“As the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ” (1 Cor. 12:12). A vital truth. A living reality. The Head of all things is Christ; the church is His body, united to Him by the Spirit, who dwells in each member of His body. He loves His body and is laboring to present it to Himself without spot or wrinkle. United to Him, His body is both heavenly in its character and destiny. As Head, His body receives both its direction and its nourishment from Himself. The members of His body are to edify and help one another, reflecting His love for them to one another. The oneness of the body is both formed and maintained by the indwelling Spirit in each member. The bond of peace is maintained by each member walking in lowliness and meekness, bearing and forbearing in love with one another, so reflecting the heart of the Head and by each one submitting to the one Spirit who leads all in harmony to the Head. Our desire in this issue is to edify and encourage each one who reads it to have a greater personal appreciation for the Head — what He is to His body and what His body is to Him. May each heart be drawn to walk more “worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called.”