Address—C.H. Brown
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Let's read in Galatians Galatians 2 Chapter and the 16th verse. Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus. Law 219 cry through the law, am dead to the law, that I might live under God in the third chapter.
And the tenth verse as many as are of the works of the law.
Are under the curse, for it is written. Cursed is everyone that continueth, not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them, but that no man is justified by the law and the sight of God. It is evident, for the just shall live by faith, and the law is not of faith.
7th of Romans 14, Sixth of Romans and the 14th verse.
For sin shall not have dominion over you, or you are not under law, but under grace.
14th verse of the next chapter, Chapter 7. Reminder of the 12Th. Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just and good was then that which is good made death unto me. Far be the thought, but since.
And it might appear sin working death in me, but that which is good, that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.
But we know that the law is spiritual. But I am carnal, sold under sin. Now the reason I read these verses is because in taking up the subject of the 10 commandments, there might be a tendency on the part of some to think that I was taking them up in a legal way, as though I had in mind to put anyone.
Under law does anyone thing clear?
In the Word of God it is that in Christianity we are not under law in any form whatsoever.
Were under grace.
Poor pure, unadulterated grace.
But if we turn over to the 20th chapter of Exodus, we will find ourselves.
In the presence of the August law, the 10 words.
Solemn words that came from Sinai. Our thought is to trace these 10 words.
As we find.
Their corollary.
In the New Testament.
Or in Christianity.
There are 10 commandments, 8 of them are negative.
Two of them are positive.
Nine of them are moral. One of them is ceremonial.
God's nature never changes.
So we can expect any of them that are moral in character to have their replica.
Somewhere in Christianity. And so they do, as we'll see. The first one we find in the third verse of the 20th chapter of Exodus.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me that stands at the head of the list.
That's fundamental. You can't have Christianity. In fact, you can't have Judaism either on any other basis.
They also have no other gods before me.
Now let's turn to 1St Corinthians 8 chapter First Corinthians 8.
The end of verse 4.
There is.
None other God but one. This is Christianity now, not the law of Moses, but Christianity.
For those there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth.
As there be gods many and Lords many.
That is according to manner of thoughts.
But to us there is but one God.
The father of whom are all things, and we for him.
And one Lord comma 1 Lord comma Jesus Christ.
By whom are all things, and we by him. Now that is the.
Standard of Christianity there is one.
When the Jehovah Witness comes around to your door and challenges you on that, you can just give him that verse and say no.
We own but one God.
Or that one God may be pleased present himself.
In one of three persons, but there is only one God.
So here he is presented as the Father, one God the Father.
And then he is presented as one Lord Jesus Christ. You remember Thomas was asking the Lord to show us the Father.
He said why have I been so long time with you?
And yet, saith thou showest the Father, perhaps you better read the 14th of John.
Philip, I was mistaken. Philip eighth verse John 14. Phillip saith unto the Lord.
Lord, show us the Father, and it suffice with us.
Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you yet? Hast thou not known me, Philip? He that hast seen me hath seen the Father. And how sayest thou then showest the Father? Believeth thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak unto you, I speak not of myself, but the Father that dwelleth in me.
He doeth the work.
Now John's first epistle in the last chapter on the 20th verse.
We know the Son of God has come, and hath given us an understanding that we may know him that is true.
And we are in him. That is true even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God.
Eternal life.
Oh how death clean cut clear are these pronouncements. Jesus is God.
Yes, in Christianity we know but one God.
Sometimes he's manifested as the Spirit, sometimes he's manifested as the Father, sometimes he's manifested as the Son.
But there is but one God.
So we find ourselves in Hardy accord in Christianity with the first of the solemn 10 words that were given to Moses.
We haven't taken anything away from them at all. There they stand, just as solid and majestic as ever.
Well, going back to the 20th of Exodus, you'll take the 2nd commandment. Now fourth verse, thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath.
Or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them. For I, the Lord thy God, have been jealous. God.
Visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children under the third and 4th generation of them that hate me and showing mercy under thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
Now in First Corinthians, let's turn to it the 10th chapter and the 14th verse.
Wherefore, my dearly beloved?
