The Lord's Delight in You

Psalm 16:2‑3,11
Open—D. Rule
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Turn with me to Psalm 16.
We'll look at a few more verses of Psalm 16.
Verse 3.
Well over you verse 2O my soul, thou hast said unto the Lord, Thou art my Lord.
My goodness extendeth not to thee, but to the Saints that are in the earth, and to the excellent.
In whom?
Is all my delight.
What's the Lord Jesus thinking at this moment as he looks upon this company?
What are his thoughts?
What are his desires?
As he looks at you and sees you sitting in your chair.
What does he desire? I'm not asking what you desire.
What you hope to get out of this hour.
I want you to turn it around.
And stop and think. What is it that is of interest to him?
And is his desire.
Concerning this hour.
Well, I'm not going to say I can answer completely for him.
But I will say I think I can partially answer at least.
A little bit of what is there is in the verses we just read.
The psalmist David speaks to the Lord first.
And he says.
O my soul, thou hast said unto the Lord. And so David has something to say to the Lord, and he does.
He expresses something that's in his heart to the Lord, and it's developed in what has already been before us some of his thoughts and some of those things that he responded to the Lord about.
But notice.
What it says in verse 3.
To the Saints that are in the earth.
Who's speaking in that sense? It's the Lord. And what's the Lord saying?
Is of importance to him.
To the Saints, in whom is all my delight.
The Lord Jesus this afternoon values.
Desires looks for on you.
As the object of his joy and his delight.
Is that?
Encouraging to you and to me, I'm sure it is, that the Lord Jesus wants to find in you and your relationship with Himself.
Is joy.
We think about having things. We think about knowing things.
But at the essence.
The essence of life in many respects is relationship.
You fly and you sit down at the dinner table this afternoon and you probably, some of you at least, were probably very taken up with having to look after your kids and so on. But at the same time, there is that sense of sitting down at table.
Yes, you enjoyed your food.
But I would say to some of you, long after you could no longer say what you had for lunch.
You will be able a day, a week, a month from here, be able to come back with a certain sense of appreciation and joy in the fellowship, the conversation that you had with the person that you were eating with.
The relationship that is there, you know what it's like.
I find it wonderful sometimes when I've been at a gas station, I've been in a store and some word is said and suddenly I realize I'm talking to a brother or sister in Christ.
And there's an instant relationship.
It's right there inside you and it's instant. It's spontaneous. It's you feel like you've known that person sometimes all of your life because of that character that God has put in you.
In knowing a brother, a sister of the family that you belong to, the family of God. And so here to me, I just want to emphasize the Lord's side of it, he says.
My delight, my delight.
I don't know exactly how to give her the emphasis I want to it, but I'll say this one thing that's encouraged me a lot in the last several years.
Is when it's in your heart, no matter what you're doing.
Be spontaneous with the Lord.
Be spontaneous, oh Lord, and speak to him. You don't want to have to be formal. There's a place for kneeling in prayer and being before the Lord, and it's very important, and don't neglect it and to be systematic even in that which you bring before the Lord in your daily prayers.
But at the same time.
Sometimes spontaneity of the relationship is very important.
Maybe something comes up.
And you're in a certain situation and.
It's all right in your heart to say, Lord, what should I say?
What should I say?
What do you think, Lord?
About this matter, this situation, it doesn't have to be huge, it can be everyday things of life. And so here again the words is in whom is my delight, the Lord Jesus wants to find in you.
And it's an object of his heart.
So let's look at the same thought farther down.
At least somewhat the same thought.
In chapter verse 11. I'm going to read it in the new translation.
Thou wilt make known to me the path of life.
Thy countenance is fullness of joy.
At thy right hand are pleasures forevermore thy countenance.
Is fullness of joy.
What's going to?
Satisfy your heart when you get to heaven.
Is it?
A perfect environment.
Is it that there's no sin there?
There's nothing that will produce, at least in the eternal state. There's nothing that will produce sorrow. You'll have some sorrow in heaven as you look upon what's going on on earth during the awful tribulation that we have alluded to in Luke 21, and as you see the Lord Jesus going through that.
But here it is thy countenance.
Is fullness of joy. What is it that's going to absolutely completely?
And without exception of anybody in this room, there won't be any exceptions to it. Every single person in this room who belongs to the Lord Jesus is going to look upon his face, his countenance.
And it will fill the heart.
With absolute inexpressible joy.
You are going to.
Find in his countenance.
A perfectly satisfying eternal joy.
So what's my last word?
Don't wait.
Don't wait.
In your heart enjoy his countenance.
Enjoy his eye of the light upon you.
And respond to it with pleasure.
And you'll give his heart.
Pleasure this afternoon.