The Law and Christ

I would say to the Modernist, if you do not believe what Jesus said about the Old Testament Scriptures, if you do not believe His testimony concerning what Moses and the prophets said about Him, if the Holy Ghost has not revealed to you in all the scriptures the things concerning Christ, then it is you that have these earthly limitations—your eyes are holden, you cannot see the beauties of the Lord Jesus blended together in one perfect whole in all the scriptures. The Lord says to you, “O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the scriptures have spoken.” If you do not believe fully and entirely all that Christ says about the Old Testament, you have no right to believe that He ever said to you, “Come unto Me... and I will give you rest.” You have no right to take any promise as true, or accept any invitation given by Christ. If you deny the accuracy of one word of our beloved Lord you deny the accuracy of all.
As it was with the law given at Sinai, if you broke one law you were guilty of all; so if you sin in one thought about Christ, you must take your place with the unbelievers.