Lee from Idolatry.
Well, that word idolatry.
Means worshipping idols. Seventh verse of that same chapter.
Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them.
As it is written, the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play. Flee from idolatry. We're living.
That period that is readying itself for the man of sin, the world is going to plunge into the most awful idolatry that it is ever known.
That will be true of the Jewish nation. There will be 7 times as deeply involved in idolatry as they've ever been.
And the rest of the world will follow right along.
You can see signs about you that the world is getting ready for this.
One of us ever struck you as you go through a dime store.
Department store, any kind of a store today.
The vast increase in the number of figurines.
Statuettes that are on sale in every home you find them up in deer matter where we're staying at present. I noticed that in one of the store windows.
Not only selling statuettes and figurines, but I find they're actually selling.
Exact replicas of heathen idols. You can buy one, it's an exact copy.
All this is moving in the direction of having all the material ready.
When man gets to that place where he's cast off the knowledge of the true God.
You fall down and worship an image.
We mustn't think that when he does that it is just a harmless little piece of burnt clay that he's worshipping.
For behind every heathen idol is a demon.
It's really demon worship is what it is.
So we find in the passages that we've read here in the 10th chapter, First Corinthians a solemn warning to flee idolatry. Run away from, don't tamper with it, run away from. So Christianity has no quarrel with the 2nd Commandment.
And the 10th?
We find it repeated as one of the exhortations given to us.
So now back to the 20th chapter of Exodus. This time we read the seventh verse.
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
Well, the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
While keeping this 20th chapter in hand, let's turn over to the book of James the second day, 5th chapter James five, and the 12Th verse James 512.
But above all things, my brethren, swear not neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath.
But let your yeah be yeah, and your nay, nay, lest ye fall into condemnation. Christianity has no quarrel.
With the law of Moses on that point, does it?
Where not at all.
An odd thing, that.
Some of the religions about us that profess to be Christian.
Have in their membership millions of people that readily take the name of God and Christ in vain. It seems to be part of their religion to do it. It's characteristic of them.
But I'm talking to those with more light, more knowledge.
I do not believe there is anyone in this room.
That takes the name of God, or of Christ or the Holy Spirit in vain.
No, I do not believe it.
But notice that.
James and that exhortation.
He goes beyond that.
My brethren, swear not neither by heaven nor by earth, nor by any other oath, but let your yay be yay, and your nay name, lest you fall into continue.
I wonder how many of us here can plead innocent now as we face.
That exhortation of James.
If you were to look in Webster's dictionary under the word oath.
You'll find there another word suggested.
It's called minced oath.
Look it up if you care to.
Webster's Dictionary takes cognizance of the fact that there's a polite way to swear.
A polite way to use profanity.
And it's a grievous thing when you find Christians.
Falling into that hat.
I went into a meeting.
A few years ago, now maybe 5-6 years ago.
And the brother was very, very kind to me. He had only been recently gathered.
He was very kind and thinking about in his car.
But I was distressed at this dear man's conversation.
It was interspersed over and over again with mint stoves.
So I took an opportunity to speak with him about it. I said, brother, I had been in the meeting a long time.
And I've never in my life been in company with anyone that talked as loosely as you do in your everyday conversation.
He took what I said very nicely. He thanked me for it.
And I visited him not over a year ago in his home.
I didn't hear one syllable of that kind of thing from.
I have a little pamphlet here with me. It's called Mint Stoves. It's put out by the good news publishers.
Wells St. in Chicago. Thought perhaps you'd bear with me if I read one paragraph from it. The commonly used interjection is G. It is capitalized and Webster's New International Dictionary and given this definition.
A form of Jesus used in minced hodes. 2 Common words and their definition.
Are these cool? Golly, a euphemism for God used in mint stoves?
Gosh, a substitute for God used in mint stoves, Darn darn are said to be colloquial euphemisms for dam and damned. Persons who allow their lips to utter gosh darn quite freely would be shocked if they realize the real meaning of the word.
To gain the victory in this matter of full obedience to our Lord Jesus.
We need to make the prayer of David our daily petition. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in my sight. Oh Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.
