The Mystery - The Church

Duration: 1hr
Ephesians 3
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Address—J. Brereton
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I can open our meeting to mind by saying HIP #330.
What Raise the Waters thought? Or who did it suggest?
That we in the Church to Glory Cross, should with the sun be blessed.
Oh God, the thoughtful side thine only it could be.
#330 almost started for.
IPL 2019 Akhilesh Yadav.
Rise falls.
And it's my heart proposed.
I would like to turn to my brethren, to the third chapter of Ephesians.
Ephesians chapter 3.
And verse one.
For this 'cause I call the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you, Gentiles.
If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God, which has given me to your word, how that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery, as I wrote afore in few words.
Whereby when you read, he may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ.
Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men.
As it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the spirits, that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, and of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel.
Whereof I was made a minister, according to the gifts of the grace of God-given unto me by the effectual working of his power.
Unto me who am less than the least of All Saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ.
And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world had been hidden, God, who created all things by Jesus Christ.
To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the Church, the manifold wisdom of God.
According to the eternal purpose which he purpose in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of Him.
Wherefore, I desire that you faint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory.
For this 'cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.
That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man.
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith.
That ye being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with All Saints what is the breadth and length, and depth and height, and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge.
That ye might be filled with all the fullness of God.
Now unto him that is able to do it seething abundantly above all that we ask, or think according to the power that worketh in US, unto him the glory in the Church by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end, all men.
I therefore the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith your call, with all loneliness and meekness, with long-suffering, forbearing one another in love.
Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
There is one body and one spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling.
One Lord, one faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all, and in you all.
We find beloved president in this chapter.
But Paul is first of all.
Bringing before us the fact.
That God has had a secret.
That God has had a secret that he kept hid in himself.
From the beginning of the world.
And that secret was the truth of the Church.
And so it is.
In the beginning of the chapter that we read.
We read, which in other ages the fifth verse, which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men.
As it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets.
By the Spirit.
And so it is beloved rather than if I want to find out the teaching.
Concerning the Church.
I can't find it in the Old Testament.
There are types and shadows and pictures concerning this lovely truth, many of them going right back to the book of Genesis.
And Adam going into a deep sleep in order that Eve might be formed that Adam could have a companion.
With whom he could share his headship, the position that God had put him in.
But if I'm looking for the teachings, what God has specifically revealed concerning this wonderful truth, I can't find it anywhere in the Old Testament.
Along with that truth is the fact that the things that are peculiar.
To the church.
I will not find these.
In the Old Testament either.
For example.
The truth of the living being.
Being translated to glory.
The truth of the living being taken out of this world and translated to glory. I will not find that truth revealed in the Old Testament, the resurrection.
Yes, there are sufficient scriptures in the Old Testament concerning the resurrection.
That the Jews had rightly gathered that there was a resurrection of the dead.
But the idea that the living would be called away to glory, you won't find that in the Old Testament because it's the church that is called away and the truth of the church is not found in the Old Testament.
You will not find the truth of the Lord's coming for the Church.
In the Old Testament, you will find the Lord coming there, but it is always His coming in judgment.
It is the day of the Lord when the Lord Jesus comes to judge the world and to set up His Kingdom. You have that in the Old Testament. But the truth of the Lord Jesus coming in the air to call his Saints away, the glory that coming of the Lord you will not find in the Old Testament.
Because that coming is for the church to call the church a way of glory, and the church is not revealed in the Old Testament.
The first announcement that we have concerning the church is what we have in the 16th chapter of Matthew. When the Lord Jesus says upon this rock, I will build my church.
And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. But we find that when we come over to the third chapter of Ephesians.
That Paul is explaining to us his knowledge of this mystery. And he tells us in the third verse how that by revelation he and his God made known unto me the mystery as I wrote aboard a few words. Now the writing of four in few words is the 1St and 2nd chapters of this book. The book of the Ephesians he had already touched on in the 1St and 2nd chapters.
