The Lord Is Your Protector

Duration: 48min
Psalm 34:7
Children—Tim Kaiser
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Before we sing another one, let's just ask the Lord's help. Our God and our Father, we just thank you for bringing us here this morning.
We pray that what's that here this morning would be from you and that we would hear.
And that it would be good for us. And we ask in Jesus name, Amen.
That song we just sang, I just closed my book. What number was that?
You know, I've stung that a lot of times and.
There's some part that I just noticed.
As you journey through life many years.
Or but few.
You know, this is Sunday school and usually.
Direct Sunday school to the kids.
At least parts of it.
And you kids here on the front row?
You guys would be.
The few years, how old are you?
Wow, how old are you?
Hear you 11.
Oh wow, let's see here. So we got the the few years. I'm not sure who I should ask for. I would try Tim Roach.
50 something, 50 something. Does that sound like that's only many years to you kids? 50 something years?
It started as to me.
How about how about Bill Gates 58? Wow.
Maybe I better stop there.
You know, some people here have been living for a few years and some have been living for many years. And you said that you're six years old. And when I sing this, we sang in living and in dying.
All else sledding glow, All else letting go, cling to the Bible.
What does it mean to clean? Who here are sitting full of your younger kids? Who can tell me what cling means?
We don't use it an awful lot. OK, Cameron.
To hold on to something that's right. To hold on to the Bible. And what does the Bible teach us about?
Somebody else. Cameron has already called him twice. What does the Bible teach us about in general?
OK, about God. That's right. Well, we're going to sing some more, so don't worry. And we're going to get to some verses.
But what I wanted, what I wanted to talk about anyways. But this song really brought it out. I want to talk about my brother.
I have a brother named Joey.
And about 20 years ago, my brother Joey was riding his bike with my brother Phil. My brother Joey was 6 1/2 years old, and so he's about about your age. And he rode his bike. He and my brother decided to race out. They started to race down the block to the corner.
And not too much longer before that, my brother Joey had accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior. He had heard what the Bible taught. He had heard about God. He'd heard about the Lord Jesus Christ. And he knew that the Lord Jesus died for him. And he accepted. He believed.
The blood of Jesus Christ cleaned him, cleansed him from his sin.
And there he was, 6 1/2 years old, racing down the block with my brother.
And I don't know who won. I never heard.
But my brother Joey went out on the street and he hit the side of the car.
Then he got thrown up in the air. He landed on his head.
And I remember seeing a little crowd of people down by that corner.
Nice. Remember a couple of neighborhood girls coming back and yelling that my brother was hurt.
And I went out and I saw my brother.
There he was lying. There wasn't very much blood, but he said lying there, it looked like he was asleep.
And I watched my dad.
Come running out with a first aid kit.
My brother had had massive head injury. His his his brain was damaged.
And he wasn't going to live. My dad came out with a first aid kit.
Which he couldn't do anything.
He couldn't help my brother and I saw him kneel down next to my brother and he couldn't do anything.
He loved my brother very much.
But my dad couldn't help him anymore.
My dad took care of him for 6 1/2 years.
And my mom, and they loved my brother.
God allowed. God took my brother home to be in heaven with him.
And this song we just sang as your journey through life, whether it be just a few years or many years.
Clinging to the Bible.
Learn about God, learn about His love for you, because this life is very short.
I know that sometimes six years seems like a long time.
But if we ask some of these older folks here.
The life that they've lived has gone by so fast.
And one of these days, they'll die too. The life that we're living here is very short.
But there's a reason for us to live here.
OK, who has another song? OK, I saw your hand up before, so I'll call on you next.
#8 OK #8.
Angry words, all that.
Hmm, maybe somebody else better start this one.
Dennis is actually Joshua, charges Ruth.
You already gave one out. Let's give somebody else a chance, OK?
At the heart, stop.
Who has a verse to say?
Let's just go ahead. You've got a verse. OK, You need help with it. You do. OK. Is it the one from the science school paper? Okay, let's see here. It's Psalm 34 verse.
Maybe I better look at it.
Let's see.
Hmm, I thought I'd marked it OK. Psalm 34, verse 7, The Angel.
Of the Lord.
In campus.
Round about.
Them that fear him.
And delivers them.
OK, did you learn more?
OK, all right, who? Who else wants to say the verse? OK.
