The Lord Values You Kids

Duration: 45min
Galatians 1:3‑4
Children—Bernie Roossinck
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Good morning, kids, Good morning.
It's a it's a great.
Privilege to stand here to talk to your kids this morning. And, uh, I saw a lot of you at the swimming pool last night and all that enthusiasm and joy. What a, what a great thing to see the smiles on your faces this morning. OK, there's, uh, lots of, I shouldn't say lots. There's some seats left up here in the front and, uh, I don't want you to be afraid to come up here. So I love boys and girls and, uh, we're gonna talk this morning about the Lord Jesus.
And his love for us.
And I want you to be able to see and hear what we're going to do. So first we're going to sing a little bit And, uh, there's a, our hymn sheets that we have here. You can pick any hymn that you want and the Sunday school ones are usually on the back. But if you don't choose from the back, that's OK. All right, Who wants to be first?
OK, what's your name again? Besides Mr. Buchanan, What's your name? William. What do you want to sing, William.
#3 OK, and I think what we'll do is sing the 1St and the last verses of these so more kids can have a chance to sing or to choose. Is that OK?
So let's say #3.
OK. Thank you, William. All right, Who wants to be next? Yes, Sir.
Number six, OK, we'll sing the 1St and the last of this one as well. Number six.
God in mercy sent his Son.
Jesus Christ wondrously crying, God's person, and there is being the sun. I see your hands.
Uh, how much do you need to pay?
OK, we still have some room up here if we crowd in, but don't be afraid of me.
OK, who wants to pick the next song?
Alright, we'll go over here this time. How about you? What's your name?
What one would you like to sing this morning #5 OK #5.
OK, how about somebody over here?
How about you #32 OK.
What can wash away my sins?
I really love this song and a beautiful hymn. This is number 32. Let's sing the whole hymn on this one.
4:10 one.
Zero 10-4 one rainy day. Nothing but the bloody time.
Oh Christmas in the wall and face me my eyes now.
No, I don't know. Laughing at the.
4 by 12.
Or thy fire them at my place. Must be like the bloody love. Oh Christ cannot see it on the floor and make milk. I have a nice flow.
No wonder. And dying alone, nothing but the blood of Jesus.
So let's, uh, let's try something that we used to do when I was a kid.
And that is, uh, let's have the boys sing the question. Although in verse three and four, it's not a question, is it? The 1St and the third line will have the girls saying the answer is nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Is that OK? And then we'll all sing the choruses together.
So get ready boys.
Nothing can afford him not come.
On good and I'm gone.
Here, oh Christian's face off. Oh God makes me. I ain't as long as the whole no longer.
But the blood of Jesus.
This is all my hope and peace.
There are outside now, laughing by the blood of Jesus.
Alright, we'll, uh, sing a little bit later again, but we don't have a lot of time and we have a verse that maybe some of you memorized.
In our assembly, I'm, by the way, my name is Bernie and I'm from Michigan.
And I'm really glad to see you this morning.
The verse that I have in my hand at our meeting, we accidentally passed it out on the wrong week.
So the kids from Fremont learned this two weeks ago.
Does anybody here memorize the verse?
Maybe I'll say it first and then if you want, I'll give you a chance to say it. But if you're shy about all these people, that's OK, because I used to be shy too.
So here's what the verse is our Lord Jesus Christ.
Who gave himself?
For our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world. Galatians chapter one, verses 3:00 and 4:00.
I mean, will you look like you know the verse? Do you know the verse? Does he know it is?
So we try them.
OK, who wants to be first? Anybody alright? Can you tell me the verse right into this thing?
Our Lord thesis. Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Who gave himself?
For our hands.
That he might deliver us. That he might deliver us.
When does present evil world?
1/3 and four. Well done. Excellent. OK, who else wants to try it? All right, here's a young man over here.
OK. You tell it right into that, OK.
Umm, presentation.
Let's try this one. Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
OK then so.
He might live around.
So let's press it.
Evil world.
It's one.
Well done. Thank you very much.
OK, who else? OK, now we got a couple of kids that want to say it. We'll go right down this line. OK. Are you ready?
Our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world. Galatians 1/3 and four. Well done. Excellent. OK, who's that?
OK, all right, we'll go this way. Our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world. Galatians, 1/3 and four. Very good. Excellent. OK who was was he? You? OK.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for sins.
That he might deliver us from his present Evil World Collections 134. Well done. Thank you. Excellent.
You want to go? All right, here you go, our Lord Jesus Christ.
That gave himself for our sins, that that he might deliver us from this present evil world. Galatians 1/3 and four. Excellent, thank you.
OK, here we go. You want to use this or not? OK, go ahead. Our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us that for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil world. Galatians 1/3 and four. Very good. Thank you. Would you like to try it too? All right, here we go, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Gave himself.
