The Magnet

 •  5 min. read  •  grade level: 6
We remember once hearing a very interesting account of a conversation between two little boys, on the subject of the Lord’s coming. They had just been put to bed, and ere their kind attendant had left the room, she overheard the conversation which, in substance, we now relate,
T. “I do not understand, H., how the Lord will catch up His people. How will it be? Can you tell me about it?”
H. “Yes, A., I can tell you. Did you ever see brother R. playing with his magnet? Did you ever see him holding the magnet over the needle, and bringing it nearer and nearer until the needle was drawn up to meet it? That’s how it will be when the Lord comes. He will descend into the heavens, and draw up His own people to Him, just as the magnet attracts the needle.”
The little brother understood the simple illustration. As the needle springs up to meet the magnet, so will all who belong to Christ, however weak, however ignorant, however failing, spring up to meet Him when He comes. There is an affinity between the needle and the magnet, as there is between Christ and His people; and hence the moment He comes, the dead saints shall be raised, and the living saints shall be changed, and all shall spring up to meet the true magnet—Christ.
But we may apply the illustration of our dear little boy H. in another way: Take a number of steel filings and mix them with a quantity of sand in a bowl or saucer, then introduce a powerful magnet, and what follows? Why all the steel filings immediately fly to the magnet and adhere to it, while all the sand is left behind.
Thus will it be when the Lord comes for His people. They may be found here and there mingled with the people of the world—sitting in the same room, standing behind the same counter, traveling in the same train, sailing in the same boat, writing at the same desk, walking in the same street. But the very moment that Christ, the true magnet, descends into the air, all who belong to Him, all who believe in His name, all who partake of His resurrection life, will rise, in the twinkling of an eye, to meet Him. They will be drawn up by the powerful attraction of His person, and in virtue of the moral affinity subsisting between Him and them; while, on the other hand, all those who belong not to Him, who know Him not, trust Him not, love Him not, serve Him not, will, like the grains of sand, be left behind.
Dear reader, how would it be with you, if the Lord were to come, while you are reading these lines? He may come at any moment. His promise is sure. He has said, “I will come again.” And, “Behold, I come quickly.” His people are taught to look out for His coming daily and hourly. There is no intervening event. They wait for no sign. They wait for the Son from heaven. Their hope is not affected by any prophetic announcement; indeed prophecy has nothing to do with the church’s hope. Prophecy has to do with Israel and the nations, with events that are to transpire on the earth; but the church is called to wait for “the morning star.” Her hope is heavenly. She looks for the Savior from heaven, and the moment He comes, all true believers will rise to meet Him, while all false professors will be left behind for judgment.
This is deeply solemn for all who are out of Christ. We would seek to press it home upon all such. We would earnestly entreat the reader to weigh it seriously, Christ is coming for His people. That event stands out, in its own divine clearness, before the heart of the Christian who bows to the authority of Scripture.
The Christian looks not for the conversion of the world by a preached gospel. He does not believe in any such thing. He believes that the world will grow worse and worse, its night grow darker and darker. He believes that superstition and infidelity will yet bear sway throughout the length and breadth of Christendom, and that judgment will close this present scene, and clear the earth for millennial glory.
How important to be ready! Ready in title, ready in state, ready in conscience, ready in heart.
O! dear reader, art thou thus ready? Art thou washed in the precious blood of Christ? Dost thou know what it is to be saved, saved through Christ? If so, see that thou art cherishing the blessed hope of seeing your Lord, and of being like Him and with Him forever.
All who know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ are imperatively called to stand apart from everything that bears not the stamp of God’s truth. The present is a moment which calls loudly for plain decision of heart for Christ—for fixedness of purpose in following Him. He looks for this on the part of all His people, and nothing but this is worthy of those who have tasted His most precious grace. He has given us a whole heart, and we ought not to give Him a half one. He, blessed be His name, is for us above, and we ought to be for Him below.
May it be so, through the powerful ministry of the Holy Ghost! May we be marked as those who have, in reality, “turned to God from idols, to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven!” God in mercy grant it, for Jesus’ sake!