a deceitful and the last of many things. You know, in our day and age especially, there are so many things that are being offered for young people and even for older ones.
Have the effect, if you do pursue these things, that the word of God is not truthful in our lives.
How sad that this is synthetic and that.
People, men and women, boys and girls, are overcome by the snares of safety.
You know covetousness, the desire to possess things.
Doesn't begin with rich people, you know, my grandfather used to say the love of money doesn't begin with a penny with $1000. It begins with a penny. You know how true that is?
You know, and we know how they catch monkeys. You know they have a hole and then they put something inside that, the monkey one. But the hole is so small that when the monkey scraps the object.
Cancel the game out of it and he's caught. But he is too dumb to let go so that he can get out of here and that is off times of safety. Pictures, people leak them down to the road of destruction.
So like I said, I don't believe it makes much difference whether it's the preaching that the Lord himself did or the preaching that is presently going on. You will find these various results. But then we have the parable, the 6th parables that are the militants.
Of the kingdoms of heaven.
You know, I should probably have said that earlier. We must not confuse the Kingdom.
And the church.
You know there's a difference, but the Church is in the Kingdom.
You could probably say the good seed that we find in the second parable at this time is the Church, those who are truly saved and belong to the Lord Jesus. But while the truth of the church is a more elevated truth, if I say and shows a heavenly blessings, and that which we have in Christ in heavenly places, we nevertheless are in the Kingdom and.
Be parable about the Kingdom have a lot to say to us. They help us to be intelligent and to what is expected of us who are followers of a rejected crime and what is not to be characteristic about. And when we look at the 6th parable in Matthew 13, we find that there are two groups.
The first group of three is with the first one given to all the multitudes. But then the Lord Jesus goes into the house and he gives three more parables only to his disciples only to the initiated, you might say, and this is very instructive. It's just like when you look at the book of Daniel, you'll find that there are things that are given in the Chaldean language.
For the benefit of the Gentiles. And then there are things given in the Hebrew language for the Jews, or those who belong to the people of God. Again, you have that same principle there.
But even that which he gives before the multitude, only those who are real, those who belong to the Lord Jesus, can benefit from it. It is to them given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of heaven.
Not to the unbelievers. In judgment, God blinds the people. Seeing they won't see, hearing they won't hear, you know. That's a process in the Old Testament. A judgement for now is judicial blindness, adjustment on the part of God. And he speaks in parables, not to make it easier to understand, but to conceal the truth you know. And only the believers, only those who are true to the Lord Jesus.
Should benefit from it, but he nevertheless says it to all. Now what do we have in the first group of three?
What we have in the first group of three is the result of the sowing of the seed under the responsibility of man, and we find that all the failure, all is ruined. But then we find that he gives the interpretation of the second parable and the last three parables to his disciples, and there we have the sovereign side.
Of God, God's sovereign work that presents the same spot on God's side. It's just like in connection with the truth of the church, into the building of which the Lord Jesus speaks in Matthew.
16 That he will kill the church, and the case of pages cannot prevail against this. But then he says in First Christian that man is building and there is a possibility that there's wood hand subtle coming in.
And he wants the Spirit of God to call one again wrong principle, wrong material being used, and therefore.
You have wooden hand stubble. And so we have that In Matthew 13, the first three show what happened with the sowing of the seed under the responsibility of man, all is ruined. Is that not the history of man? Has man ever been able to keep what God had entrusted to him? No, no matter what time in the history of man you look, you will always find ruin.
And you find that even with the priesthood, and you find that.
With the king being given to the people of God, you find it with the prophets and the church is no different, different and you know.
How sad it is.
To see that man's history is always ruining, that he thought himself to him. And God doesn't recover what man ruined, but in the midst of ruins he gives a pass for his own to walk him pleasing to God. And what an encouragement that is, and what a joy it must have been to the heart of God to find at all these various times those.
Of his people who walk breathing through.
The Lord and he is looking down.
And you and me to see how we are walking.
For me, whether we are walking pleasing to him.
Well, the sowing of the sea.
Let me say this, you find maybe two groups of three concepts.
To find that the two kinds of seed and the two kinds of fishes really speak of the same thing.
What we find, why men slept, the enemy step is told bad seed, but you don't find that with the fishes, although there are doors drawn to shore of all kinds, only the good ones are gathered into that place. And who is doing the gathering into vessels sufficiently to them, of course we find also what is true of both of these parables, that the bad seed as well as the bad fish.
Angels will deal with them for those things. Really Short speaks of the same thing. But the fishes speak of God's Father works that He's carrying on. Isn't that wonderful that you and I might have part in that which God is doing on and that which will stand the fire, that which will lead with His approval?
Yes, this is what when we really understand these parables and get into the good of it, what it will lead us to be exercised about.
If I carrying on for the Lord in such a way that my labor, my efforts, are in line with what we find in the last three parables instead of what we have in the first three.
But we have with the.
Three, and with the treasure and other concepts.
What does the tree speak of?
We have to remember what happened with King Nebuchadnezzar.
Remember he had a dream, and in that dream he saw a tree, and the birds nested in that tree. And then a tree was cut down, but out of the root another tree sprung up. So what does the tree speak of? The three feet of dominion, power, and influence.
Is it proper for a follow up of a rejected cry to want to have a place of permanent power and influence? You know, allow me to mention Doctor Dobson, not that that man is all bad, but he certainly does not understand this aspect of the speech of God. You know, there are many like him who tried to.
Make all so-called Christians join together and become a political force.