The church? He'd already explained its position in the Councils of God.
He had already explained that the Church was the body of Christ.
The full of him that fill it All in all. And now we explained that where his knowledge came from, it was a revelation. By Revelation he made known unto me the mystery.
In the fifth verse, as we read, he said, which in other regions was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit that the Gentiles.
Now this epistle, as I'm sure we all realized, was addressed to a Gentile assembly.
And he writes that the Gentiles should be fellow wares and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel.
Now God had made certain promises to Israel.
In the second chapter, we were told.
That we were without promise. That we had no claim upon God at all.
That we were sinners of the Gentiles having no hope.
And without God in this world.
But he has gone on to explain how that those who were in that position have been brought in to that blessing which was promised to Israel that they would be the people of God.
And so whereas on the day of Pentecost.
All that formed the church on the day of Pentecost were Jews.
The Gentiles were brought in.
The blessing was extended to the Gentiles, as it tells us in the 49th chapter of Genesis.
The blessing that was for Israel went over the wall. Joseph is a fruitful bow, even a bow whose branches spring over the wall, And so it is the promises that were made to Israel. We have no claim upon those at all, but as it tells us that we should be partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel, where all I was made of minister according to the gift of the grace of God-given unto me by the effectual working of his power.
Rather than to the next part, from there to the end of the chapter, the beginning of the 4th chapter that I have particularly on my heart, we see the setting. Call has announced that he has this revelation. He has explained to them that this the Gentiles had been made.
Fellow wares and of the same body brought together with the Jews into something new.
The body of Christ.
The Church of God now he says that has you got that You've been brought into everything that was promised to Israel. The promises that were made to them, you've been brought into the good of that as a result of the gospel.
But then he goes on to say unto Me, who are less than the least of All Saints, is this grace given.
That I should preach among the Gentiles the promises made to Israel. No beloved wrath, and that's not what it says. I should make known unto I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and all beloved brethren, what you and I have been brought into.
So far surpasses any promise that was made to Israel.
There is no promise that was made to Israel.
That is not greatly exceeded by that which you and I have been brought into fellow wares through of the same body through but now we find that the unsearchable riches of Christ are of such a magnitude, are of such an altitude, are so unfathomable that the spirit of God.
Has to use the word unsearchable. There is no way we can explore, as we'll notice later on, there is no way that we as finite persons can explore the magnitude of the riches that we have in Christ Jesus. Would you want to today, as it were, say to God, I'll take Israel's portion, I'll take what is for Israel and give up what I have in Christ.
Of course you would. What we have in crisis surpasses it so much. But Paul, when he's writing, he said, I have this message for the Gentiles, the unsearchable riches of Christ along the president. That's our portion. That's what we've been brought into. That's what God would make known to us.
The unsearchable Richard impression, the magnitude of the blessing and we will see as we go on.
Trust the more carries how this is expanded. In this chapter you notice the next verse and Jamaica now, not the Gentiles.
To make known among the Gentiles in unsearchable riches of Christ. But now he says, and to make all men see what is the fellowship. Or perhaps a better translation might be the administration of the mystery which from the beginning of the world.
Has been hidden God who created all things by Jesus Christ. Now Paul would have all men know what is the administration of the men? What is the mystery, Beloved brethren, The mystery is the truth of the church that Christ is to have a bride, that Christ is to have one to share with him.
All that he comes into as a result of the work of Calvin. You know, I remember your partner again telling a story about myself. I remember some years ago when I was in business traveling up to the West Coast of Canada and I had blown out there many times before. And this one time I decided that just to make do it differently, I would fly out as far as Calgary and I would take the train through the Rocky Mountains to the West Coast.
And I said to myself, you know, I'll be able to sit there in the Dome car and I'll be able to enjoy all those beautiful sights as I go to the mountains. Well, I got the train as planned, and I went up into the tone car and I stayed there 20 minutes. And then I went to bed and I tried to think to myself, it's a beautiful sight. Why am I not enjoying it the way I should? And you know, it came home to my own soul, my brother, The reason I wasn't enjoying it the way I should, was.
