The Path of Blessing

Duration: 53min
Genesis 26
Address—C.E. Lunden
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Return to the 26th chapter of Genesis.
Genesis 26.
And there was a famine in the land.
Beside the first famine that was in the days of Abraham.
And Isaac went unto Abimelech, king of the Philistines, unto Gerard, And the Lord appeared unto him, and said.
Not down into Egypt, dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of.
Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee and will bless thee. Run to thee and unto thy seed. I will give all these countries.
And I will perform the oath which I swear unto Abraham thy father, and I'll make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven.
Will give unto thy seed all these countries, and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.
Because that Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.
And Isaac dwelt in Gerard.
And the men of the place asked him of his wife, and he said she is my sister.
For he feared to say she is my wife. Blessed said he, the man in the place, should kill me for Rebecca, because she was fair to look upon.
It came to pass, when he had been there a long time, that Abimelech, king of the Philistines, looked out at a window.
And so and behold, Isaac was sporting with Rebecca's wife, and Abimelech called Isaac and said behold of a surety.
She is thy wife. How? Since thou she is my sister. And Isaac said unto him, Because I said, lest I die for her. And Abimelech said, What is this?
That thou hast done, and it was one of the people might likely have lined with thy wife, and thou should have brought guilt in this upon us. And Bill Lake charged all his people, saying he that touches this man or his wife should surely be put to death.
Then Isaac sowed in that land and received in the same year.
And hundredfold. And the Lord blessed him.
And the man waxed great.
And went forward, grew until he became very great.
Where he had possession of flocks.
And possession of herds and great store of servants and the philistines envied him.
Or all the whales which his father's servants had digged in the days of Abraham, his father. The Philistines had stopped them and filled them with earth.
And Abimelech is said unto Isaac, Go from us, for thou art much mighter than we.
And Isaac departed thence, and pitched his tent in the valley of Gerard, and dwelt there.
And Isaac digged again the wells of water which they had digged in the days of Abraham's father.
For the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham, and he called her names after the names by which his father had called them.
And Isaac's servants digged in the valley, and found there a well of springing water. And the herdmen of Gerard did strive with Isaac's herdman, saying, The water is ours. And he called the name of the well, he said, because they strove with him.
And they digged another well and strove for that also, and they called the name of it said.
Tension and bitterness. And he removed from dance and dig another well, and for that they strove not. And he called the name of it Rehoboth. And he said, For now the Lord hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.
And he went up and danced to Beersheba.
And the Lord appeared unto him the same night, and said, I am the God of Abraham, thy father.
If you're not, for I'm with thee, will bless thee, and multiply thy seed for my servant Abraham sake. And he built an altar there, and called upon the name of the Lord, and pitched his tent there. And there Isaac's servants digged a well.
The Annabelle Bimelech went to him from Gerar.
And Ahuzah, one of his friends.
And if I call the chief captain of his army?
And Isaac said unto them, Wherefore come ye to me, seeing you hate me, sent me away from you. They said, We saw certainly that the Lord was with thee. He said, Let there be now an oath betwixt us, even betwixt us and thee, and let us make a covenant with thee, that thou wilt do us no hurt.
As we have not touched thee, and as we have done unto thee, nothing.
But good and have sent thee away in peace and art now the blessed.
Of the Lord. And he made them a feast, and they did eat and drink, and they rose up at times in the morning, and swear one to another, and Isaac sent them away.
When they departed from him in peace.
And it came to pass the same day.
That Isaac's servants came and told him concerning the well which they digged, and said unto him, We have found water, And he called it Sheba.
Therefore the name of the city is called Beersheba, or the Well of the old unto this day.
We have a brief history of Isaac in Scripture.
If we were to read the history of Abraham, we'd find it covered many, many pages and chapters.
Same with Jacob, but not Isaac.
Isaac is a picture to us of the heavenly man.
But down here in this world.
Now at times he didn't appear much like a heavenly man, and so this of course gives us to see that he's much like ourselves because we are a heavenly people.
And some of the experiences that he goes through are very much like the ones that we pass through.
We should have a general picture first of all of what's before us.
Now in the valley that Isaac was to follow.
Is a very special valley.
And it's the valley where the grapes of Esco grew.
Is the brook is called the Brook Beesor or Glad tidings?
And so it's just a little picture of the gospel of the grace of God, but all the way it starts at the Mediterranean and it ends at the headwaters in the place called Hebron, or.
