What child is there, who, being the happy possessor of a magnet, has not enjoyed some of the many and various ways in which it can be used?
The magnet, as most will know, possesses the peculiar power of attracng to itself, so that when placed near small objects, such as steel filings or needles, it causes them to cling to itself at once.
If a number of pins and needles were together in a saucer, and a large maet were lowered into it, all the needles would at once rise and attach theelves to the magnet, but all the pins would remain unmoved: they are not of a material which answers to the magnet, and so would not be affected by its presence.
Now, the Lord Jesus Christ is like that magnet to many in this world. All boys and girls, and men and women, are divided into two classes—those who love Christ, and those we do not love Him; those whose sins are blotted out by His precious blood, and those who are still unforgiven.
If the Lord Jesus were to return aording to His own word, “I will come again,” all who are Christ’s, all who are loving His appearing—looking for His coming—would be caught up to be welcomed by Him into the Father’s house. These would be like the needles clinging to the magnet. Those who know Him not, and who have dispised His work, would be left behind, shut out forever.
“The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
May you be even now so attracted to Christ, the true Magnet, that you may follow Him closely day by day, and be waiting for the moment of His return. He says, “Surely I Come Quickly.”
ML 12/30/1945