I had no one to share it with. My wife wasn't there. I was alone and I had no one to share with me all those beautiful sights. And with no one to share it with, I thought to myself, I might just as well go to bed. Well, the Lord Jesus is going to come into all that God has purposed for him. If we were to go back to the first chapter of Ephesians, we would find in the 10th verse that in the dispensation of the fullness of time.
God would gather together in one all things in Christ.
In other words, God has a purpose, and that purpose goes back to a past eternity. And that purpose is that the Lord Jesus should have the place of headship over all. But the Lord Jesus is going to have a companion when he takes that place to Peck chili, and that too is the purpose of God. God has planned it so that his son should have a bride. You know, the Lord Jesus could take a man.
And then the third, the second chapter of Genesis.
It says it is not good that man should dwell. God is going to see you with that. His son, as a man does not enter into his place of headship alone. He's going to have a companion to share it with him. And beloved president, you and I are that companion. Well, what we find here is the mystery is the truth of the church that Christ is to have a companion. But the administration of the mystery is the working out of Black Flag.
The working out of that plan according to the councils and purposes of God. And so we find it says to make all men see what is the administration of the mystery. That is, Paul has had the mystery made known to him. Now he wants to make known how it's all working out.
That God is gathering together a people indwelt by the Spirit of God, and that that people that he is calling out is to be the bride of Christ. That body that he is forming by the Spirit of God formed on the day of Pentecost, added to by every time a child of God, every time a person receives the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. The administration of the mystery is this working out.
Of this purpose and counsel of God.
And so it says, which from the beginning of the world has been hidden. God. What has been hidden in God? The mystery, the proof of the church. God always had that plan from a past eternity. But now Paul said, I want to explain to you not just the mystery, but the working out of the mystery, how it's all coming about that Christ is the highest bride. And so he says to the intent.
That now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places must be known by the Church, the manifold wisdom of God.
The principalities and powers, they are angels. They are the angels who look down, and what did they see? They saw a creation that was very good. They looked down and they saw a man put there in the place of headship.
They saw my fail. Then they looked down, and they saw a law given, and they saw that breakthrough law. They saw the sacrifices and the temple established, and they saw it all pass away. But what did they look to see now? They look down the anchors, look down now, beloved, and they see the working out of the mystery through the intent that now unto the principalities and powers the angels.
In the heavenly places might be known. The angels look down, and they seek the Church, the body of Christ now, and they see in that.
They all very the manifold wisdom of God. They all very wisdom of God. Beloved. Presently angels look down and they see a mark and a marble. They see that which displays the manifold wisdom of God.
That God is gathering out of this world at bribe, right? A bribed one who's going to share all that he comes into as a result of work. At the top, the angels put down, and as they see them, they see sinners that deserve nothing but a lost eternity. Like you and I, not only saved, but brought into the church, brought into the body of Christ. They see that God's counsel from a past eternity, that Christ should have a pride, is actually working out before their lives. As they look down in this world, they see it forming.
There it is, the body of Christ.
Made members of the body of Christ, the Spirit of God, uniting together as one every believer in this world.
And they look down and they mark as we all buried, wisdom of God. Why is it why is it that the sisters in this meeting tonight warehouse? Or is it because the brethren demanded, all are being discussed? It's because according to First Corinthians 11, because of the angels.
The angels are looking down as they behold the order that God has established for the Church. They see the order that the woman is to be in subjection to the man. They see that order, and the angels see in that order the wisdom of God. Beloved Friend, I feel sometimes that we fail to see. We look at the Church in all its ruins.
We see the church, the body of Christ outwardly, and I say when I say outwardly, broken up into all little segments and pockets of groups. But instead beloved brotherhood to God, we would see him as God seeker or what we thought we would see that the Angel secret that which displays.
The all very wisdom of God that God is having.
