The Light of the World

Children—John Kaiser
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Oh come on, it's better than that.
Good morning.
You know, it is a good morning. I know that around 6:45 I woke up this morning and and the drapes in our hotel room were slightly open and looked outside and and my wife asked me what time it was and the next comment was well it doesn't look like it's going to be much sunshine today.
But that's just what we see outside.
We this morning.
Enjoy the sunshine, God's love. So it's a good morning now. We normally begin by singing.
From the HEMSI and we normally focus on the Backpage but we'll take suggestions from elsewhere. Does anyone have a choice as the song is together?
What number?
Number six, OK, let's take a look. Number six.
Uh, we'll just sing the first and last verse of #6.
God in mercy and in unto our world, like in the dark Jesus Christ.
Christ was roofing by 1 forcing.
That was a good choice because it relates to our verse this morning. All right, here's another hand. Yes.
He wants to sing the wise man. I don't think that's on the hip sheet, but we can sing it anyway. I hope everybody here remembers all the verses. Let's try it. Good.
The wise man built his house upon the rock. The wild man built his house.
On the rock, the wise man built is out upon the rock, and the rain is coming down. The rain came out and blood came up. The rain came down as the planet here is from rain every time as the flood, and the house falls in the rocks there.
The blood came on the rain came down at the blood came up. The rain didn't come back to flood gave and the house on the same belt right. So if you'll build on bright to meet the rock. So if you build on brighter in the rock, so which you feel like right here is the rock, you'll be free when the judgment comes.
You will get sick when the judgement comes. You will be saved when the judgment comes on. You will be sick when the child's a problem. If you build 1 price the wrong. All right, it's time for a girl to choose a song.
Any girls choosing?
All right, 14 #14.
All right, let's sing the first and last verse of #14. Have you been to Chief before the cleansing? Are you washed in the blood of the land?
***** woman.
Are you watching the one of the light?
God in the blood, in the whole cleansing blood of the love.
Or your garden on the early white. And so are you born in the blood of life? That's a very important question. Will your soul be ready for the mansions?
Right. Are you washed in the blood of the lamb? I see boys and girls and men and women who are who got ready to come to meeting this morning, all dressed nice, clean.
How about the insight? Are your souls? Will your soul be ready? Is your soul ready for the mansion? Right? You know the Bible tells us that man looks on the outside, but God looks on the inside.
All right, how about another song?
Yeah #11 boy, we're really avoiding the back sheet this morning. That's all right.
Well your Iron Curtain sorry I got that last tune still sucking my mind. Well some someone else please start #11.
All in the storms of life when the clouds are open.
When the strong mind lifts and the Gables reign, will your eye color dress or Fern remains?
Way high to hear that is the full.
Will your eyes be all through the morning light long city of gold, and the horror bright? Will you anchor safe by the heavenly shore, when my sword starts by forever more?
Well, I tell you, boys and girls, something.
The grown-ups here, many of us anyway, enjoy singing these songs more than you do.
Because we've learned.
Over the years, what it is to have an ink in the Lord Jesus Christ.
And it's our prayer that each one of you will grow in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus. And as you grow in the knowledge, grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, you'll your appreciation, your enjoyment of these hymns will grow too.
All right, we have time for one more.
Yes #10.
OK #10.
Again, the 1St and last verse of #10.
There is awesome.
Uncovered. Uncovery.
All right.
Our God and Father, we thank you this morning for bringing each one of us here. We thank you for your faithful.
Wonderful love toward each one of us. We thank you for your word and thank you for your Holy Spirit. We thank you above all for the Lord Jesus Christ who died for us. We pray that each person in this room this morning might have his or her attention focused on the Lord Jesus Christ and solely focused, but there might be a heart hunger.
To know him better.
To enjoy more of what he is.
And we ask this and his precious name. Amen.
Now we had a memory verse. I know, I know for a fact that some people learned it. Who can tell me what the memory verse was for this morning?
Very good.
Now we'll try to be systematic. OK, let's try to be systematic. We'll just go start right here. Go ahead.
What's that?
Like John 812. Very good. OK, I knew why we were looking at pills. You should not looking better. But she'll have the light of his life from 85. OK.
You don't know it. OK, How about you? Oh, you said it all right.
I'm glad you were all he defaulted me to not walk in darkness but has a lot of life. John night 12, OK.
That shall have.
The light.
John Wright.