I think of you young people especially.
Form clean habits of speech while you're ill.
When you're young is the time.
To form your habits of speech.
Never allow anything of this kind to creep in to your utterances. Guard your heart, there's no excuse for it.
Warned in the Word of God. Above all, let us keep our speech in the home, in the factory, in the shop, on the street. Let us keep it chase and pure, such as may stand the examination at the judgment seat of Christ. Back to the 20th of Exodus. Now we are ready for the 4th commandment.
Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
Now I'll have to confess that I'm absolutely unable to produce you.
Anything that answers to that commandment in Christianity? Here's where I have to say.
It just isn't there.
It isn't to be found. Remember the Sabbath day? That's the 7th day to keep it holy.
If you'll search through your New Testament.
I think you'll find that after you get through the historical part of it.
The Gospels and the Acts.
That you'll only find the word Sabbath spoken of once and there it's to condemn it. That is for the Christian nor were delivered from that sort of thing. I believe it's Colossians. Try that anyhow, you're licensed too and 16.
That no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holy day.
Or of the new moon.
Or the Sabbath days. Now, as far as I know, at the present moment, that's the only place you can find that anywhere in the Epistles.
Which are a shadow of things to come.
But the body is of Christ, a shadow.
But the body is of Christ.
Well, who wants to play with the shadow when we have the reality?
No, there is no 7th day of rest in Christianity. What's more, let's put it this way, there's no Sabbath in Christianity. We can't say, well, we change the Sabbath if you want to play into the hands.
I was 70, Adventist.
Who tries to talk to you? Just tell him that the Sabbath was changed.
And you've just practically surrendered to him. You've just given yourself over to him.
He has you now.
He can show you all through the word of God that the Sabbath was the 7th day.
And you try to tell him that it was changed. Well you will have to show him from scripture where it was ever changed.
And that's an impossible task, nor we'll have to wait for our Sabbath brethren. Now if you'll turn to the 4th chapter of Hebrews.
We find something about that Hebrews 4.
Third verse.
For we which have believed to enter into rest as he said.
Ninth Verse. There remaineth, therefore a rest to the people of God.
11Th verse.
Let us labor, therefore, to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief now in all three of those scriptures.
The rest is presented as something that is still future. It still lies ahead.
And it is that to which we are moving on the rest.
At the end of the journey.
No promise of arrest here.
It's true that we do get rest of conscience. Come unto me all labor and are heavy laden, and I'll give you a rest.
Rest of conscience, yes.
But as far as finding a Sabbath day when we cease to work?
Hold our hands. No, we don't find it in Christianity. Some of you brothers that are so faithful in going out with the gospel on the Lord's Day, maybe going down on the street or going out with tracks or visiting hospitals and institutions, passing out the Word and speaking to souls.
I'll dare say that many the Lord's Day evening.
It came time for you to go to rest.
He said. I'm so weary I can hardly wait to get into bed.
That was the hardest day of the seven that day.
You work harder that day, and you did any day of the whole week. Well, that's all right. That's Christianity.
There's no Sabbath in Christianity. Our Sabbath.
Lies at the end of the journey.
To me, it's sad that we who have been taken out from under this ceremonial law.
This is the one commandment that's ceremonial in the tent.
We that have been delivered from it completely, that we take advantage of our liberty and.
So often use that day for sale. I believe it's a mistake. You know what it's called in Scripture? It's called the first day of the week.
And it's called the Lords Day.
And where you get the name of it given in the first chapter of Revelation, the Lord's Day. I was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day.
The word that's used there.
Is a Greek word that.
Perhaps we could translate it like this. I was in the spirit on the.
Lordly, they are the dominical day.
I was in the Spirit on the lordly there of the dominical day. Now if we go back to the 11Th chapter of First Corinthians, we'll find this.
This is not to eat the Lords Supper, the Lord Supper. Now the word, the Greek word that's used there to describe the supper, it's exactly the same Greek word that's used there in the first chapter of Revelation to describe the day. Not only is this significant, but these are the only two places.
In the whole of the Greek New Testament where that word is used.
