The Monkeys and the Bridge

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 7
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The land of Burma is famous for its cane bridges. Woven of cane, bamboo and vegetable fibers, they swing (and sway!) across rushing rivers and sharp boulders. A pedestrian, or even a mule, can cross in safety, but when railroads were built, the cane bridges were obviously unequal to carrying the smallest of trains across. Engineers were called in, and a great steel bridge was constructed to carry the railroad across a deep gorge.
It is a wonderful bridge, constructed somewhat on the plan of latticework with many girders and crosspieces, giving the bridge a graceful appearance. Many visitors travel to the spot just to look at the marvelous bridge. They are rewarded with much amusement as well, for the bridge is a glorious playground for monkeys. Far below the level of the railway the monkeys swing and jump from bar to bar, or rod to rod, as though these enticing steel girders had been built just for them.
The bridge was not built for the monkeys to use as a gigantic gym, but for passengers who want to go right on their journey and to cross in safety from one side of the gorge to the other. What a lesson can be learned from this bridge and the monkeys!
The Lord Jesus is the only way from death to life, from the shore of destruction to the land of eternal joy and peace. It is He alone who can bring men from earth to heaven. It is He alone who stretches out one hand to God in His holiness and the other hand to man in his guilt, and by His death on the cross opens up the way for sinners to be brought to God. He has brought the believer near to God by the blood He shed on the cross. The Lord Jesus is able and willing to bear up all those who commit themselves to Him. He loses none. He is the safe and living way.
What madness to do as many are doing now. They imitate the practice of the poor monkey. They play and trifle with some portion of the eternal truths, but will not cross over from death to life by Him through whom alone they can be saved. Like the monkeys, they will never cross the bridge.
To play with philosophical questions, to be taken up with social issues, to be deluded with the thought that an outwardly good life will lead to heaven, is to act with less wisdom than the monkeys on the bridge. They have no responsibility for the future, but people have.
Examine yourself by the light of God’s Word. If you do not know what it is to have found safety in the Lord Jesus, then stop playing on the bridge and cross over to Him NOW.
Remember, there is a great gulf which, when it is too late, many will want to cross—but none shall be able.
Behold, now is the accepted time;
behold, now is the day of salvation.