You need help.
The Angel.
Of the Lording.
In Campus Roundabout.
Them that fear him.
And delivereth them.
OK, did you learn anymore?
Who else has a verse to say? OK.
OK, that's fine.
The professor, since he used people just to forgive our sins and cleanses from all unrighteousness first. John 19.
Okay, okay.
OK. Anybody else?
OK, Nelson.
The Angel of the Lord encamped all around those who fear them and delivered them.
Psalm 34. Seven. OK, All right, Manuel.
All right. Good job.
That's even better.
OK. Thank you very much.
All right, is there anybody else that I missed who wants to say a verse?
Maybe I should stand up and make sure nobody's raising their hand like this, okay?
I was thinking about that verse.
Says the Angel of the Lord in campus round about them that fear him, and delivereth them, and next first is, O taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man that trusteth in him, and.
So I was.
I like to visualize things and sort of get a picture in my head and I was thinking, so there's.
Says the Angel of the Lord camps around those that fear him. What does it?
Who fears the Lord? I mean, what does that what does that mean? And I'm asking somebody help me out. What does who is it that says the Angela Lord camps around those that fear him?
What does that? Who are the people that fear?
The Lord what's that mean? Can somebody help me out?
I need help.
I mean, if somebody came to you like I just said, hey, what does that mean? What would you say if somebody?
I mean, I'm asking because.
Well, I think I have sort of an answer. You think probably you think you might have too, and I want you to say it first.
Somebody help me out?
Sort of stuck.
We'll start out with, OK, I'll make it a little more simple. What does it mean? The fear of the Lord. It's only a little bit more simple.
Perspective to respect him, OK. And I saw somebody's hand come up.
To respect. OK, so we're so to fear the Lord. We've got something started here is to respect the Lord.
Anybody else have anything else they want to add to that?
I don't know that I do. I that's the one word that sort of is in my head. But I'd welcome anybody that has anything more. Oh, OK, Nelson.
Fear also is.
In a sense, we're scared of what he could do to you. In a sense, yeah. And that's the way we use the word fear a lot, right? And so if we fear the Lord, does that mean that we're scared of him all the time?
Are we supposed to be scared of the Lord? Is that the way we're supposed to be? Is that a hand up or stretching? Okay, are we supposed to be scared? That's an easy one. Are we supposed to be as good? Does God want us to be scared of Him?
OK, Nelson, no, OK, Thank you.
But at the same time.
The creator of the universe.
The one who will be the one who is the ultimate judge.
There is some fear involved because imagine.
The one that created the universe.
If he has to punish us.
That is scary.
But isn't it wonderful that God loves us?
And that if we have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, we've been forgiven of our sin.
Now the creator of the universe, the one that loves us.
We're on his side. He's not against us. In fact, even when even when we have sinned against God, he's not against us. He loves us. He's for us.
So it says, the Angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him. So if we respect the Lord, if we know who he is, and we honor him.
If we've accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior.
We have a protection.
That others don't. You know, there's a lot of people, probably you go to new kids, go to school people and some of you older ones go to school with people and work with people that don't know the Lord. They don't.
Fear the Lord, they don't respect the Lord.
It's wonderful to think.
The Angel of the Lord camps around.
Is around those of us that fear him. That means you can't see.
Here, but I am protected.
There's nothing that can come.
To me that God doesn't allow.
We can look.
Maybe you remember the story of Joe. Let's look at Job real quick.
Let's see, I didn't write down the verse.
But here we have Job and Job Chapter 2 and the Lord.
Is speaking to Satan.
Job chapter 2, verse three. The Lord said to Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job?
And you go down a little bit further.
It says.
One that feareth God.
And if you go down a little bit further?
Oops, I skipped first part.
Let's go back to chapter one, chapter one, verse 8. The first time it happened and the Lord said the statement has not considered my servant Job. There is none like him in all the earth, a perfect and upright man, one that feareth God.
And Satan said.
That Job fear God for not or for nothing hast thou not made and hedge about him?
And about his house, and around all that he hath on every side, thou hast blessed the work of his hands. And his substances increased in the land.
Satan recognized that Job feared God, and God had protected him. Now I want each one of you that's a believer. If you fear God, you've accepted the Lord Jesus as your Savior.
I want you.
You're thinking about, I guess you could say you're imagining, but you're not making something up.