So there must be a connection between the day and the supper, the Lord supper and the Lord's day, the lordly day, the dominical day, the lordly supper of the dominical supper, that that connects itself with a large ship of Christ when we come to the history of the first day of the week.
We find that our Lord Jesus Christ arose from the dead on the first day of the week.
We find that he appeared among the disciples on the first day of the week.
We find that he appeared the second time among the disciples on the first day of the week.
We find that the Holy Spirit came down on the day of Pentecost and baptized all believers into one body to form the Church of God on the first day of the week.
Then we find that the disciples.
Came together on the first day of the week to remember the Lord.
We find that the Apostle Paul told the Church of God on the first day of the week.
To lay by them in store.
So that there would be no.
Special gathering together money when he arrived, they were to take care of that on the first day of the week.
All these scriptures go to show us not in Christianity.
The first day of the week completely displaces the Jewish Sabbath.
It displaces it. Not that Christianity is going to present a substitute Sabbath. That isn't it.
How? How wrong it would be, How inconsistent it would be for us as Christians?
To observe the Sabbath.
Our blessed Lord was under the power of death and the grave all during the whole 24 hours of that Sabbath.
Of inconsistent, really absurd.
But all how glorious when we can come together on the first day of the week.
And think of our blessed Lord coming forth from the tomb. See him victorious.
And then witnessed the stone rolled away afterwards to let people look in and see the empty tomb.
Messengers from heaven witnessing, He is not here. Come see the place where the Lord lay, not where He lies.
All wonderful testimony. The first day of the week, the Victory Day.
Or how sweet and precious brethren to have that day.
When we can give him his plate.
And I believe the day belongs to him.
I want to say something to you young folks here today.
You know, I'm surprised as I go around among the Saints.
To find our young people.
Taking the large day, now get that expression, the large day. It belongs to him.
Taking that day for their ordinary task.
Or you say, I wouldn't think of getting out and cutting the lawn on Sunday. I wouldn't think of it.
Maybe someone else says, well I wouldn't think of doing my washing on Sunday.
No, maybe not.
Well, listen, what about you young folks through the earth with your schoolwork?
What about the hours that some of you spend taking the Lord's Day?
To ponder over your books and get your left.
Now that is absolutely not necessary.
If you pardon the personal reference in all the years.
That I spent in the school room, either as a student or a teacher after I was saved.
By the grace of God, I don't remember one out.
That I ever took of the Lords day in getting lessons or preparing lessons.
It just is not necessary if we're going to make the Lord things first. It is not.
Well, you see, if I don't do it, I can't be valedictorian.
Maybe the Lord doesn't want you to be valedictory or salutatorian.
No, I certainly wasn't either.
But I believe you will be happier in your soul.
You wear it, sing it over the Lord's Day.
Well, let's go back to the 20th of accidents again, the 12Th verse 5th Commandment. Honor thy father, thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
I will find if you want to turn to the 6th of Ephesians.
You'll find that commandment is quoted word for word.
Ephesians 6.
Verse 2.
Honor thy father and mother, which is the first commandment, with promise that it may be well with thee. Domest lived long on the earth.
It's quoted here in this application to children, but the very fact that it occurs as the 5th commandment in the 10 commandments shows that it has a much wider application than just to the little children or the children underage. It shows that it has an application to those in the respective position of children and parents.
Whether the children are.
Old or young, honor thy father and thy mother. So Christianity has no quarrel with that command.
It's taken over and given this as that expectation.
Well then, in the 13th verse.
We have the 6th commandment. Thou shalt not kill.
Well, now we go over to First Peter, the 4th chapter.
And the 14th verse.
If you be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are you.
For the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you. On their part He is evil spoken of, but on your part He is glorified. But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or an evildoer, or a busy body in other men's matters.
Let none of you suffer as a murderer.
So we have no excuse to differ with the solemn 10 commandments on that point either.
Murder has no place in Christianity is definitely stated right there.
Then going back to our chapter.
We come to the 7th commandment.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Now let's go to Hebrews 13, Hebrews 13, verse 4.
We'll read this as it reads in Mr. Darby's translation.
It's the hardest let marriage.
Be honorable in all, and the bed undefiled. But ************.
