The Lamb of God

Duration: 37min
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Address—A.M. Barry
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Well, we talked tonight on the subject of the land.
No, the Lamb is one of the most beautiful types we have of the Lord Jesus Christ.
A little neat, mild jungle creature.
There's a picture found all through the Word of God to represent our blessed Savior because he was gentle, He was meek, He was mild, He was loving, and so we have that lovely picture.
Were presented in the word.
And I wonder if someone can tell me what is the 1St?
Sacrifice we have mentioned in the Bible.
Know who offered up the first sacrifice?
Can someone else tell me what kind of a?
An offering he gave to God. Now we can't let one go. Answer all the questions.
Coming out from the girl.
Kind of sacrifice that he brings, because we're told in Hebrews 11 That by faith Abel offered unto God.
A more excellent sacrifice in king five of which he became witness that he was righteous God testifying of his gift and by he being dead yet speaking, I will tell you something that may.
Puzzle you a bit that when you read the account in Genesis it doesn't say a lamp that.
It means the lamb because the lamb is taken out of the flock, isn't it?
And the flock is made-up of sheep and lambs.
So when it tells us that he offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice, we have to think of Abel going through the flock. And what did he take out of the flock?
I think there's a little more, yeah, it says the first thing. I'll be slots at the.
What chapter of Genesis he says that in the third verse of that chapter?
And able and in process of time it came to pass that King brought the fruit of the ground, an offering of the Lord.
And Abel he also brought of the first thing he that's reasonably faith was the lamb of his flock, and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect of the Abel, and to his offering that unto Cain, unto his offering ye have not respect. And Cain was very well.
I see our cane dropped what he had been cultivating in the ground. I'm sure he had a more beautiful looking offering than Abel for a bleeding lamb. Wouldn't be anything very attractive before the lamb just had died and the lovely wool.
Spattered with blood I'm sure the king despised.
That offering and here was his beautiful fruit. We have displays of that, sometimes pictures and sometimes.
Baskets of all kinds of lovely fruit, and what a beautiful sight it is.
Well, what's God saw? And Cain's offering was that he was bringing something that he had worked for himself. It was a just a picture.
The good works of man, that is people trying to get to heaven by their good works, and we can never get there in that wave.
But Abel took a lamb because he had heard from father and mother how they were turned out of that beautiful Garden of Eden. And before they left the garden, God clothing in coats of skin, and that required the death of an innocent victim.
So God had already told Adam and Eve that the woman's thief was going to lose the serpent's head, the one that was to be born of the woman someday.
Was to defeat that terrible serpent that deceived Eve and caused them to lose that lovely garden and brought them into the world. So they knew that much of God's plan. And here was the boy that grew up and he believed what he had heard from his dear parents about this sacrifice.
And he believed and trusted in it, and that's why in the 11Th of Hebrews it tells us that by faith, because he believes.
What God said about the necessity of the death of an innocent victim, and that it was only through one who was to someday come into the world that the enemy could be defeated. He believed all that, and he recognized that he was a poor law Sinner and that he deserved what God had already told his parents.
Would be the fruit of sin.
That they would surely die. And he knew that he married a death and judgment. But he says this little lamb.
Will die in my stead now. I mustn't say little lamb, because it was the first thing. It was a year old.
So often we hear people talking about the little lamb. Well, I'll show you a place or two where we do get the little lab, but not enables offering. Or do we get it in the next subject?
That will bring before you because you take a lamb after it gets to be a year old. It's quite a little, quite a little sheep.
That's why we have labs sometimes, you know, on our table. It's quite a size.
But we want to get God's picture of God's lamb.
As the one who is given as a sacrifice.
For our sins as the only way that we can escape the death.
The judgment that our sins deserve.
Well, now we'll think of another place where we get another story about the lamb.
And I think it's the next place where it's mentioned, if I remember rightly, of course, we find that.
Noah, when he came out of the ark, build an altar and offered sacrifices. Abraham built altars and offered sacrifices. But they want to have a place where we get about a land being offered, land being sacrificed.
Where is that?
Well, yes, you're right. You made me think of something.
Yes, there was a RAM, really. But I'm glad you mentioned that a RAM caught in the thicket by the horn.
And you know what? That's nice. Don't be scared between asking that. That's nice and deep. Because.
When Abraham and Isaac were on their way up to the mountain where God told Abraham that he must OfferUp his son as an offering and a burnt offering, Isaac said to his father, says, Behold, my father hears the wood, here is the fire, where is the land for rent offering?
Abraham said My son God will provide himself the lamb.
