The Lord Jesus Christ - Son Before All Worlds

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It was the Son that created in Hebrews 1 and Colossians 1. And so to being Son in the eternal state, He says: I came forth from the Father and am come into the world: again, I leave the world and go to the Father: you have no Father if you have no Son. If I do not know Him as Son when He came into the world, I have no mission from God at all. And you get too, “The Father sent the Son,” “the Son of the Father,” and the “Son of God” are the same essentially, only one is personal relationship, the other nature.
But there are persons who take that Christ was only Son when He came into the world. The positive answer is given to this in Hebrews and Colossians, that by Him – the Son – the world was made. He is also called Son as born into this world. There is, “This day have I begotten Thee” in Psalms 2. That is not quite the same thing, though the same Person of course. He was begotten in time, that is true, as to His human estate.
It is of immense import, because I have not the Father’s love sending the Son out of Heaven, if I have Him not as Son before born into the world. The Son gives up the kingdom in 1 Corinthians 15. I lose all that the Son is, if He is only so as incarnate, and you have lost all the love of the Father in sending the Son as well. I have declared unto them Thy Name, and will declare it. “Will declare” is now. He did it on earth, and He does it still, and I believe He will do it to all eternity, if you take the general statement of Scripture.