The Love of the Aged for our Work.

Most touching are many letters we get from those who are very near the close of life’s journey. I will print a few as I know they will cause many to rejoice and to praise God.
“Dear Dr. Wreford,” writes one: “I have pleasure in sending you my small contribution of 5/- towards your splendid work. I give, away your “Message from God,” and value it for myself, but being 87 years old, and suffering much, can do nothing more than pray and trust. ―Yours sincerely, E.P.”
Another dear saint writes: ―
Dear Mr. Wreford. ―I have enclosed a P.O. for three shillings for the sowing of the precious seed of the Gospel of Christ, as you are led by the Holy Spirit. My dear wife and sister are now in the glory with Him they loved, and I am getting very near the end of my journey; eighty-four last birthday. I am waiting for His coming, or He may call me through the sleep of death. He has not left me alone. He has given me a dear daughter to look after me. I have His promise, “I will never forsake you.” I am waiting to see Him, and more to be like Him. Ah! what a blessed to be waiting for. ―Yours in Christ Jesus. R.W.