But the ram you know is the is the daddy lamb. The he's the father of the flock.
Just as you is the mother, as the mother sheeps around as the daddy sheep and then the lambs. They're like the little children that are the members of the household.
So Isaac was concerned about who that where they were going to get that land and that is really something we can think of in this way.
I have to the fact that God was going to provide himself a lamb, and we know that lamb was the Lord Jesus.
Well, if we go on to the passage that I was thinking of, it was one terrible night in Egypt when the death Angel was surpassed through all the land.
And the first born?
Brother and the family was to die that night, and Moses had been to Pharaoh, the king of the land, and told him what an awful judgment was about to fall on his people. But he wouldn't believe it, although he'd had many warnings. But now God was providing a way that his own people might escape that.
And they were told.
About taking a little animal and killing it and putting it blood on the doors of their houses.
I'm going to ask the girls at this time the question probably about little, I say again, a little animal. I'm a school correct myself again, it was a year old. Let's turn to the 12Th chapter of.
Third verse Speaking on the wall. The Congregation of Israel.
Saying, In the 10th day of this month, they shall take to them every man of lamb, according to the houses of their fathers, a Lampern house.
And if the household be too little for the lamb, let him and his neighbor next to his house take it according to the number of souls. Every man, according to his eating, shall make your account for the lamb. Your lamb shall be without blemish. Now here's where we get the size of the land. A male of the first year, that is, it was a year old.
You shall keep it up, take it out from the sheep or from the gold, and Jesus shall keep it up until the 14th day of the same month.
Assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening, and they shall take of the blood and strike it on the two side posts, and on the upper doorpost of the houses were in. They shall eat it, and they shall eat the flesh in that night Rose with fire with bitter herbs, and unleavened bread with bitter, with unleavened bread and with bitter herbs.
And then you read in the.
In the 12Th verse.
And I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the first born in the land of Egypt. Then you read in the 13th verse, and the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you.
So this land is again a picture of the Lord Jesus and the Spirit of God would so definitely bring before us the person of Christ that when it came to killing the lamb, they must have been thousands of lambs killed that night because every family and maybe a small family.
Would take a lamb together, Yet it says this, that ye shall kill it Nothing.
Yeah, well, the Spirit of God wants to to think about his land that was to come, whose blood would shelter our poor guilty souls from the awful judgment that our sins deserve. And that night when the Angel of death went through the land of Egypt.
What he was looking at was not how.
Nice these boys look.
Hot good little boy, these boys wearing these houses. The Angel was looking at the door with the inward blood on the door of that house.
If you saw blood on that door, on the upper door post, on the two side post when you pass right over the house and the oldest son was spared and at midnight there was an awful cry heard. Oh, this thing a lot of terrible things for that. We've been in Detroit.
That someone died in every house. The oldest boy was lying there.
Cold and death. He just died. Wouldn't that be a terrible thing?
Never forget when the First World War was the first taking the young man to the draft and took a young fellow to the train that was going to take the soldiers to the have off for training and there was a large crowd gathered there.
The mothers and fathers with their boys and sweethearts with their boyfriends.
Around this depot and way in the night, finally this long train pulled a full such a long line of cars. And when that train came round the curve and the people saw the time had come, their boys must go.
One of the most distressing things I ever heard was the most.
One of the saddest wheel that started that weeping, wailing, crying and boys were being taken from them. Some boys that I knew and had played with never came back and went off to their death.
But that was just a little picture of an awful night that was in Egypt when it was dead in every house. Who was the Lord, King, King. Would there be any left behind?
Not sheltered by the precious blood of God's dear Lamb, the Lord Jesus.
Remember this verse, It says Jehovah said when I see the blood doesn't say when you see the blood. It says when I see the blood I will pass over you. And then there's another thing we must remember, and that is the very lamb whose blood was on the doors of their houses was the food for the family that night.
They were all feasting on the lowest lamb whose blood sheltered them.
From the terrible judgment that fell upon the land of Egypt. Well, tomorrow, should the Lord tarry, some of us will be together thinking about the Lord Jesus dying on the cross. And the loaf on the table and the cup on the table speaks to us of His precious body, in which He suffered for our many sins long ago.
So what shelters us from judgment is what?
Is the.
They have food for our soul, for remember, our souls need food as well as our bodies. We couldn't live long as we didn't.
Have our our meals, our three meals where we depend on that for our bodies to, to, to.
Be in health and strength. Well, we have souls. Let's remember that, boys and girls.
If the things of Christ is found in his precious word.
That feed your soul just the same as your bread and your.
Made them. The various things you enjoyed at the table are the are what is provided for your bodies.
