Luke 14
There was a man afflicted with dropsy in the house of a Pharisee when Jesus went in to eat bread on the sabbath. Jesus asked, saying, "Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath day? And they held their peace." Jesus healed the man and he departed. Then He asked, Which of them had a beast that, if it fell into a pit on the sabbath day, he would not lift out? But they could not answer.
Seeing some at the dinner who would choose the chief places, Jesus said, Do not sit in the highest place, because someone more honorable might come and the master of the house will say to you to give this man place, and with shame you will take the lowest place. But when you come, take the lowest room so that the host will say, Friend, go up higher, and you will have honor in the presence of all. He who exalts himself shall be humbled, but one who humbles himself shall be honored.
Also He said, It may please you when you make a dinner to call your friends and rich neighbors, but instead, call in the poor, maimed and blind. Then in the resurrection you will be recompensed. These cannot recompense you, but the rich can. How much better to be rewarded in heaven!
A Great Supper
Someone at the table said, "Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God."
Jesus said, A great supper was made and many were invited. At the appointed hour the host sent to those who were invited, saying, "Come; for all things are now ready." But all made excuses. One had bought land and must be excused. One had bought five yoke of oxen and begged to be excused. Another had married a wife, so wished to be excused.
Here we learn that man's habits and companions may keep him from eternal blessings. This also may be true of believers who carry on with occupations or self-interests that hinder their spiritual life. Companions often play a large part in hindering the soul from spiritual things. Such may be believers as well. How important to choose the right companions, and to form the right habits.
Then those in the city, the poor, maimed, halt and blind, were brought in, but still there was room. The Lord instructed the servant to go out into the open places and compel men everywhere to come in so that His house may be filled. Those who at the first were bidden will never taste of the great supper.
While the multitude was with Him, Jesus said that if one should follow Him and not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters and his own life, he could not be a disciple of His. If one did not put Christ first above friends and relatives, he was not a disciple. He was not speaking of salvation, although "by their fruits ye shall know them," but discipleship. Eternal forgiveness is not taught until Christ died and rose.
If anyone does not bear his cross (deny self) when he follows Jesus, he cannot be His disciple. We must forsake all if we wish to be a disciple of Jesus. If you build a tower, count the cost first. Do not take up discipleship unless you continue to walk in the manner of it. Otherwise some will say, This man cannot finish what he started.
If you are to make war, be sure that you have enough power to win the battle. Otherwise, while there is still time, plead for conditions of peace. If you cannot overcome Satan, put your trust in the Savior who has already conquered Satan.
One who makes a profession without their conscience being reached is like salt that has lost its savor. Salt cannot season itself; it must be cast out. If a person has made a profession without reality, and if he has been exposed to the truth over and over again with his conscience not reached, he, like salt that has lost its savor, will be cast out as worthless.
But the Pharisees mocked.