The Kingdom of Heaven: What Is It?

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
To what does the term "kingdom of heaven" apply? It applies to the condition of things during the absence of the King.
Is this a condition of unmixed good? Far from it. An enemy has been at work. He has introduced leaven into the meal. He has sowed tares among the wheat.
Are the tares good? No, they are false professors.
Is leaven good? No, it is evil doctrine, evil principles and evil influence. The meal is good, the wheat is good, the pearl is good, the treasure is good and some of the fish are good. But there are bad and good in the kingdom—in the professing church—in Christendom. Christianity is like beautiful snow as it descends from the clouds. Christendom is the odious and unsightly slush produced by the mixture of earth's pollutions with the pure material.
We must not confound the Church or assembly of God with the kingdom of heaven, or the body of Christ with Christendom. The most disastrous results flow from this confusion. It leads to the denial of all godly discipline in the assembly. We are told that the tares and the wheat are to grow together. True, but where? In the field.
But is the field the Church? No, the Lord distinctly tells us, "The field is the world.”
Are we to root up the tares? No, angels will do that at the appointed time to come.
Are we to tolerate known tares in the assembly? God forbid! "Put away from among yourselves that wicked person." (1 Cor. 5.)
C. H. Mackintosh
The kingdom of God
is... righteousness, and
peace, and joy
in the Holy Spirit.