You know well they hastered to the tree. And what did you find The birds of the air come and miss the energy. The very ones that picked up the seat that fell by the windside are now in that tree in the Christian profession see that's what the Kingdom will speak. So the sea of discipleship, the fear of Christian profession. You know when king never said Nazar oh I shouldn't say never said that constant Constantine Constantine made the Christian religion the original empire.
And honor the Bishop.
People who were ambitious character witness men sought to get these positions of being Bishop because it gave them power and influence and wealth. You know, these are places, you know, I got to book somebody and Sam in German.
He knew he was going to go home to be with the law. So he sent me some of the books that he had in German and one book was on Martin Luther and his time booked his 2nd and was quite interesting. That historian describes the condition enrolled and in the church in general and also the economical situation and so on. But it's almost unbelievable that he found enrolled. So popes had children, they called them nephews and then they married them to the royal houses in different countries in Europe so that they would have more.
Influence and power, you know, It's really sad to see.
How far the church protecting church has fallen and how inconsistent for those who profess to belong to a rejected tribe. To while he is rejected and has no place here sought, a place of power for the intelligence. That's what's still going on in our daily needs. You're the founders of this country.
Clearly saw that church and state had to be kept to heart, you know, and.
I think what we have now is defying to control and influence and so on, and I believe what will happen.
These militants, fundamentalists, are going to bring persecution upon all those who profess the name of Christ. You mark my word. You know, it's just unbelievable.
To what extent? Some goal in the name of Christ, You know, see what happens in Ireland and throughout the history.
The Church. You know how many murders millions have been murdered?
Under the name of Christianity.
You know and even.
Plugging out the bad sea. The warning was that they might flush the good out with the bear. But isn't it what has happened? You know, as a young man when I left the church history and read that Calvin burn somebody at the stake who was a hesodant teacher denying the truth of the person of Christ.
Ravis reformers, as much as we appreciate for the good that they stood for.
Didn't understand that they were not to deal in a physical way with the enemy of the truth, you know? Look at Swingley. He died on the battlefield. He had changed the source of Harry by the court, the Lord Jesus had said well.
But how helpful in contrast to the street.
To see the treasure in the field, but I got a hold of that as the young man quite a few years ago. What a house that was to do. The followers of a rejected prize should answer to what the treasure in the field, he said. Height said, Treasury appears those who follow the Lord Jesus, it's a hidden character, not that they should not be the light of the world or the salt of the earth.
But not to be in the place of dominance, power of opinion. You know what you see. Right on, Mr. Darby. Soon.
Unknown, yet rather you know.
Many people benefited from.
Yes. They didn't even give credit that he was the instrument that God used to give back that truth. You know, some of those books that have been written like the late Planet Earth, you know, somebody is feathering his camp with what he is digging out of what he said were some yellow books in the attic. That's where the writings of the breadwinner, that which is good in that book is, that's where he encountered it. We can't accept everything that he said he had.
But there are certainly some good points.
But why did they not?
Make much of Mr. Dunn because he was overthrowing with the truth of Scripture their system.
And especially the clergy system. That's why they didn't want to make muscle pain, because.
It affected their blood and brother, you know so. But how wonderful to understand the treasure and the few pieces. You find that treasure. And then we find the treasure, the Pisces. Then he goes and finds the field. Now he himself says that the field is the world, but we do not find that after he finds the fear that he sticks up that treasure.
No, that remains a hidden presence and that answers beautifully.
A contrast through what you have in the tree in answer to what the position of the following of five proceeds.
I'll be satisfied to be a nobody.
I'll be satisfied to be a nobody.
To just.
Satisfied labor.
In the unknown, even the religious world world, you know some gifted men among graduates.
Have accepted positions be the pastor of Moody Church.
The radio pastor of Buddhi Bible Institute. You know, these men have thrown up among veterans, but they look for a broader skill service, you know, and then they accept an invitation, some of them.
To give lectures in churches and addresses and so on. And what actually happened is.
That they would come to a city where meeting with whom they were in fellowship was, but they had to cancel the meetings because this man was preaching in some church building up.
That which they had gone down in Galatians says, if I build again the things that I've destroyed, I constitute myself and transgress them.
In other words, the Lord used brethren to overthrow, they said. He said the traditional church assistance of men had better go back to that building out.
To support it.
For professors, but it is all because they have lost side of the fact that they have to be part of that hidden treasure.
That is a privileged position to be nobody, to be identified with a rejected 5, to join as it were David and the faith and the dollar, you know he was rejected. And in that cave in fellowship and some union with David, David came mighty men of Allah. But the Lord can help us to.
Katie Sainsbury's Before Our Souls and to ask a lot of grace to conduct herself assistedly with the truth of scripture and to act consistent with what is expected of the followers of a rejected crime. Paul said to the Corinthians that they were ruling without him, and he wished that they would indeed be ruling. The day is coming when we will be ruling, but not now. Or do we want to rule?
Without the Lord Jesus.
The place of rules.
And glory will be given to us when he will be in place. You know, the more faithful we know that from the word of God, the more faithful the individual has been.
In following a rested stride, the greater the revolt, you know the Millennium Rewards are given, and it is according to a measure of faithfulness that heaven and our place before God in Christ is not at all dependent on anything that we do. It's all dependent upon the work of the Lord Jesus, and therefore there is no difference there when we are before him in the Father's house.
But I do believe the Millennium will be different, Dependent on how faithful we have been in following the Lord Jesus during the time of his rejection. Shall we pray?