Out of the world.
Of people that are to be the broadest, God has purpose according to the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus, our Lord Beloved brethren, go back as far as you will, go back as far as you can, and back beyond that.
God has a purpose, and that purpose was twofold.
Purpose number one. Christ should be the head over all.
That purpose #2 is that he should have a bride to share his attention with the purpose of God according to that eternal purpose and the angels now.
See that purpose taking shape before their eyes. All the love of presidency of life has been brought into that which displays the all very wisdom of God. We have been both brought into it as a result of believing on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Receiving him as Savior, and we indwelt by the Spirit of God, we are identified and formed part of that body process that displayed.
All very beautiful. And sometimes I put the thief on the cross, it will be part of the church. And the answer has to be no, he can't be part of the church because the thief on the cross had gone to heaven.
Before the Holy Ghost came down, when they were talking about anyone that had died before the Day of Pentecost cannot form partnership but everyone that has died in Christ and everyone that is living.
Everyone that is living after the Spirit of God has come into this world and that has received the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior are part of that body. Christ and beloved brethren, they are the wise who are going to share.
With Christ, all the department heirs of God, joint heirs of Christ, in whom we have oldness and access with confidence.
By the faith in we have been brought into this position, brother. We are in Christ, and in Christ we are in the church, part of the body of Christ. We have that access, That boldness is declared plainly, if that's our standard.
As a result of faith in Christ. But I don't know what's the next question.
For this 'cause I bow my knees under the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now if we were to take the time to go back to the first chapter of Ephesians, we would find that it tells us, blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
And we find that in the first chapter of Ephesians there is a prayer that is addressed to the God of our Lord Jesus Christ. When we come to the third chapter, the prayer is addressed to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The first chapter, the prayer addressed to God, is that we might know our standing in Christ. The prayer in the third chapter, beloved Brethren, is that we might be in the enjoyment of that It might not simply be that which we know, but that which our heart lays hold of as we might be in the enjoyment of. So he said, For this 'cause I bow my knee unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Of whom the whole family in heaven.
An urgent name now the whole family. A better translation of it is every family in heaven and earth is named. God has, as it were, a number of families. There are going to be those who are the friends of the bridegroom.
There are going to be those who are the Church. There are going to be those who are going to be saved, martyred during the tribulation, a variety of people God has the Father has a number of families, and that families, it says, of whom the whole family or every family in heaven and earth is named. But there are none, not one, not Abraham, not David, not Solomon.
Not one, not the thief on the cross that will be in the position that you and I, beloved President, are going to know and joy of being with Christ and so closely identified with him.
In their.
You know it tells us in the 5th chapter of Genesis and God called their name Adam. God looked and said there they are.
He saw Eve as so much a part of Adam that he called their name Adam. And if we were to take the time again tonight to turn over to 1St Corinthians 12, we would find there that Christ the head, and you and I and all believers on earth making up the body of Christ, are showing us so closely linked together that God by his Spirit says so also is.
The head and the body so closely identified together that they carry the one thing cross.
Beloved President, how closely we are identified in the Lord Jesus Christ we bear.
He's more the name of that you will not bear the name of Christ identify with him. So it tells us of whom the whole family of heaven and earth is named, that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man. Rather disturb God would have us to enter into the fullness.
Enter into the depths, enter into the riches of the blessing that we have in Christ the brethren. Why is it, And I, I, I address the comments myself. Why is it that we seem at times to be so contented skin building, when God has such creed, the riches of His grace to enjoy?
Now what we have been brought into in Christ, we find that we get together. Perhaps all we can talk about is the weather when we have the riches of His grace.
Oh, that Christ has as a result of the work of redemption He shares with you and he shares with me. So he says, according to the rich of his glory, that we might be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man. Get it? In here. Not just in my head, Not just a superficial knowledge, not this. Mr. Mackintosh makes his comment. He calls it intellectual trafficking truth.