You are protected.
Around you God has put a barrier, says the Angel of the Lord. Camps around those that fear him, if you're a Christian.
You are protected.
By God.
Nothing can get through that, Satan even said right in here.
Satan says, of course Job fears you, you've protected him, you've given him things. But.
He said you go ahead, put forth thine hand, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face. Satan said, yeah, well, if you take away the things he has.
He'll curse you.
We are protected.
And if you know the story of Job, God did allow Satan to go and take things away from Job.
And then Job still was honoring God. He still respected God. And then so Satan came back and said, well, if you just make his body sick.
He said you didn't let me do that.
Then he won't fear you.
I want to connect that to my brother.
My brother Joey was 6 1/2 years old. He was a Christian.
He was saved.
He had a protection around him.
Then why did he die?
Why did my brother Joey have that accident where he died?
If if God is protecting his own.
Why did he let my brother die?
I still just thinking my dad running out, he was the one that was my dad and my mom. They're the ones that are supposed to take care of them, right? They're the ones the parents are supposed to take care of their kids, right? And they tried. They'd even made a rule that my brother couldn't go to the corner because it was a busy St. and my brother disobeyed. My brother got on his bike and raced to the corner and don't know why he went out in the street.
But he died.
What happened to the protection that this book, the Bible says, is there?
This life is short, whether you look at it as six years long or four months long or 100 years.
We have been born into this world, and if the Lord doesn't come before we die, we die.
The length of our life is not the purpose of our life.
The purpose of our life is not to grow up.
And get a good job and get married and have kids.
As I thought for a while, get, you know, not get married and not have kids.
The purpose of our life is not to grow up and have a good job, or to travel and see the world or.
Anything like that?
Why does God have us on this earth?
Why does God put us here?
He says that we have a protection those that fear God. It says the Angel of the Lord.
Camps around those that fear him. And we saw that Job, Satan said, well, you have this hedge of protection around Job, which you have. And God said, OK, I'm going to take some of that away. And there was some bad things, as we call them, that happened to them. And then God took a little bit more away and more bad things happened.
But were they bad?
We don't understand God's purposes. The point of our life is not to stay alive, the point of living here.
To honor God.
To have a relationship with him.
To be a joy to him and to enjoy him God.
Wants us ultimately where Somebody tell me where does God want?
US. Does he want us? Does he want to keep us here forever?
Where does God want us?
With him, can you just say it louder? With him in heaven?
The point of our being here?
Is to honor him.
To when God sees the time ready.
To take us home, to be with him. Life here.
Can be from days, hours, minutes, seconds to maybe a hundred, 120 years, maybe even we in the Old Testament up to 1000 years.
But God wants us with him.
It's very sad for us.
Physical body died, but his soul is spirit, the light that God gave him.
What could be that?
I can I miss you.
When I was governor.
When my brother first died, I was young enough to Well, I knew he was. I knew that I tried a little bit, but then.
Just as a little child, I I saw it clearer, the way you're going to see it now, because I knew that my brother died.
He was with the Lord Jesus.
I don't know, all these adults maybe such a big deal about them.
I understand. You're not. I understand.
I, my father and my first child born and I've been told that that baby is putting my arms.
Off your love.
I want to carry that child.
But we're here. I'm just heard.
Learn about them, learn about us, and now looking forward to being tired. I'll understand you before how long loves Nicky who cares for me. Let's just look at a few verses.
Let's go to Clippings, chapter one.
Philippians, chapter one, verse 29.
For us, you on the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on me.
But also to suffer for the sick.
God loves us.
God sends the Lord Jesus, God the Father said to his Son, If you come to this earth, die.
And we, everyone here has heard about the local organizations and I know this. Yeah, let's hear it.
We also here.
Are called to stop.
We read in our first in Psalm 34.
Oh, the Angel of the Lord can't respond about them.
And deliver them.
Now it says right there we have a height of protection and.
Well, it works delivered and we're staying we're delivered.
That sounds like I'm like a man.
I want to go.
Look at delicious chapter.
In verse 19 followers, he loves the people he's writing to.
He says, My little children, whom I travel and burden again, so Christ before me.
We read that the Lord Jesus Christ as our secret.
We have a new one.
The Lord Jesus Christ.
Is the one that.
It will legend not conscious too.
He's the one.