OK, who else?
All right, we got lots of kids that know the verse. That's excellent. OK, here you go. Our Lord Jesus, who delivered, who delivered his life for our sins.
Deliver us, Deliver us from this evil world.
Galatians. Galatians.
1/3 and four. Great. Thank you. Well done. OK, now we have a couple of girls here.
OK, you wanna be first? All right, go ahead.
Want me to help you?
Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Who gave ourselves?
For our sins, that He may deliver us from this present world.
His present evil.
131 Would you like to try it too? OK. You want to hold this too? OK. Our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world. Galatians 1/3 and four. Thank you. All right. Did we get everybody that wanted to try it? You want to try it too? No.
Your brother thinks you do.
That's OK.
Alright, so.
Before we get into what I want to talk to you about, I want us to take a minute to ask the Lord for His help, because we always need the Lord's help.
So let's close our eyes and bow our heads, OK?
You know, kids, did you ever think, did you ever wish that you were bigger? Like did you want to get to be an adult faster?
No, that's a good thing.
When I was small, I wanted to get big faster because I saw people doing things that I thought were funner than what I was able to do.
Like, uh, I wanted to use my dad's chainsaw and he said, Oh no, you can't touch that chainsaw.
And finally the day came when he let me use the chainsaw. And you know what I did?
I hit a nail.
I hit a nail with it and ruined the blade and he said I knew it. You can't touch the chains.
You know, sometimes when you're a kid, when you're a young person, you think that you'd like to, you wish you had more value and you wish that you were bigger. You could do something, drive the car maybe, or be able to drive a snowmobile or tractor or something like that. Almuel.
But you know what the Lord Jesus said?
About people that were wondering about their value, he said. You could go to the market and buy 2 Sparrows.
For a Farthing I think it was.
Or you could buy five sparrows for two farthings, so they were so cheap if you bought 2, you got one for free. Kind of, you know what he said. Because you were more value than many sparrows.
And that one of those birds falls to the ground without your Father in heaven noticing that.
And now, before I get into the topic I want to talk about, I'm going to share with you a verse that my mom gave to me one time when I was having a bad day.
And I was born with a cleft lip and palate.
That means that this lip right here that you see wasn't there properly. There was a big hole right here, and it was a bit of a surprise, I think, to my mom to see that.
And the Lord gave her this verse.
That she shared with me and I'm going to share it with you. This is Isaiah 43.
Verse six Bring my sons from far.
And my daughters from the ends of the earth.
Everyone that is called by my name.
For I have created them.
For my glory.
I have formed him.
Yeah, I have made him. Do you know that the Lord made you for?
Way he wanted used to be.
And the Lord values you kids, and I do too.
So don't, uh, rush your childhood.
Remember, the Lord has created you for His glory.
And that's a wonderful thing. Someday when you're having a bad day, it's, uh, nothing's going right. Remember the Lord said I have formed you for my glory, and that helps us. But now what I want to talk to you about today are voices.
In the meeting that I come from in Fremont, we are pretty close to Grand Rapids, MI.
And when we have our Sunday school outings, we do them together.
And in the summertime, we usually go to a park and one of the games that we play.
Umm is the person, a person gets blindfolded and they stick a ball out in the grass and then everybody on your team is yelling at you about which way to go to find the ball, and you have to get to the ball before the other team gets to their ball. So when the game starts, there's a lot of yelling about turn left, turn right, farther stop is behind you to the left, to the right.
It's very confusing.
And usually there's a kid like Kyle who can really yell loud.
And sometimes he's on the other team and he's trying to mess you up.
And I had a hard time finding the ball because of all these voices that were yelling to do this.
Do that.
I want to talk about whose voice we're listening to this morning.
You guys ever find in your lives that there are umm, lots of things that are saying give me your attention. I want you to pay attention to this, pay attention to that. I want time for this and time for that. You ever notice that I have in my life.
And what I want to talk about is following the Lord's voice, because there are lots of voices that are counterfeit in this world. Who knows what counterfeit means?
What does it mean? It's fake, right? It's supposed to be right, but it isn't. It's a trick. It's wrong. It's a lie.
And who has the only voice?
That is absolutely, totally trustworthy. Who is it, Rachel?
The Lord Jesus, right?
Let's turn to John chapter 10. And if you have your Bible, that's that's where we're going to turn. If you don't, that's OK.
Because we don't have a lot of time. So I'll read this. This is John 10, and we're going to read verse 27.
My sheep hear my voice.
And I know them.
And they follow me.
Do you know the Lord's voice in your life?
You know, sometimes there are, we have examples in the Bible about people that that heard the voice of the Lord.
Umm, you guys remember, uh, Elijah the prophet in the Old Testament?
There was a time where he had a great victory in his life.
