The Lamb Was Slain, His Precious Blood

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 1
The Lamb was slain, His precious blood
On Calvary's awful tree was shed;
He for the guilty sinner stood,
And bore the judgment in his stead.
He has made peace, He has made peace,
And now He lives, who once was dead.
Proclaimer of that peace to all,
He tells of full, unmingled grace,
To high and low, who hear the call,
To old and young, of Adam's race.
He preaches peace, He preaches peace,
And love divine shines in His face.
Behold Him now, exalted, high,
Upon the throne He took His seat;
Oh wondrous grace that we, brought nigh,
And in Him seated, are complete!
He is our peace, He is our peace,
For light divine He's made us meet.