The Old Sweet Story

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
Listen to the old sweet story,
Sweet and old, yet ever new—
How Jesus came and dwelt below,
Suffering, dying, loving you.
Many, many years ago,
Jesus came from heaven to earth,
Center of adoring hosts,
Lowly, lowly was His birth.
Lord and Maker of the world,
Scarce for Hint a place it made,
In a table He was born,
In a manger was He laid.
Soon the Babe became a youth,
Subject and obedient too;
Filled with wisdom and with grace,
Waxing strong—and Urns He grew.
As a man this earth He trod,
Often weary, worn and sad,
Much He found o’er which to grieve
Few there were to make Him glad.
Fairer than the sons of men,
Faithful, guileless, undefiled,
Yet He’s wounded, mocked, despised,
Stricken, smitten, bruised, reviled—
Crowned with thorns, and pierced with nails.
Scourged, condemned and crucified;
“It is finished”—Peace is made—
Jesus, Lamb of God, has died.
Empty tomb—triumphant risen—
Satan’s power has been defied;
“Man of sorrows,” now no more,
Jesus, God has glorified.
Perfect in His childhood days,
Perfect in His manhood hour,
Precious was the blood then shed,
Glorious in its saving power.
Children, little children, hear—
Little ones like you He loves,
Such as you He died to save,
Lo! His heart with longing moves.
Children, little children, hear—
“Suffer them to come to Me,”
Thus He spoke when yet on earth,
Now He says, “I died for thee.”
Children, little children, hear,
Listen while He speaks again,
See His loving arms outstretched,
Shall He call and plead in vain?
Children, little children, come,
Even now, yes, just today,
Sinful, wayward though you are
Do not doubt, nor yet delay.
Children, little children, come,
Faith you need, that faith He’ll give;
Jesus’ blood was shed for you,
Trust Him now, believe and live.
Children, little children, think,
How His tender heart was riven,
How He meekly all endured,
That your sins might be forgiven.
Jesus gone, but comes again,
He has gone to make a home,
Soon He’ll come to take His own,—
Little children, won’t you come?
Children, listen yet once more—
“All My blood-washed, loved ones dear,
Father I would have with Me,”
Little ones, will you be there?
ML 06/09/1940