The Lord's Supper

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 3
Lord Jesus, we are gathered in Thy name,
To contemplate Thy love and matchless grace;
To celebrate Thy glory and Thy fame:
O wondrous, holy, happy, heavenly place!
Ascended now on high, past death and shame,
Thou’rt seated on the Father’s throne in light;
Thy title now as “Son of Man” to reign
O’er all created things in glory bright.
The righteous Man by Thine obedience shown,
In meek humility whilst here below,
Thou’rt raised by power divine to God’s high throne,
Beyond the reach of ill, or grief, or woe.
Fullness of Godhead too in thee doth shine;
All things by Thee were made, to Thee belong,
Yet Thou didst stoop in love to bear our sin:
O wondrous theme of ceaseless, endless song!
Possessing life eternal by Thy breath,1
Delivered from our sins and lost estate,
We’re gathered in Thy name to show Thy death,
While for Thy promised coming, Lord, we wait.
What praise befits us, Lord, for grace like this!
We own it quite transcends our scanty thought;
Yet we shall praise Thee, Lord—O highest bliss,
In streams of rapture by Thy Spirit taught!
Thou too shalt lead the choir of saints on high,
Forever by Thy death from death set free,
Who once a lonely Man in grief doth cry,
“Why hast Thou, O my God, forsaken me?”
But now ‘tis over—all the cross, the shame;
Sin’s portion, and Thy holy work well done;
And thou art raised to joy and endless fame-
Thy foes beneath Thy feet, the victory won.
We triumph in Thy triumph even here,
Thy Spirit fills our souls with joy divine;
But Lord, we’re waiting till we reach Thee there,
Where we shall in Thy glory fully shine.
O make us holy in our walk and ways,
As pilgrims journeying home to see Thy face;
Let every action, Saviour, speak Thy praise-
The bright reflection of Thy love and grace.