And adulterers. God will judge.
Now let's also look at First Corinthians 6.
1St Corinthians 6.
And verse 9.
No, you're not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.
Be not deceived.
Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves of mankind.
Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the Kingdom of God and.
Such were some of you, but you're washed, but you're sanctified.
But you're justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.
All those are wonderful verses, brethren.
Some of those Corinthian Saints to whom Paul was writing.
Had been in that class of evil doers. Not all of them, but some of them had.
But there were war in the wonderful that there is that precious blessed cleansing and Christianity that makes us clean in spite of all the wretchedness that may have characterized us in days gone by.
Hearing sanctified set apart for God.
You are justified.
Count it as if we'd never been guilty.
Oh pardon my repeating it again, but I've enjoyed it so much.
No, little girl, you know that.
Was to define justification. What does justified means? He said. Just as if I'd never done it in that sweep. Just as if I'd never done. That's what justification is. God looks at you as though you'd never been guilty. Justify in the name of the Lord Jesus. Now notice the whole Trinity.
Are occupied here in this matter.
In the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit.
Of our God. The whole Trinity is occupied in taking a character like that and making them fit for heaven.
But let us never minimize what God's Word says about moral impurity.
************ and adulterers, God will judge. We're living in the last day.
We're just at the end.
And as a general breakdown all along the line, all some of us that are older.
How we've seen it in our lifetime, The standards today.
Are vastly lower than they were when some of us were growing up in our young days, but you who are of the present young generation.
You think that the vileness and corruption that abounds all around us today?
Has perhaps always been the accepted pattern of things.
I can't blame you for thinking it.
Because you didn't live in the older days. But it was not true.
I'm not saying that these things did not occur. Don't misunderstand me.
Where they did occur, there was a measure of public opinion that condemned them.
They were looked at as disgraceful.
But now they are paraded almost as badges of honor in the day in which we live.
The outlook has changed on these things.
So that.
A man can go on and live this kind of a life and still have a measure of acceptability among so-called respectable people.
Ah, but God's standards have not changed in the slightest.
************ and adulterers, God will judge.
Brethren, let's not let down the bars, not for a moment. It's going to be more and more difficult to adhere to the standards of Scripture.
What we must do?
We cannot afford to sacrifice 1 little bit of God's standard of holiness.
God has spoken, and He speaks in the dignity and authority of a God that knows the end from the beginning.
And he wants that you and I shall flee from these things.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Now the 8th.
Commandment back to Exodus 20.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not steal.
Well, let's turn to Ephesians the 4th chapter, Ephesians 4, verse 28.
Let him that stole steal no more.
But rather let him labor working with his hands, a thing that is good that any have to give to him that needeth.
Stealing is contrary to the mind of God, whether it's in Judaism or whether it's in Christianity.
The Ephesians.
Received the highest truth that God gave to any assembly. It must have been that there was a condition there.
That qualified them to receive that high revelation.
And yet, after having taken them into the.
Heaven of heavens, and seated them in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
God has to come down and to the carnal level of the everyday life and say, let him that stole steal no more.
Is outlawed in Christianity. Is condemned.
The law stopped there, it said, Thou shalt not steal. The Christianity doesn't stop there.
Rather let him labor working with his hands the thing which is good.
Now let's get that the thing that is good.
Just because you're working and making an honest living.
Doesn't itself clear you? Are we working at something that has God's approval?
We had a dear brother and the meeting is going to be with the Lord now.
Back in the part of the country where I live.
Now money was converted. It was a bartender.
He was not a drinking man, but he made his living tending bar.
I don't know that he had any trade. What's he to do? Is he go on tending bar?
No, nor did he.
Because he's not working the thing that's good.
He's working at something that would not stand the test of the judgment seat of Christ. So he gave it up and God found him some employment in a certain factory where he was able to provide for his wife as long as he lived.
Working the thing. That's good.
But it doesn't stop there that he may have to give to him that needed We don't steal.
That's negative. We work with our hands. The thing that's good what for? So that we can settle down and have everything nice. No, So we can have to give to him that needed.
You know the word of God speaks about poor Saints.