General territory was called mammary. Hebron means communion, and mammary means fatness.
Now this stream or river Bizarre.
At different branches.
Gerard was on one branch, but it was a dead end.
And sometimes we wonder why God does not allow us to go ahead in the path we've taken.
Oftentimes it's a dead end path.
And so the Lord made it difficult, allowed it to be difficult.
Even in the midst of prosperity.
That seems strange, doesn't it?
Now we can answer that in this way. In Psalm 3 it says, Thy blessing is upon thy people. It can't be otherwise.
God's blessing is upon His people.
And all those blessings are found in Christ.
But we find that there's famine in the land.
And Isaac is going to do exactly what his father did. He's going to head for Egypt.
That God stops it.
You know, it's, it's something we should consider as parents.
When we do something.
Our children are liable to follow in our footsteps.
The story is told of a man who was habitually attending.
A saloon. And he had to even because of the habit, he had to go even in the snow. And he was.
He was a big man and he he had big boots and as he walked through the snow onto this place where he was to get his liquor he heard a noise and looked back and his little boy was jumping from 1 footstep to the other.
Turned around and he said never again.
All that many apparent would do the same thing, turn around.
Unless your son follow in your footsteps.
Now this may be in little things.
Or it might be in things that seem little at the moment, but they turn out to be something very vital at times.
Abraham went down into Egypt and he got nothing but trouble when he went to Egypt, and that trouble lasted most of his life that he received from Egypt.
God, in his grace he hinders Isaac from going to Egypt. He says you dwell in the land.
I've given you the land, now dwell there.
And that's good advice for us tonight, isn't it? God has given us the good land. Let's dwell there.
Let's not go to the right hand or the left.
Let's not follow new ideas, even if they come from our brethren.
Let's stay right in the land, in the place where God has put us. We still have lessons to learn. In the land we have to learn. There are different paths we might take, but the certain paths will bring us sorrow.
And it was just so with Isaac, he went up that stream and it was quite a long pathway, quite a long stream up, and it did go in the general direction of Hebron.
But it came to a dead end.
And of course, when we do that, we have to retrace our steps because God has a purpose for His people, and that purpose is to bring them into the full enjoyment.
Of the things of Christ, that's Hebrew, that's up at the headwaters. And if we take these side paths, we're not going to reach it as quickly because we have to retrace everyone of them.
Therefore we can take the proper path.
And you'll find to that in the path that we choose ourselves, oftentimes without asking God, that all it may seem that is a path of blessing, we find out that it really is a path of sorrow in this end.
Now the real path that that God had intended for Isaac to follow.
It was a path that led by that place called Esco, where they despise later found that large bunch of grapes. Remember the two men to carry and grapes speak of the joys.
Of the believers pathway of life.
The joys of the Kingdom are whatever it happens to be.
And so that's what is in store for those who follow in the pathway that God has appointed. There are those joys that begin here and never have any end. As we sing in that little hymn, Esco's Grapes, the story tells of where thy path to fleet.
So we find that in this valley or the city of Girard first.
He finds himself among enemies in the land.
Now we might speak of them as professing Christians who have come into the land.
They had no right to it, but they came into the land.
And they were settled there.
And Isaac finds himself now in the midst of Girar and.
We find also that.
One of the first things we do when we get into a wrong path.
Is to tell lies.
Tell lies.
And, you know, surprising isn't it, that even a man like Abraham, who was the father of faith, had to resort to telling lies to cover up what he was doing?
Now, this is rather a common thing, isn't it? And I'm sure there isn't a person here, but what in some way or other has told what they might call as a white lie? There's no such thing, you know.
All of that. Sometimes it's deceitfulness and misrepresentation is what it is.
He said that his wife was his sister.
Now, it could have been true, you know, in a sense.
But really not in the sense he intended.
To answer, or should have answered at least he should have said she's my wife.
But you know, it is lack of faith in his part because.
The God who had called him had promised him, as we read in the beginning of the chapter.
Don't sit carefully. Third verse. Sojourn in this land and I will be within. Will bless thee. Is that not enough for faith?
I will be with thee, and I will bless thee.
What does he need to be afraid of?
You know there's no place for fear on the part of the Christian. I will be with thee and bless thee.
I suppose the first time this occurred was when.
