“THE mastery of the devil.” Does Thy Word
To Thy disciples promise this, O Lord?
How oft in these dark days of stress and strain
When compassed by our foes, we in our pain
And our perplexity, cry out to Thee,
“In Whom we live and move,” yet cannot see!
We long to glorify Thee, yet we fail,
While Satan and his hosts seem to prevail!
To Thy first chosen ones Thou didst extend
But are we, too, thus promised victory
O’er all the power of Thy great enemy?
Not “mastery of the devil” given to us,
But of our Master it is written thus: ―
Are words more needed, or more passing sweet?
He, Himself, keeps command, and will subdue
The devil’s power, and “shortly,” even for you.
Mastery of Satan comes but through the Master,
Who has all power to change each great disaster,
And make our very failures steps to glory,
If our faith fail not. O, the wondrous story!
He prayeth still for all who Him obey,
Who seek His guidance, and who own His sway.
A. McC.