And there's no inconsistency in the two words. Poor Saints, no inconsistency at all.
Well, we're to keep them in mind.
Now back to the 20th of Exodus. We get the 9th Commandment. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Now we turn to Ephesians 4 again.
And verse 25. Ephesians 4. Verse 25.
Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor.
For we are members one of another.
Oh no.
No more false witness.
No more lying testimony.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy need. Just the opposite. We speak truth.
With our neighbor.
No, Christianity doesn't weaken that. Not for a moment.
Now the last of the 10 commandments we have in the.
17th verse.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house. Thou shalt not.
Covet thy neighbor's wife.
Nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his *** nor anything that is thy neighbors.
Now let us look at the 13th of Hebrews again, Hebrews 13 and the fifth verse.
Let your conversation or your manner of life be without covetousness.
And be content with such things as you have, for he has said. I will never leave the nor for safety.
That is the commandment that flew the Apostle Paul.
He did pretty well with the other nine, but that one really got it.
He couldn't stand up before that. Thou shalt not come.
And this is natural to covet as it is to breathe.
But Christianity condemns it just as much as the Law of Moses did.
Let your manner of life be without covetousness and be content.
With such things as you have or with your present circumstances.
Godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into this world, and it certainly can carry nothing.
Out having food and raiment, let us be there with contempt.
Or the sad tragedies we've seen.
There is Saints of God sacrificing everything to get on the world.
Get away from the Lord, get mixed up in the world, get into positions.
In Congress and inconsistent with the path of separation.
Bring all manner of sorrow upon themselves, upon their family, their children, upon the Assembly of God, because of this insatiate covetousness.
Be contempt for such things as you have.
Now, that doesn't mean.
That if you're living in a hovel, you always will have to live in a hovel. That's not what that verse means.
But it means that while you do have to live in a harbor.
Be content. Don't be groaning and complaining and unhappy while you have to live there. Be content. If God is pleased to give you something more comfortable, thank Him for it. But all covetousness is such a snare.
The Word of God condemns it root and branch.
Let your manner of life be without covetousness.
Sometimes our young people.
Think they've got to keep up with the other person?
If he has that, I must have it. If she has this, I must have it. And so it it. It just becomes one thing after another, one more thing to want.
Well, brethren, the fact that we live in the most prosperous age that the human race has ever known, and we've lived in the most prosperous nation that ever lived, that ever was in the history of nations on the earth.
Hasn't helped us any to keep straight on this matter of covetousness.
Because it's natural to the human heart. The more we have, the more we want.
One farmer backed in our part of the country. They asked him why he was always buying more land.
Well, his answer was I just can't bear it if there's an 80 acres.
That borders on my land if I don't own that 80 acres.
Well, accessed the logical. That's the thing. In its logical sequence, there's no stopping place.
But oh, how different is the Spirit of Christ.
The Spirit of Christ isn't seeing how much we can get.
We are to be by nature and character distributors, not accumulated.
No, I'm not saying that we're all to give away everything we have. There's only one man in the Bible that the Lord ever told to do that, that I know of.
And he certainly didn't do it. He certainly didn't. And the Lord knew he wouldn't do it when he told him to do it.
But I do say that we need to be alerted along the line of justice what we have here.
We are living in treacherous days. Subtle.
And Satan just presents one thing after another and there's no stopping place. We always want something else that we don't have. Well, brethren, that's not the secret that happens. You can't buy happens. Did you count? Happiness isn't no matter what you own or what you don't own. Happiness is a state of soul. It's enjoying Christ.
And I've seen people that have absolutely not a dollar in the world.
Not $1.00.
And they were supremely happy. Their faces showed that they were radiantly happy.
And they had nothing. This world's good.
In Christianity we have.
The equivalent of all the 10 commandments except one.
That we don't need that ceremonial is omitted, it doesn't belong to it.
But we have the other nine not, as a matter of Thou shalt and thou shalt not.
But we have it as the expression of that new nature that we have as born of God.
And you and I are to live in the power of that new nature and the expressive of the heart of God in that way.
If we do so, brethren, we'll never regret it. But let us not forget we are not under law.