That is the full saying that we have quoted in Hebrews. I will never leave thee, inner forsake thee. We get in the case of Jacob in the 28th chapter of Genesis, 2 Chapters further.
I will never leave thee, nor for safely, but here simply I will be with thee.
And I will bless thee now. This is the reason, for unto thee and unto thy seed I will give all these countries.
And I will perform the oath which I swear to Abraham thy father, and so on.
Now you notice what God says to him in the fifth verse.
Because that Abraham obeyed my voice.
Word obeyed is the secret of a happy Christian life Obeyed.
Dependence and obedience form the Christian pathway.
Dependence upon God, not man. Abraham lived a life of independence of man.
We lived a life of obedience to the Word of God.
God called Abraham and he says get out.
Like hindrance?
Thy father's house.
Chill on the land that I was filter and he got out. He obeyed the word of God.
But a different history would have been written about Abraham if he hadn't obeyed. And now Isaac, his son, is walking the same path up the very same valley of Beesar.
So it's a question here. I want you to know that Abraham obeyed my voice, he said.
It is true that Abraham failed.
But God is looking at Abraham's life as the whole life.
Not simply some particular act.
Because Solomon tells us there's no man on earth.
That hasn't sinned.
So we find that God is looking at the heart and not simply at all the acts that we do. It's true that if we, if we sin, there is an accounting for it. There's a government of God. But he looks at his people as to their heart. Where is your heart and where is my heart tonight as to God? Are we walking in the path of obedience and dependence?
Now we find that Isaac not only had gone to Girar, but in the sixth verse it says he dwelt in Gerar.
Was he not in the land? Yes, he was in the land.
But you see, he wasn't in that part of the land where he should be.
He was not in the part of the land where he should be.
He knew very well.
Where he should be.
Because he knew where his father Abraham had dwelt.
But he wasn't there.
Now it was his own experience. And you know, we cannot, we can't live on someone else's faith.
Each believer has to pass through the path alone in the presence of God.
He has to whose faith follow. That's true, and we get the benefit of others who've gone before but still at stake. We don't follow the mistakes, I trust, but we follow their faith.
Isaac followed both at first.
He followed the mistakes of his father.
He almost followed the first mistake which was go to Egypt and God kept him from that, but he did follow in the second mistake. However, in his life he did follow the path of Abraham as a whole.
Even though he did make mistakes.
And now they ask him of his wife, and so he goes about.
To lie about his wife.
Is God true? Yes. God's justice true. Even though he does what he does, that doesn't change God's attitude one bit.
And so God rebukes Abimelech.
I will be with thee, God says, and he's with it, even though he has failed.
Isn't that encouraging for us tonight? Now he doesn't support us in what we do.
In the sense of doing evil.
But he his purposes for his people will never change.
We may have to suffer because of what we do, but the original intention for each individual person for the part of God will never change, never change.
How much sorrow we cause ourselves in the path of faith.
That the believer is still in the path.
And he told Jacob and his life, and Noah's often spoken of as a crooked path.
He told him, You know I'll not leave thee nor forsake thee till I brought you right back to this place again.
And he did bring him back, because God never fails in his purpose.
We failed in carrying out a responsibility, but God never fails in His purpose for each individual soul.
Regardless of how stubborn we may be, how wavered we may be, God will not fail in His purpose.
Now we have.
We might turn to a verse.
And the 105th song.
The 14th verse.
Talking about the children of Israel. But it's still the path of faith. He suffered no man to do them wrong.
Yeah, he reproved kings for their sakes, saying that's not mine. Anointed do my prophets no harm.
That's God's side.
He's going to see two do it that no one's going to interfere.
The purpose he has in view?
And he's going to be with his own.
It's a wonderful comfort for our hearts.
Now the 12Th verse.
You're still in the land, but something's taking place.
And it seems like it's going to be real well for this man, Isaac.
Then Isaac sowed in that land and received in the same year in a hundredfold.
And it says, And the Lord blessed him.
I notice again and the man waxed great.
It went forward and grew until he became very great.
For he had possessions of flocks, and possessions of herds, and great store of servants, I noticed, and the Phyllis Dines envied him.
Do you think it's proper for a Christian, a heavenly citizen, to have the world envy him?
Go to see. Abraham had to pass through this. Isaac had to pass through this lesson.
You'll see practically what it meant to him.
He was now in a position he's a heavenly man down here and the world is envying him.
Now if he had.
In a in a general way, is in the place.
