The Lord's Request

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 1
Thy parting word, Lord Jesus—
“This do, remember Me,”
To those whom sorrow gathered
That night so close to Thee;
By grace our hearts do listen
To hear its echo still,
It strikes a chord within us,
And praise our hearts doth fill.
Thy parting word, Lord Jesus,
Has touched the deepest spring,
And wakes anew affections
Our waiting hearts within;
Thy parting word, when sorrow
Around Thy footsteps pressed,
When Satan, death, and judgment
Their fears to Thee addressed.
Thy parting word, Lord Jesus,
Ere judgment on Thee broke,
Ere on Thy holy Person
Came down that righteous stroke;
The wrath of God before Thee,
Whilst foes did gather round,
There too Thy “friend” betrayed Thee,
And darkness did abound.
Thy parting word, Lord Jesus,
Before Thou didst endure
The being of God forsaken,
Our blessing to secure;
Oh, grace beyond expression!
Which sought that we should be,
All through Thy time of absence,
In death remembering Thee.
Thy parting word, Lord Jesus,
We treasure in our heart,
And from the love which spoke it
We never more can part:
Soon, Lord, Thou wilt receive us
Unto Thyself on high,
Till then we Thee remember,
Who for our sins didst die.
G. W. F.