But they get into my heart, get it inside, and by the Spirit of God strengthen to have it made of my own, according to the riches of the Lord, that he would grant you that according to the rich of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit. It's the Spirit of God that brings us into the truth in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith.
But Christ went well, and we might have that joy for love and present and joy of walking in the conscious sense that the Christ has taken up his abode with us. Dwell in your hearts by faith to have the enjoyment of the presence of Christ in the heart and joy there. My spiritual This is what Paul is incredible. It's not that they might know. He's already prayed that in the first chapter.
Now he wants it in here. Make good to the heart.
That Christ faked well in your hearts by faith. That he being rooted and grounded in love, made good, real, seated, implanted deeply in love in my heart. That I am so identified with Christ according to purchase. That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith, achieving rooted, and grounded in love may be able.
To comprehend with All Saints what is the breath and length and depth.
Now this is sometimes connected with the love of Christ, but I really don't believe that that's the thought in it, though I certainly wouldn't object to someone who connected with the love of Christ. But if you notice, it takes you back to the 11Th 1St according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord God had a purpose.
And God would have us to enter in to not live and breathe.
And depth and height of his eternal counselors, all that God has planned He would have you and I friends to be as good as them in the enjoyment of them to realize now that God is going to have His Son in the place of ancient overall, and you and I identify with him, with Him in that place. Attention.
Do we enter into the left and the breath and the death of the height?
Do we find ourselves brave? Saying thank God?
Thank God I'm saved. And we find ourselves saying is an environment. I'm not going to go to hell. I'm not going to go to hell. Jesus died on the cross and isn't that marvelous? I'm never going to go to hell. And Denison Brendan Heights, who I say to myself, isn't it marvelous that someday I'm going to be in heaven, someday I'm actually going to be in heaven?
That's not entering it. The left, the breadth of the depth of the height takes to understand rather than enter into in some measure. Whereas I said at the beginning it's impossible for finite minds to grasp the wall, but it's to enter into what the purposes and counsel of God are. Not that He has simply saved you and I from hell, but what was His purpose? His purpose was that Christ should have a pride.
I'm going to be crying that pride.
That Christ should have a companion, that when God counsels concerning His Son reach their fulfillment, and every knee, bow, and every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord, they're with Him will be his pride. To share all all beloved brethren isn't any wonderful that in the 20th verse it says.
Above all that we after that notice of expertise, and to know the love of Christ, which passive knowledge that you might be filled with all the votes of God.
To see both.
To see below a thread of all these councils, that God has this purpose for his Son, that you and I are to share with his Son all the God purposes for him, and then to find on top of all that, but not Christ.
The whole Christ. But not only is He sharing it with us, not only are we going to be identified with Him.
But the mother brother, he bubbles us. You know when Rebecca, when Rebecca crossed the wilderness to be with Isaac being what mind saying, isn't that wonderful? Here's Rebecca brought across that long distance and here she is with Isaac Barb. She's going to enter into all that is attacked.
All that he received as the son of Abraham. She tried to share it all with him who said it's fireless. But then we read the Isaac love.
The marvelous we not only shares it with us, we not only enter in with Him, and of all that he has the beloved presence. He loves us to know the love of Christ, but then to find out that it passes on.
It's fine. Go on to say that you might be still with all the force of God, that on top of all God's counsels and all God's purposes, on top of all that we're going to be brought into.
Is this petition Marvel's Petition? The Christ Apology?
A monster. Christ also loved the church and gave himself. Well, you know what it says. Know the love of Christ which passes knowledge. I was talking to some folks from my present just today about this. I remember some years ago reading a poll. The poem was called I Believe I Have Seen the Sea. Perhaps some of my brother here have heard the call before.
But the poll concerns a little girl.
And this little girl went down to the ocean. And when she went down to the ocean for the first time, she spent a day at the ocean. And when she came home, some friends of hers said to her, have you seen the sea? And she answered, yes, I have seen the sea. And beloved brethren, what she said was absolutely true. She had seen the sea, but how much had she really seen? How much of it does, how much of its magnitude?