A blessing.
But there is such a thing as being where God wants us to be in the midst of that.
Outward testimony of Christ here on the earth.
He has placed set a place where his name is.
And he wants his people to that place.
And so we find a great deal of blessing and you know, sometimes we think when we're blessed in natural things that.
We have God's approval of what we're doing, but it might be the farthest thing.
God will bless us.
He granted them their desire, but He sent leanness to their souls.
Don't ever think, because you are blessed in natural things, that you have the mind of God in what you're doing. Don't think that for a moment.
That's walking by sight, not by faith.
It looks it looks great, doesn't it?
For all the whales which his father's servants had digged in the days of Abraham, his father, the Philistines had stopped them and filled them with earth.
Abraham's servants had digged wells. Wells speak of refreshments.
The refreshment that's needed as we pass through this world and those religious people.
If they can, they're going to fill them with Earth. Earth.
Refreshment of a heavenly man filled with earth.
And we don't have to explain that, I'm sure, but the Earth suggests.
It suggests everything that the natural man loves down here.
Now just thought, how far tonight am I? How far are you taking up with Earth?
As an option. Is that enough that we have here before?
Earth so that the waters of refreshment for the heavenly man cannot flow forth.
Can't have two things in the vessel at the same time.
Either one or the other.
It's either the heavenly things or earth.
No, I'm not referring to the fact that you and I have our responsibilities here.
But the question is.
Where the treasure is, there is the heart also, or there will be the heart also. So where's the treasure? That's the point.
That's the 12Th chapter of Luke.
And immediately after that verse, you find three ways in which the Lord's coming is put before the believer.
That is the believer waiting.
In the mean time for his coming.
Watching for his coming and doing.
And a special reward in each case.
When he comes for those who are waiting, those who are watching and those who are doing. But you see with the Philistines have filled up these.
Wells then they had to go back and re dig these wells again.
Get back to the water.
Philistines have stopped them and filled them with Earth.
Now I've been like said unto Isaac, Go from us, for thou art much mightier than we.
It's one thing to leave the world, and it's another thing for the world to drive us out.
When we leave the world, we can come back again. The religious world, you know, that's what we have here.
But when they drive us out, then.
They're through us, and that's a good place for a Christian to be, you know?
To be outside and driven out.
And that's what we have here.
Now he departs, but he doesn't go very far.
I suppose he's been thinking about that long trek back to the place where he left the right path.
It's a long way back.
And it takes a lot of spiritual courage, you know, following that path.
Backward steps, steps that you've already taken, thinking you were on the right Rd. when you really should have been in communion with the Lord about it. Now you have to go back that long way. So he just goes over in the valley now out of the city. Separation to a certain point.
And now I ask myself tonight, and I ask you at the same time, how far have we gone in separation outside of the city into the valley? We left the place altogether.
If they've driven us out, have we taken it from the Lord? We left the whole thing.
They got what we have here.
Would take more yet to get him out.
He still has a tent, though. He's a Pilgrim.
But he goes into this valley and says he dwelt there, he dwelt there. He didn't act like a Pilgrim, you know?
Although he had a tent, I don't read anything about an altar.
Should have had an Alder.
And Isaac digged again the wells of water which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father, For the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham, I noticed, And he called their names after the names by which his father had called them.
Turn with me to the 22nd of Proverbs.
And the 28th verse.
Remove not the ancient landmark.
Which thy fathers have set.
That's very plain, isn't it?
Well, you know, the principles all through Scripture are for us.
We can't escape them.
The principle, I say.
In those days, there were certain landmarks that would make the boundary of the field that belonged to each individual person.
In other words, it was their own inheritance that was given a bound.
The word in the margin says bound, which means the boundary.
Of their own possession of their inheritance.
Your own inheritance that you have in Christ and all that. It means don't remove the ancient landmarks.
Don't change the landmarks.
There was a tendency today to change the landmarks.
To change everything if possible.
A young man. He was young then, younger at least said to me.
Riding on the train with him some time ago and he said.
I think we ought to see if we can't get a Bible together that will be more practical for the young people.
A man who didn't know Greek was not a scholar in Scripture, and yet he proposed such a thing.
When God has set up men who knew Greek and knew the truth well, because it takes two things you know to translate, it takes a knowledge of the original language.
As well as to know the mind of God as to the Scripture.
Don't ever trifle with this.
God has set men, raised men, up for these things.