OK, and the light of the world, she that follows me to the networking darkness and with the light, light of life.
Very good. I am the one as a world. He that follows thee shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. John ate 12. Very good. OK, I remember learning this verse. The child.
When I was very young, I learned this verse too. A memory verse. I said it in Sunday school. So let's open our Bibles to John 812.
Pardon. Did I skip some? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Go ahead.
OK. Anybody else?
I'm not seeing real well on the end. OK, You fell. Yeah.
Considers I am the light of the world.
Neither followed me.
Shall not walk.
But you'll have.
The light of life.
8, 12.
Very good. Anybody else? I don't like to miss anybody. I remember and when I was in study school I learned the verse and I got missed once a week or twice and it bothered me. Never forgot it.
But you know who cares more than you do?
Cares more than your parents. Sometimes you wish your parents didn't care that much. I'll tell you somebody who cares more than you do whether you learn the verse, and that's the Lord. You know that God wants us to have His word in our hearts and our minds all right now.
Let's talk about this verse for just a minute. I want to give a very simple lesson on it. John chapter 8 and verse 12.
Notice what the the whole verse is. Then spoke Jesus again to them saying.
I am the light of the world. Jesus said these words. I am the light of the world. Think what it was to be standing in the presence of the Lord Jesus, a man who looked like an ordinary man, and he said, I am the light of the world. I wonder how many people when he said that, looked up to Winseck. There's the sun up there.
But Jesus was greater than the sun. Jesus said I am the light of the world. He that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. Do you know why the Lord Jesus said I am the light of the world? Because it's possible to be in physical sunlight and still be walking.
In darkness. Now I want to just, uh, just to help us understand a little bit about this. Some time ago I made-up this whole sign here. It's a little illustration of the effects of light, and you'll see why in a minute. Who wants to read this? Front side for me? Gotta read. Yeah, Good, good. Read the front side here. Jesus said I'm the lightest of the world, Jesus.
Followed me shall not walk in darkness, but shall but have the lifeline, right? You can read that because there is light here. Now, just to get the idea of the contrast You see, we're in the light. We can see things, we can comprehend things. We have communication. Who wants to read the backside of this sign? Who's going to volunteer to read the backside? OK, well, I'll try you.
I can't read it. Can't you? No, this is the difference between light and darkness.
Once called, we've got information, we've got communication, we have the word of God, and if you don't have that, you have darkness. Darkness.
You know, sometimes, you know, I learned this first when I was very young. I learned this verse probably 60 years ago. But some of the insurance, some of the importance of it, I'm still learning. For instance, it says here, whoever walks, whoever follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life, the light of life. What is the opposite? What do you suppose is the opposite of the light?
Of life. Think about those words. The light of life. What would be the opposite of the light of life? That's a hard question.
But we learn a lot by looking at words in scripture and thinking about what what the opposite might be. What is the opposite of the light of life? So try.
Darkness of what?
No, the the opposite of the light of light is the darkness of death. Death, yes. What an awful contrast.
The opposite of the light of life is the darkness of death. I want us to understand how important it is to have light from God. Now, why do I say it's important to have light from God? Because we all have light in this room. We Let me ask you a question.
Where does light come from? Where does light come from?
And the Bible gives us the answer, Where does light come from? Where does light come from?
Well, OK, yeah, it's interesting. You're right. The Lord Jesus says I am the light of the world.
But there's an interesting verse in the beginning of the Bible.
And I wanna S to think about these words Genesis chapter one, it says, umm, in the beginning, of course, the very the very first verse that God created the heavens and the earth verse two says, and the earth was without form and void. That means it was empty and shapeless and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved on the face of the waters. And God said God said, let there be light, light.
Comes from God.
Now, you know, we live in a world that has all kinds of life. We have sunlight, we have moonlight, we have incandescent light, we have, uh, electric light, we have candles, we have, umm, all sorts of sources for light. We have lights on our cars, We have some people carrying, uh, flashlights. There's all kinds of lights, but in the beginning, light came.
From God.
And it's possible to be in physical light and not be in morally. I'm going to make a statement here that's kind of interesting. I ran across a book recently written by a man who is.
A study of the universe. I'm trying to think of the term, he said. He's the whole of creation. He made an interesting statement. He says. We're interested, we we think in terms.
Of the universe being governed by.
Physical principles. But he says the universe is governed by moral principles. The universe itself is governed by moral principles. And there's such a thing as moral life as well as physical life. And all light comes from God now.