And I think when I was born again, I was I accepted for Jesus Christ when I was five years old.
If you look at me.
You wouldn't have seen much difference. I was a bad kid and as I grew up I didn't watch things, but little by little I am learning.
It says Paul says here.
High chart outburst is a price before an injury. I just want to look really quick. It's on my favorite verses. I take me a lot of times going so quickly is chapter one verse six being confident of this very thing that he which has done this good work for you will perform so David Jesus Christ.
We're here to honor God. We respect it. We know, we alert that He is, and He has begun to work on us. He will complete it.
Just let them quickly verse 11 be filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ. If we do good, it's him doing this. He's preparing us. He's He's turning us. He is looking for glory for us. He wants us to be an honor to His name. He wants us to have a good relationship with Him.
And just like with my own father, when I was being obedient and I was learning what He was teaching me.
I was enjoying him and it was a joy to be around here when I was not talking, when I was not obeying. My father was publicly or private.
I want to be around. I knew I was on. I knew I wasn't giving him the honor that he was, that he was doing. When you and I are not walking into the border, we are not. We're not honoring. We're not doing what we're doing for.
With these chapter 2, verse 13.
It is God's Word working things both to will and to choose of this good pleasure. God has begun to work with you. He is working in you and He's working in you for his daughter. That's what you're looking for. Your life will be as long as he seems quick. And I just pray that your life and my life will not be spent in chasing the next job, the next grade of school.
The coolest thing?
Trying to get away. Trying to get away from fear.
We are the training round. We are worried about our God. We're here to enjoy Him, to be a joy to Him. He wants that relationship. He wants us to realize that He is. He is just nerdy to take us home from human.
Mike just passed away. That's why I'm standing for you.
He is rejoicing the presence of his voice.
And his family is here.
Serious suffering.
What a joy to know that suffering will only last so long.
Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Had a point I was trying to get to just sort of.
And I'm going to do the rabbit trail.
But I do not want to. I know I just turned around and I do want to go back to the second part of the what was in this high school fever? I.
Psalm 34 verse three. All taste and see the Lord is good. Blessed is the man that trusted them.
If our eyes are only here on this earth, what God does will look awful. It will be completely incomprehensible.
What's the point of following but if we know?
The reason we exist is to be inhabited. He's going to work with us.
He is just girly to bring us to do with it.
Just makes me happy.
Who here knows how to how to harden steel?
You can tell me just quickly, how do you how do you make steel hard?
There you go. OK, that's who here to tell me how they.
I had a piece of once and I beat it up and bought some strings.
And I want to figure out we figured out the research and research research researched it because I love working with medical tools and I love figuring out how to make stuff working.
And so I had that little piece of copper and I I wanted to make that thing hard, so I took.
I went I researched it and found out that copper the only way to make a part is to stretch it or hit it, make it actually change. It has to it has to move and be stressed. Neither of these issues are informed and I if you bet back and forth to the times it would be hard to set and I finally found out that if I I took a little.
Vibrating table we had where I worked and I put a sheet of Stew on it and I took that piece of food out there and it sat there.
Bounced around for hours and just a jarring of it. The kidding that needs to steal actually made it flexed very very tiny way for hours when I was done. It was hard.
You and I, we.
As believers in Lord Jesus Christ, we have new blood. Christ is being born in us. We're all very different. Can't take you. If you take iron and heat it up and put it in water, you get hard, take half and do the same thing and turn soft. You and I were very good. God deals with each one of us. Typically what works with one person doesn't work with another, but He's doing it to bring us.
To go get back.
Because knowing how is what was his own knowing having no him we will praise.
Build him, we will enjoy him and he will have joy of having his love.
Dot com.
I just prayed it.
He would recognize your hands above.
In every situation question, we know that we trust.
That you are protecting us from what we should be protected from and then doing your wisdom are allowing in this very short life we have.
Things in that will make us recognize how weak we are, how strong you are, how evil we the evil we have done and is good that you are. Let us understand more of the glory and goodness and righteousness and righteousness.
Your faithfulness, your mercies that you're new every morning, Great is your faithfulness.
Our fathers trusted in you, and we're not she.
Pray our God.
In our thoughts, in our actions, as we learn, as we train us.
And we look forward to that date with this world of joy is the stars will be behind us.
Praise you are God and pray in Jesus name.