And he won. Remember when he was on top of Mount Carmel and he had the altar and the the sacrifice on it. And he cried out to the Lord to drop fire from heaven. And the fire fell and it burned up the sacrifice. It burned up the wood and burned up the rocks. It burned up the water. And the Lord answered him in a tremendous way. You know what happened the next day to Elijah.
He got a message that said tomorrow you are dead meat.
And instead of trusting in the Lord, he ran a long ways away, and he was in a cave, and there was a voice.
A still small voice. You know what it said.
So what are you doing here, Elijah?
If you remember the story, there was a wind and the Lord was not in the wind.
It's kind of like sometimes there's wind voices in our lives that are tumultuous.
And there was an earthquake.
Things get shaken up in our lives, and Lord wasn't in that either.
And then a fire.
Sometimes it gets pretty hot for us, isn't it Jim?
And then comes the still small voice, and that's the voice I want you kids to learn to know and love. The voice that says, come unto me and I will give you rest. It's the voice of our Savior.
There's another verse I like in Isaiah chapter 30.
That says.
Thou shalt hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way.
Walkie in it now.
If I hear, let's see who can I use an example? If Scott, would you help me? Just Call My Name, will you?
Yes, Scott. OK, What just happened when Scott called my name? What did I have to do?
He was behind me, right? I was walking away from Scott and when he called me I had to stop and change my thinking.
Change my path and go back.
And the Lord is calling us. Everyone of us, boys and girls, are born in sin.
And Lord is calling us to say.
Stop and turn around and come to me. So here you have this voice. You'll hear a voice behind you saying this is the way walking in it.
Now I brought some counterfeit voices with me this morning.
And I think there are a few young men here that could probably use these voices better than I can.
But I have used these voices.
At different times.
Did you know that?
The enemy of your soul, The devil. Sometimes he presents himself like a roaring lion, right?
But other times it says in Second Corinthians that he can present himself as an Angel of light.
And send you a message that sounds like it's the right message.
But it's a counterfeit.
And I have 4 voices here that I have used in my life.
These are not human voices, but they are counterfeit.
And each one of these voices is something that the enemy of your soul is telling you.
That is against what the Lord Jesus is telling you. So I want you to listen to this voice. Ready.
What is that voice?
Who knows what it is?
Mr. Bremen, it's a Turkey. Yes, this is a female Turkey calling in the springtime.
OK, this you know what this voice says, This is not really a Turkey. This is a piece of wood.
It's a counterfeit.
The voice is saying.
Come to me because I have what you want.
And you know, boys and girls.
In your life, you will.
Struggle. People struggle to find satisfaction.
In things, in activities, in uh, pleasures and the Satan would like to tell you, uh, don't pay attention to the voice of the Lord Jesus. Listen to me. I can satisfy what you want, but it's a lie. It's not the voice of the shepherd.
Does that make sense?
This voice is getting kind of rusty.
Because it's been in use for a long time, so I hope I can make it behave. I want you to tell me what voice this is. Ready.
What is it? It's a goose. Yes, that's what it is. This is a Canada goose. What message is this voice saying that's not true?
This voice says come to me and you'll be safe here.
When I use this voice, is that true?
Am I hoping that the geese come to me so I can keep them safe?
The enemy of your soul wants to tell you. Come with me and I'll make sure you're safe.
Is that true?
It's not the shepherd's voice, is it? It's a lie. It's a counterfeit.
So I want you to remember that there is safety.
In putting your faith and trust in the Lord Jesus.
Not by listening to the counterfeit voice.
OK, here's another one.
Even tell me what this voice is.
What is that?
What is it?
Allison, it's a squirrel.
What? This voice is a lie.
This voice says If you come with me, it's going to be really fun.
It's what that voice is. It's fun to sit out in the woods and watch squirrels play together and jump around and, uh.
Steel nuts and sticks from each other jump on each other and they're making this sound.
Right. And this, the voice says. Come with me and you'll have fun. You know, it's a lot.
The scripture says there is pleasure in sin for a season.
There's a way that seems right to a man or a woman or a boy or girl, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
So boys and girls, I want you to remember, like Jim said this last night in the Gospel meeting, becoming a Christian, giving your life to the Lord Jesus is not to give up fun. The Lord wants to bless you. He wants to keep you in your lives. He wants to fulfill you. And there's no fulfillment like that that God can do in your life.
You know, the other day the highway that goes near our house was closed for a bad car accident.
And, uh, actually two car accidents and I was talking to a farmer that I know about it because his truck was stuck in traffic and he was on his way to deliver corn.
He said I know what happened, it's my nephew.
And he was using cocaine.
For a good time, it's gonna be fun.
He overdosed in his car.
Smashed into a tree and burnt to a crisp.
That, boys and girls, is the end of this voice right here.