Umm, I want to illustrate further.
The significance of having.
Life umm I need 2 volunteers.
Two volunteers. Well, umm, you've been a good volunteer this morning and, uh, I'll give you a try here. OK, You, you two come up here.
And what's your name? Your ****? And you are Julian. Now I need one person to volunteer to be blindfolded.
Oh, no, it's funny. You 2 Are you only been blindfolded? Oh, OK, good. All right.
I'll make it worth your policy, don't worry.
Now, can you see anything? You can breathe though, and talk. That's good. You can't see anything. Are you in a room full of light? Yes.
Yeah, now let's, uh, let's go for a little walk here.
Umm, now I'm gonna, I'm gonna turn you loose here. I want you to, uh, head for the door.
Are you sure you'll see?
OK, that's good. Is that is that the way you like to travel? No. Now let me ask you a question. You are in light right now, but were you walking in light or walking in darkness?
Yeah, that's because you see, it's, it's one thing to have light outside but not have light inside. We receive light through our eyes. And there are people who walk in darkness, but even though they're in the light, they walk in darkness because the light doesn't get inside. Now I'm going to show you one other interesting step over here. I want everybody to be able to see this here. Umm, I have something in my pocket here.
This is a another kind of dramatic demonstration, I think of umm.
The difference between having light and darkness.
You know what that is?
Oh yeah, you weren't supposed to say that. You're supposed to say yes or no.
Now let's take this thing off, Clint.
You see us holding in front of your face.
With with that of interest to you.
Great to see you.
Because you were blind and you couldn't say thank you very much for those illustrations. Both of you sit down. You got you're welcome, you got your reward there. Now want to talk? Just read some scriptures to help us understand when God said let there be light, he wanted every kind of light, not just physical light, but he wants us to have light in our lives. You know the verse said the Lord Jesus here says.
I am the light of the world. He that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall now tell me if I'm reading, if I'm saying this right. He that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall walk in light. Is that what it says? What does it say?
Have the light, you know, this amazing thing. We have the privilege of not only walking in life, but we have the privilege of having it. Just like Flint there has the dollar bill.
Just like Julie has the dollar building, it's something we can receive. We can have the Lord Jesus that he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. Well, how does that work? Let's look at some verses and there's lots of verses we could look at, but our time is about up. I want to read some verses in.
First Corinthians The 2nd Corinthians, chapter 4.
2nd Corinthians chapter 4 it says.
Verse 3.
If our gospel be hid, it is hid to them who are lost. Now I have a Pennsylvania. I have an idea and Clint can tell me if I'm right or wrong. Right or wrong, Clint, what would you have done if somebody had yelled fire and you had that bandana on?
You probably would have run around in circles. Yeah, I think actually you might have yanked the bandana off. But if you left the bandana on, Yeah, you wouldn't you, You weren't. You obviously weren't sure where you're going. The gospel is hidden to those who are lost. I want to tell you something this morning. If what we're doing here, if what we're about here.
Doesn't mean anything to you. It's because you're lost.
It's a terrible thing to be lost.
And it is possible to be lost and not know. I I used to work in a department store and I saw lots of boys and girls get separated from their parents. Who do you suppose realize 1St that the child was lost? The mother and the child?
Who do you think?
Generally speaking, I think it was the mother.
The parent, yeah, the childhood, I remember being up in the toy department of of a Lazarus department store, big toy department, and the parents be walking through there and the kids would get focused on something. And the parent, the child didn't realize that he or she was separated from the parents. But the parent, which her own is, oh, Johnny or whoever, you know, Heron music conscious of it first, you know, God, God knew.
That we're lost. He says that the gospel is hid and hid to those who are lost, in whom the God of this world has blinded the mind of those who believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. Where we preach not ourselves, but Jesus Christ the Lord and ourselves. Your service for Jesus sake, for God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness.
God can do that, and God can give you life.
God, and we need that money.
God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined.
In our hearts.
To give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the faith of Jesus Christ.
The light is something you can have in your heart. I want to ask you this morning, do you have that light?
In your heart, the light of the knowledge of God, you have that light in your heart. It's a wonderful thing to have that light.
In our hearts we can. That way you, you can be in a dark place and you're still lit inside. Well, our time is up. Let's just thank the Lord for this time. Together, our God and Father, we thank you for our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the light.
The world, the one who reveals your Lord.