How much of its wide area have you seen? Just a little bit. But nevertheless, what she said was absolutely true. She had saved the sea. Well, beloved brethren, you and I can say we belong to Christ tonight. We can stay with thankful hearts. I know the love of Christ.
But the more we know about, the more we explain it passes on. The magnitude of the marvelous is beyond their comprehensive.
The love of crowds, which passes knowledge. So he says now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask for faith according to the power that work within us. Unto him be glory in the church, by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end.
Rather than I suggested what this simply means to this.
And if God I suppress, I could say it remembers. In this way, if God had come to you and said, what blessing would you like? What would you like me to give you?
It would never even have entered into our minds. We would never even have thought to ask God that we might share the reign of Christ with him.
We would never even have thought to ask God that we might be brought into the same place of favor. Enjoy my beloved son. But Ephesians, chapter one tells us we are expected in the beloved. We will never even have thought to ask that we might be so closely identified with his son that we bear his name for the patience. Chapter one says his body, the fullness of him in the filling all along.
We would never even have thought that we might enter into all that he comes into as a result of the work of the cross.
But Ephesians Chapter 3 says Delaware.
Guest Pleasant cares in God. These things would never even have entered our minds, never have entered even to our thoughts. But this is what God planned, and God's purpose are going to be carried out. And so it is that this is what we look forward to now. We belong to Christ. We are members of His body. By the indwelling of the Spirit of God and the Mother presently know the love of Christ.
All that we might enter more and more responsible.
See more and more of the ocean of Islam, explore it more and more and more as each day goes by, and at the same time enter in in the heart more and more into the length and breadth and depth and height of the council and purpose of God concerning Christ at His Church.
And now we come to perform check, and we find the love of brethren in these 6 verses, actually in all the three remaining chapters, but particularly in these 6 verses, that there is a very practical application of what they had before. So he says in the first verse, I, therefore the prisoner of the Lord beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith your call, rather than what you've been called.
We have been called to be members of the Body of Christ. We have been called to bear His name, to be so closely identified with himself that we enter into all that He enters into.
As God fulfills his counsel, so closely identified with himself, that Jesus enters into nothing until he first takes his life to glory.
In order to have them within when he enters into his place of action.
Now the Spirit is not said. This is your calling, blood brethren. This is what we could have called. This is what we are now, He says. What word beyond all how this feast the ones own conscience? What were the comments does mine walk reveal?
Does my walk reveal that I'm identifying with Christ part of that body which is united to him by the Spirit of God and that bears his name?
Here in the United States, how unbecoming it would be for the president's wife to be involved in some kind of.
Crime. Some kind of.
Sin some kind of wickedness, we'd love to say, well, that's That just isn't becoming to the one who is the president's wife. It just isn't consistent with being the president's wife to find herself involved in that. What? You'd say what?
On the name of the president that brings reproach on that name of the president. Well, beloved president, you and I are united to Christ by the Spirit. And what we do at Richland hope on that name that the Spirit of God has identified us with. Yes, if you're young people here, you belong to Christ. What you do, what you say, where you go, what you're occupied with all these things.
Both of us were older. The same for us. It can bring the food, it can bring dishonor because we are on that name, the name of Jesus because we are identified with him. And so Paul says walk worthy of that calling or with your call. And then he said with all.
With long sovereign or married one mother to love.
No, I think it's very instructive for us that this truth about the meekness, the loneliness, and the meekness should come before the endeavor to keep you in the Spirit. In the 11Th chapter of Matthew, the Lord Jesus says, take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am beacon loving heart, and ye shall find rest unto your sins. Rather than when he calls upon us to walk in low winds and to walk in weakness, He's calling upon us to display the characters.
Of the person with whom we are connected by the Spirit of God. What we bear is name. Beloved president may be displayed his character. May I display the character I bear his name, I'm associated with him.
