Oh! speak of Jesus, of that love,
Passing all bounds of human thought,
Which made Him quit His throne above,
With God-like, deep compassion fraught,
To save from death our ruined race,
Our guilt to purge, our path to trace.
Yes! speak of Jesus, of His grace,
Receiving, pardoning, blessing all;
His holy, spotless life retrace;
His words, His miracles recall.
The words He spoke, the truths He taught;
With life, eternal life, are fraught.
Oh! speak of Jesus, of His death;
For sinners such as me He died.
"'Tis finished!" with His latest breath,
The Lord, Jehovah-Jesus, cried.
That death of, shame and agony
Opened the way of life to me.
But lo! He's risen from the grave,
And bears the greatest, sweetest name;
The Lord, almighty now to save,
From sin, from death; from endless shame.