Let Christ be in deed, and not in name only, your "Lord and Master." Wait upon Him, therefore, habitually, to know what He would have you do. Seek not to be honored of men. Take the lowly place. Let your heart be earnestly set on the conversion of sinners; but beware how you speak of your own labors, or even of the blessings which the Lord may vouchsafe to others through you. Never utter a word tending to gratify or exalt self. Be content to be overlooked, or to have others preferred before you. Let every trial serve to cast you more upon the Lord for comfort, guidance, and strength. Have one object before you; let it be the polestar of your whole life—that Christ may be glorified in you, and by you—and in a day to come He will not fail to acknowledge your service, and to bestow upon you His promised great reward.