Let the world see to my brethren. See that which displays the character of Christ. I know we have His life, He has His nature. All of his character might be seen with us.
Well, it says loneliness and meekness. I'll simply pass on a thought, perhaps that is enjoyed here before, but someone has defined loneliness as that which doesn't give offense and meekness as that makes sense.
That we should go on so far that the world that our brother might see that particular corpus with that precious thing. To be fair, why is it that this comes out well? Brethren, in the next person says, endeavoring to keep the unity of this curve and the uniting in the bond of peace. Or the other translation says, the uniting bond of peace, and daring to keep the unity of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace. How can we do that?
You know, it's been said, beloved president, that it's no difficulty at all. It's not very hard at all to get along with somebody to see once a year that's very easy. You say to yourself, well, they're coming. I can put up with them. They'll stay for a couple of days. I can put up with them, and then when they leave, that's over for another year. But God has taken the body of Christ and by the spirit of united us together. And so it is that right here in Sully.
My brethren here are in association with each other day after day.
Three times a day, four times a day, perhaps four or five times a week. And President, what's going to keep us going on together?
Not giving offense. Not taking offense. Displaying the character of Christ. We're going to meet that if we're going to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bottom of the sea. You notice the next person says there is one bot now, the love of present. That is true. It was true on the day of Pentecost, and it has been true for every day since then. Until tonight.
There is one body, and you and I are not responsible to maintain the unity of the body. That's the function of the Spirit of God. And thank God they always want. They're always in one body from the day of Pentecost until tonight. And there always will be one body until the Lord Jesus comes and takes us home before. And the Lord Jesus has his pride in himself. There is one body. We don't have to keep that. The Spirit of God keeps that.
But to disclaim in a practical way that we recognize by faith that we are one body, that we function as one body that requires, rather than business, loneliness and love, long-suffering and love. You know, I.
I have various members to my body and it would never occur to me, at least I don't think it would ever occur to me if I had a sore finger to say to myself, well, that's too bad, the finger got itself sore. Let the finger get itself better. It would never occur to me to say, well, that thing is causing a lot of trouble, just cut it off and get rid of it. Or if someone else came to me and said, well, why are you bothered with that finger? Why do you bother? Isn't it a nuisance? I'm like, I might very well say, yes, it's a nuisance.
But it's part of me. It's part of me. It's part of this body. And I have a care for, because it is part of me, beloved brethren. That is what it means, in a practical way, to endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit that is, to display practically in our contact, one with another, in our care, one for another, in our loved, one for another, in our consideration, one for another.
In seeking the good and blessings one of another.
To recognize that we are one body, that the Spirit of God has united us together into one Father, all beloved present that takes his death. You'll have to work at it. You'll have to work at it. And it takes meekness and moments and long-suffering, forbearing one another in love some of us.
Rather than some of us are not very lovable. Some of us need a lot of care. Remember in the 10th chapter of Lutheran?
When the Good Samaritan took the man and put him upon his own beast and brought him to the hill, when he brought him to the end, what did he say to the innkeeper? He gave him two pairs. And then he said to the innkeeper, Whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will pay him.
Below the present, Some of us need more spent on it than others. Some of us need more love. Some of us need more care. Some of us 'cause our present to exercise more long-suffering. Some of us 'cause our president to exercise more patience. Some of us need a lot of you. But the Lord Jesus says, whatsoever thou spendest more. When I come again, I will pay. I'll make it up to you. I will pay. And beloved friend and May God give us to have that care.
That loved one. For another, the mixed and loneliness comes in because we might say to ourselves, well, I tried to help that brother and he he just didn't want it. He just didn't want it. So what do I say? Well, I tried. Write them off. Or marrying one another one month. Going on again. I'm again. I'm again. You remember how Paul says that the more I love you.
The left side all along the presence of the character of the Lord Jesus Christ, explained to how they hear one person. There is one thought. The next circle says there is one more one thing, one black.