THE children of Israel desired a king to judge them like the other nations around them.
Samuel who had judged them forty years, had become old; and his two sons, Joel and Abiah, who were his successors, walked not with God as did their father, but turned aside after lucre, and took bribes and perverted judgment.
So the elders of Israel came together to Samuel, and asked him to make them a king.
Dear children, this is not merely a bit of history, such as you learn at school, interesting as that may, be; but it is the living word of God, intended for our learning, that we might know the truth, which we can only, find in His word. History, while it may be true, is not “the truth”. The Bible alone is “the word of truth.”
We see that, in the Scripture referred to, the people had two very reasonable excuses why they should have a king. Samuel, was old, and his sons were unfit to judge Israel after, him.
What better reasons could they have had for asking a king?
There is just one reason why they should not have requested a king—they left God out, and chose for themselves. Jehovah was their king, but Him they had refused.
Do you say, dear children, that you want to go to a certain place, or that you want to have a certain thing in order to make you happy? But, tell me, are you sure, first of all, that the Lord is pleased with your desire and the excuses you make, that you may get your desire granted? The children of Israel made some good excuses why they should have a king, but God had to give them their king, as He tells us, “in His wrath” (Hos. 13:1111I gave thee a king in mine anger, and took him away in my wrath. (Hosea 13:11)); for they had not consulted Him as to His pleasure.
And then, too, they looked out upon the other nations and saw that they had kings, which, no doubt, increased their desire to have one also. This shows what power influence has over us. Perhaps, some little boy or girl has said something, or has done something, or has gone somewhere: and you think that you must imitate them in their words and actions. Their example influences you, and you may, by following it, be led astray from following the voice of the Great Shepherd.
These reasons for wanting a king were only apparent with Israel the hidden cause however was not to be concealed from God. They had forsaken Him and their covetous heart went out after the other nations, to do as they had done in making themselves a king. How serious a matter it is. then, to leave God’s will out of, our desires and plans, when He should in everything be our first consideration. We who are older Christians sometimes may allow the example of others to persuade us also, without first seeking the Lord. And what a shame it is to us, and what a dishonor to Him. If our example be godly and Christ-like, then we may be used of God in influencing others for His glory. You remember Paul said, “Follow me as I also follow Christ.”
What a grief it must have been to Samuel to know and also, to have it told him, that his sons were not walking in his ways. And, dear children, if you have been blessed with a faithful Christian father or mother, and are not walking in their ways, you little know what deep grief you daily are causing them.
Samuel had known the Lord from a child: had loved Him and served Him faithfully walking in His ways.
His two sons were influenced by that “root of every evil,” the love of money, and, with this love, it was very easy for them to take bribes and pervert judgment.
Oh, may God graciously preserve you, as you grow up, from the love of money, and give you to love Him with a perfect heart, who first loved you! Your parents, like Samuel, will grow old, and you will be called upon to take their place, that is, providing the Lord does not come before and take all His own to be with Him.
Do not esteem nor respect your parents less because they are growing old. And above all, do not allow such an excuse to justify you in dishonoring God.
Are you going to love the Lord and walk in His ways, as your parents have done, or will you turn your back upon the Lord by disobeying the commands of your parents and refusing all the advice and teaching, which they have, in love, sought to give you?
Should any boy or girl read this, who has parents who do not know the Lord, then He knows that they cannot direct you in His ways, but HE will direct you, who says,
“COME unto Me . . . . I will GIVE you rest.”
“LEARN of Me . . . . and ye shall FIND rest unto your souls.”
ML 06/08/1902