Don't be deceived by that.
I'm not trying to scare you, but I want to tell you the Lord Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life the Lord Jesus will provide.
Fulfillment and joy in your life. What a joy it is to follow the Shepherd.
OK, we're gonna be running out of time. I got one more voice here. OK, this one I used this week.
What is this voice? What is it? Somebody that hasn't guessed yet?
What is it? No, not quite, but close, Rachel.
It's a deer.
You know what this voice means? This voice is a lie. This is just a piece of plastic.
You know what the message is, and I think this especially pertains to.
Boys, it does to girls too, this voice says. I dare you to do it.
I remember, I remember when I was a kid.
You could turn down any challenge there was until the neighbor said I double dare you to do that, and then you had to do it.
You didn't have to do it, but you felt more compelled to, and usually it was a bad idea. Like trying to walk down the ridgepole of your father's shed. Or, uh, jump over the fence without.
Splitting your shirt and pants open or whatever. But you know sometimes the enemy will say I dare you to do this.
And part of our nature says I want to do it.
But it's a lie. That's what this voice is.
So I dare you to come over here.
That's what that means.
It's a lie.
I want to just read a verse in Proverbs.
Chapter One.
For you young boys and girls.
Actually 2 verses in Proverbs that have been helpful to me.
When there had been these voices in my life, not these animal calls, but fake counterfeit voices that are not the shepherd's voice. First one is Proverbs one, verse 10.
My son or daughter.
If sinners entice thee, consent thou not.
Don't do it.
The next one is in Proverbs chapter 4.
Verse 14.
Enter not into the path of the wicked.
And go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it and pass away.
When the enemy of your soul.
Is tempting you?
Don't listen. It's a fake. It's a lie. It's a trick. Whose voice?
Are we going to follow and be safe? It's the voice of the Lord Jesus.
Does the Lord Jesus care about you as a little kid? He does.
Many years ago a a brother shared a verse with me that I have appreciated and I haven't underlined in my Bible. In fact, I shared it with somebody yesterday in Mark 10. This is what the Lord Jesus thinks about little boys and girls.
Mark 10/13.
And they brought young children to him.
That he might touch them.
So I could be touched by the Lord Jesus.
When you, when you think it would be great if the Lord Jesus would just come and say hello, my friend, how are you? That'd be nice if the Lord Jesus would just do that. I'd just sing that Sunday school song. I think when I read that sweet story of old when Jesus was here among men, how he called little children.
As lambs to his fold, I should like to have been with him. Then I will feel the Lord's hand on my head, and I hope you will too.
So here, and this is an encouragement to you moms and dads too. I know that it's a lot of work to bring a two or a three-year old to a conference and they're not going to remember the fine points of doctrine that we have talked about yesterday.
The reason you brought them here is so that the Lord Jesus could just.
Touch their lives like that.
The Lord values you children so much.
You know what the disciples said? Oh, he doesn't have time for you kids. Buzz off. Get out of the way.
It says, uh, the recycle. The disciples rebuked them when they brought him. What did Jesus say? When Jesus saw it, he was much displeased.
And said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me.
And forbid them that.
For as such is the Kingdom of God, and the Lord Jesus says, you come to me, boys and girls, come to me.
The Lord loves you. He wants you. He wants you to put your faith and your trust in him, the path of life. He'll show you each fork in the road you can turn to the Savior, the shepherd, and say, Lord, which way are we going? And he'll show you, says in the Old Testament, that will show me the path of life. That's the voice that's trustworthy. Let's turn over to Matthew 11.
This is the real voice here, kids.
This is the Lord Jesus.
Matthew 11, verse 28.
Come unto me.
You want to do that? You want to come to the Lord Jesus. He wants to take you into His arms.
He wants to make you his own.
Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
These voices that I used here, you think the enemy of your soul wants to give you rest?
He doesn't. These are a lie. These are fake counterfeits.
This that we're reading is the real voice. Come unto me.
You want to do that? You're willing to do that with your life, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Well, we're almost set of time.
I want your kids to think about this and remember this. Whose voice are you following?
God, thank you, the Lord Jesus says.
Suffer the little children that come unto me.
That's what he wants for you. He says, Come unto me and I will give you rest.
I think we'll close at that. Uh, do you think that we could sing the little Sunday school song that says here Christ calling, come unto me, You know that. Well, this thing, the first verse of it together, OK.
Hear Christ.
Come to me, come to me, idle heaven.
I will stay around. I will stay.
Here right I am on you. Here I will get it right.
Once you kids to remember also the Lord says I created you for.
That's what the Lord thinks about able to the Lord Jesus. Don't walk away from Him.
Go to him, give him your life. Trust him. Hear his voice. He has the trustworthy voice.
He loves you, He wants you, He died to redeem you.