Well, we must hasten on in this subject, but I want to call your attention to something in the 28th chapter of Exodus now. No, it's the 29th champion and the.
38th verse of the 29th chapter of Exodus.
Now this is that which thou shalt offer upon the altar.
2 lands of the first year, day by day continually notice carefully, and one lamb shall ioffer in the morning, and the other lamb shall thou offer in the evening.
Then you get what they were to offer with the land. And then in the 40th second verse it says there shall be our continual burnt offering throughout your generations at the door of the Tabernacle of the congregation before the Lord.
Where I will meet you, to speak there unto you.
Well, that's a beautiful picture for us too, for our daily life, for there was a lamb in the morning and there was a lamb in the evening.
Let's apply that to our daily life, for it means that we're to begin the day with Christ.
We all get on our knees in the morning before we start the day.
I don't mean just merely for the family time when you read the Bible and when you have.
Have the family prayer, but it's a wonderful way to for young people as well as older people to begin the day before the Lord.
Or you're talking to God, dear Lamb.
And God the Father, who gave his Lamb for our needs, and then at the close of the day, the same Lamb.
He has a way to close the days as we go on our way. So let's just remember that lesson. A lamb for the morning and a lamb for the evening.
There's just one portion that you might might call attention to in the palms.
The 141St Psalm.
The second verse of the 141St Psalm. Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. That's the Lamb for the evening. So it shows that.
The Lamb looked at in this way especially and in this scripture connected with prayer.
That is the lifting up of the hands and prayers like the evening sacrifice.
Where God's land is brought before our souls.
Well, I just mentioned that in passing. And now if you'll turn over to the 7th chapter of First Samuel, I told you I was going to show you a place where we do actually get a little land, so.
We turn to First Samuel Chapter 7.
Well, in the first part of this chapter we get the children of Israel coming together at Minsk. They drew water in the sixth verse and poured it out before the Lord, and fasted said, We have sinned against the Lord.
Well, there were Philistines who were their enemies when they heard that the children of Israel were gathered together in this, the Lords of the Philistines went up against Israel. And when the children of Israel heard it, they were afraid of the Philistines. And the children of Israel said to Samuel, Cease not to cry unto the Lord our God for us, that he will save us out of the hand of the Philistines.
Now let children carefully and see what kind of a lamb this lamb was.
And the ninth verse. And Samuel took all the lamb of the first year. Notice that.
Samuel took a ******* lamb and offered it for a burnt offering wholly unto the Lord.
And Samuel cried unto the Lord for Israel, and the Lord heard him and Samuel. And as Samuel was offering up the burnt offering, the Phillips Pines drew near the battle against Israel. But the Lord thundered with a great Thunder on that date upon them, and they were smitten before Israel.
Well, this little sucking land is brought in this place.
For a very special reason. You see, they were so cast on the Lord here are these enemies were marching against them, and they were so helpless, and they had no.
Protection And Samuel takes this little lamb, this little sucking lamb.
And offers it wholly to the Lord for a burnt offerings. You know when we are fairly dependent on the Lord Jesus for health. It's just like having that little sucking lamb before us because it gives us the most beautiful picture of our our Lord and Savior as the one who.
Was always dependent upon his father for everything.
You can say I do always those things that please him. And let's remember that when we're weak, the scripture says, then I am strong. That is, if we're cast entirely upon the Lord instead of depending on our own wisdom, our own strength to gain the victory or defeat the enemies. For, you know, we have lots of enemies.
Satan is against the world, against us.
The flashing side of this is against us, but when we are just helpless in the large presence and looking to Him as that one who has given us that perfect pattern of.
True, absolute dependence on His Father's will. Then it's just like it was that day in Israel. The Lord thundered with a great Thunder.
And the enemy was defeated.
Now we are just going to speak about the time when the Lord Jesus.
Was presenting himself for the first time to our repentant people.
And you read of it in the Gospel of John and the first chapter.
You see, John had been baptizing people that were repenting of their sins, and they were.
Really trouble about their ways, and it was a true and wonderful work of repentance among the people of Israel. And then he told them after he had baptized so many and they were really exercised about their ways, about the coming Messiah, the Savior who was to present himself. And he told them that he was this one who was coming with so great.
He says I'm not worthy to stoop down and unloose the latches of his shoes.
One day the Lord Himself came to that company, and as John looked upon him and saw him approaching him, he thus uttered these words. Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world, just as old John, with the view of old many sacrifices, all those lambs that had died and been offered on Jewish altars.
Was now the actually.
There before him.
