The Lord Is My Portion

 •  1 min. read
Thou art Thyself my portion, Lord,
Whatever may betide –
My joy all through the desert way;
My hope until that coming day;
My meat, my think, my strength, and stay;
My sure, unfailing Guide.
Thou art Thyself my treasure,
Lord, my “riches” evermore;
All through the changing scenes of time
All blessings in Thyself are mine,
And in Thy glory I shall shine
When time shall be no more.
Thou art the precious “Lamb of God,”
Who once for me wart slain;
God’s judgment Thou didst bear for me,
That I, the guilty, might go free,
And share the Father’s “house” with Thee
When Thou shalt come again.
Thou art my risen, living Lord;
Henceforth Thy claims I own.
I want to follow day by day
Where Thine own hand has marked the way,
List’ning to hear, and then obey
Thy voice, and Thine alone.
L. W.