The Lord Is Risen

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
HOW bright that resurrection morn
When Christ the Saviour rose
Triumphant o'er the power of death,
The spoiler of our foes.
What cause for joy, that He the Lord
Is risen from the dead,
And now, as Man, He sits on high
The Church's glorious Head.
How great the joy the Father had,
Who, from the silent grave
Brought forth the Shepherd of the sheep,
All powerful to save.
How deep and full the Saviour's joy,
That resurrection day,
In death He glorified His God,
And took our sins away.
And then how great the joy of those
Who did their Saviour see,
Who heard Him speak those wondrous words,
"Peace," "peace be unto thee."
And O! since then, how great the joy
So many more have known;
Since He who broke the bands of death
Is now upon the throne.
And soon the glorious day will come,
When others are to share
The joy of resurrection power,
And meet Him in the air.
And then, "O death, where is thy sting?
O grave, thy victory where"?
Will be the resurrection shout—
That morning—O how fair !
And then, through that eternal day,
Our praises will ascend
To Him, who broke the bands of death,
Our never-failing Friend.