And as he presents him to the nation of Israel, he says, there's the Lamb of God, the one that all your sacrifices pointed to. That's the one that taketh away the sin of the world. And then here he says.
When he was.
Was looking upon Jesus in the 36th verse and.
Looking upon Jesus as he walked, he said Behold the Lamb of God.
And the two disciples heard him speak.
And they followed Jesus.
On that occasion he said nothing about his bearing away the sin of the world.
He was just occupied with the loveliness a lot less. And what? And his heart gave expression to the delight of his soul. He just explained, not to talking to anyone, but just expressing what filled his heart with joy. He says, behold the Lamb of God. And then we find two of his disciples leaving John to follow Jesus.
Now when we get to the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible.
And the 5th chapter.
There's a great story in heaven.
Well, this looks on to the time when all the redeemed will have been caught up to heaven.
And remember, that door will have closed forever.
For those who have the fever, they'll go in and those that are not safe will be left outside. But now we're looking at a company up in heaven, and the judgment of this world is about to take place in this 5th chapter. And the question is, who could open that book that is seen there in heaven?
Sealed with seven seals and no one was found.
In heaven or on earth or under the earth, no one was worthy to open the book.
Until one of the elders tells John.
Weep not, for John was weeping. That's the fifth verse. Behold, the lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David hath prevailed to open the book, and to lose the seven seals thereof. And I beheld and looked, and lo, in the midst of the throne, and of the four beasts, in the midst of the elders.
Does it say it stood a lion? He said This one who had prevailed was the lion of the tribe of Judah. But did he see a lion?
He said I saw a lamb. You can't think of two creatures more opposite than a lion and a lamb. Kenya, the lion is savage, devils is praying, is a fierce animal with a terrible roar. Whereas a lamb is the gentlest of all. And and yet the Lord Jesus was both. He was the one who was to execute judgment.
But he was also the one who came in love and grace and humiliation to save us, and He saw this one as a Lamb that had just been slain, as though the cross and his sufferings had just taken place at that time.
So fresh is the subject of the cause of Christ to heaven, and it was just as though it was the event that had just transpired.
I want to say this, and you can look it up sometime, that all through the Book of Revelation you get many references to the Lord Jesus as the Lamb. And in every case, I believe this is right. It's a little lamb.
That dependent one that was like the sucking lamb that Samuel offered when they were in distress. It's always the little lamb.
In the Book of Revelation, but when we get to the end of the the book in the 19th chapter, this.
Lovely stories here about the wedding in heaven. This is going to be a wonderful wedding.
There was a wedding on earth like it.
The marriage of the lamb.
To people that have been gathered out of this world and are caught up to heaven when the Lord comes in the air and it called his bride.
Well, it speaks of it in this way. If you look at the 19th chapter and the seventh verse, He says, let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him, for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. Why doesn't it say the bridegroom here?
Why doesn't it speak of him as the king? All those titles?
Would would give us the same one, the blessed Lord, but why in connection with the marriage in heaven?
Here's the bride here spoken of.
In connection with the land, I believe it's for this reason, beloved, that.
We who know the Lord as our precious Savior are going to have a special nearness and dearness to Him in heaven that can only be expressed by the marriage union. And in thinking of that marriage union, we're to be united to Him in His victim character, for the Lamb speaks.
Our Savior as the victim that went into death and judgment in order that we might be redeemed and, and share his glories and share his place and that place of intimacy and nearness to Himself. And you know, the last mention of the Lamb in the Bible is in the 22nd chapter of Revelation.
And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. Notice to the third verse.
And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and of the lambs shall be in it, and His servants shall serve him, and they shall see his face, and His name shall be in their forward.
So you see, the Bible, as it were, begins with the land, like the lamb for the morning and the lamb for the evening. So the whole plan and purposes of God are specially connected with His Son and that lovely type, the land. And there in the clothes, as we last get to look into heaven, we see the pure.
Water of life could have just said flowing out of the throne of God, but it says the throne of God and of the Lamb, because that river of water of light speaks of all the refreshment that belong to the heavenly scene. It is not only God who in infinite power and grace will bless his creatures there that have been.
Brought into that scene of glory.
But the Lamb so it just closes with this thought that the precious thoughts of Christ and his love and giving himself for us will be that which refreshes our souls for the countless ages of eternity and left where the Bible closes. Or how important, beloved, to know that Lamb personally, not just as a story, not just.
1005 But one that we can look up to, and like those two that we were Speaking of, that when they heard John say, Behold the Lamb of God, the one thing that was before them was to follow that one. That was the delight of the heart of the one who was directing their thoughts to him.