HOW deeply thankful we are for the kind words we have received from many friends about the “Lamb and Flag.” Several have sent very generous donations in aid of the little open-air service for the Master, and best of all, so many have told us of their prayerful interest in the good work. Moreover, others have sent clothes direct to the Mission. These, we find, will be most useful, especially when the dark, cold days come. Quite a number also ask us what is meant by the “Lamb and Flag.” We wondered ourselves what this designation meant. We find it is a very old and singular London sign, and at another time we may give a picture of the emblem, and tell a little how it came to be used in this great city, at other places besides the “Mission.”
We have felt so grateful for many of the kind letters, that we should like to print them all: but we cannot do this, of course, so we just give three which we are assured will be read with pleasure and interest.
One from Hampstead writes:—
“I have much pleasure in sending you. 2S. to send two poor little children out for the day. I should like two of the poorest and saddest to go, and should be glad if you will tell me if cast-off clothes would be of any use in the ‘Lamb and Flag’ Mission, as I may be able to send some later on, not for small children, but big boys or men.
“I am always interested reading in the ‘SPRINGING WELL’ about your different missions, and have the pleasure of sending small contributions. I think the book is a splendid gospel magazine, and wishing you all success and every blessing,
“Believe me, truly yours,
(Signed) “G. C.”
Another most pleasing communication we have
received from Evesham. The writer says:—
“We thought we should like to help you a little in your labor of love among the little crippled and neglected ones, so will you please accept the enclosed los. for the ‘Lamb and Flag’ Mission of which we saw the account in ‘SPRINGING WELL,’ and read it to our little ones.”
“Their sympathy was soon awakened, and it resulted in the amount sent being collected from themselves and the teachers and one or two friends. One little boy of six sent a special message to you, saying, ‘Please tell the gentleman we are very pleased to send the money, and hope the little children will have a happy day in the nice green fields.’ Another said he hoped ‘the little children would go to the seaside.’ A little girl of seven said, ‘Please tell them we love them all very much.’
“We know it has given them all great pleasure, and we feel sure they will all enjoy their summer holidays all the more, for having tried to make others happy, though only in a small way.
“May God’s blessing rest upon you and your helpers. We trust they may have nice weather, so that the little ones may enjoy their little excursion. They will be days to be remembered as long as they live, and they will not be forgotten by Him who said, ‘Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me.’
“Yours very truly,
(Signed) “S. T,”
Another from Mount Mellick writes:—
“I enclose 10s. for the ‘Lamb and Flag’ to send ten crippled children for a day in the country, in memory of a little afflicted one that is gone home. Please acknowledge in ‘SPRINGING WELL.’
“Queen’s County, Ireland.”
There is something exquisitely tender and pathetic in this last note from our dear unknown friend in Ireland. May God bless her and indeed all our kind correspondents and the sweet children at Evesham who sent us such pleasing messages. We shall give them all to the good workers in the “Lamb and Flag.”
The Secretary of the Mission also writes as follows:
“August 12Th, 1902.
“Dear MR. EDITOR,—Allow me to thank most sincerely the readers of ‘THE SPRINGING WELL,’ and yourself for the further contributions to the Cripples’ Holiday Fund.
“This season I am trying the plan of spending my holidays in accompanying these excursions, and I can assure you no previous holiday has exceeded in real enjoyment the days spent with these dear afflicted children. They afford no end of pleasure by their quaint remarks, in reference to all their observant eyes behold, from the tops of the tramcars, and by their unbounded delight when they reach the greensward of Hampstead Heath, and their young lungs begin to take in the delightful country air. The few hours spent in simple games and in the formation of new friendships are felt by everyone to be all too short, but it is a great joy to look forward to the next occasion, when another happy little party will be brought along by the kind helpers to the same place.
“I thank you very much indeed for the cheque enclosed value L3 r15 od. and for all the kind messages from the young donors, and remain,
“Yours very sincerely,
(Signed) “T B, GIFFEN.”
We are deeply thankful for the kind interest manifested by so many in this work. We only direct attention to it because we are sure the workers desire, not only the physical welfare of these poor neglected children, but also the eternal welfare of their souls. Our Lord went about doing good, and it is a blessing when His own true followers do so too. Last year our readers contributed all the funds required for these special day excursions, and already friends have sent very liberally. If we receive more than is required, the balance will be devoted to the general work of the Mission and to the Holiday Homes Fund.