And also the pattern of the Christian life that we have.
Carried down from generation to generation. This is repeated in the book of Thessalonians, the Apostle Paul, and also in Corinthians. He says keep the traditions. What does he mean?
The original word is instruction. Keep the instruction.
That's what we need.
You know the changes come from the natural mind, not from scripture.
Remove not the ancient landmarks.
Which thy father's have set.
Do you think for a moment that the age in which we are living is far more spiritual than those who lived formerly?
Would you know of anyone today?
They could sit down and write a hymn like the ones who are singing in our little hymn book.
Which would indicate someone spirituality.
Among those who were given.
Gifts not only to write the hymns, but also to translate.
In the way in which we now have them in our hands.
I'm not speaking only of Mr. Darby's translation. I'm Speaking of this King James translation. Spiritual man. Yes, they did fail in a few words that they didn't translate, perhaps clearly, but in general, you'll never find a better translation.
For you to leave.
God raised these men up to provide this thing for us.
Well, he he gave these wells by the original names. He didn't change anything.
We're told in scriptures, beware of those that are given to change.
Though it says here.
And Isaac's servants digged in the valley and found there a well of springing water.
Not only do they dig again the wells that their father his father Abraham.
But he takes some more wells.
You know, it's a wonderful thing not only to accept and enjoy what's been handed down to us, but also to be diligent with scriptures ourselves.
You know.
Even with the best, there's plenty left to enjoy because Scripture was given us to enjoy.
And everything that's found in scripture never has not been written by those who've written. There are many things that we can enjoy personally as we read the scriptures. And they found the well of springing water that was living water for the very moment which they were there asking through this valley.
Build the wrong place.
But he has the water.
But now what's happened? Now what happens?
God is not going to leave him alone.
Because he wants them to get out of the place.
He wants complete separation from the religious world.
In the land.
And so we find, first of all, contention.
They say the water is ours. They call the name of the well Essex or Contention.
And then it says.
And they dig another well.
And strove for that also.
Is that the way you like to offend your Christian life?
And striving hatred.
That's a great loss. Was he in the land? Yes, he's in the land. Was he where he's supposed to be? No, he wasn't.
As long as he was there, he's going to have nothing but contention, striving hatred.
We're part of the enemy and envy too, because God was blessing us.
That's what we find.
We mingle in with this poor world.
Religious world through which were passive.
Now he comes, and he finds a well.
It's called room. Now he has room and they're not striving anymore.
Was it the whales that brought contention?
That awakened Isaac. The ones that caused hatred, were they the ones that awakened him? No.
It's the well where he found room.
Because it's the goodness of God that leads it repentance.
He may bring severity in our lives to awaken us.
But repentance comes with the realization of His goodness.
You get that in Romans, the 1St chapter.
For perhaps a second, knowest thou not, O man, that is the goodness of God.
At least.
When it comes to the place where he has room.
He said for now the Lord has made room for us and we shall be fruitful in the land, in the land.
What does he do now? He gets out entirely.
He goes to their semen.
Abersheba is the well of the oath, and is the well where Abraham made an oath.
Made a covenant with the Philistines and that was the border.
And got out completely. And until you and I get out completely, we'll still have contention and striving and all this.
But notice now in the 24th verse.
He's come now to Beersheba, the well of the old. He's come to the border of the land where he belongs.
And the Lord appeared unto him the same night. Isn't that nice?
Very same night when he moved. You know, the Lord is so anxious to bless us and we're just holding back that blessing ourselves.
The very same night that he made that move, God made the move to.
And the Lord hadn't appeared to him in the land of the Philistines, had he? We hear of him appearing at the very start of the chapter to warn him about Egypt, that that was all.
Tell him all about the goodness that he promised.
But now, once he makes that move.
Complete separation for the religious world.
Then God appears to him that night, very same night, and even late till the morning.
He said I am the God of Abraham, thy father.
Hear not, for I am with thee and will bless thee, and multiply thy seed for my servant Abraham's sake.
It's nice to be refreshed again by the precious truth of God when we have gone astray.
Because it's only that that will refresh our souls.
It's the Word of God applied by the Spirit that brings joy and peace as we believe it, nothing else.
All the bounty of the that he received in the land of the Philistines will never take the place of this moment when God appears to him.
God appeared to Abraham seven times.
At least sometimes we know.
And each time he appeared to him, it was a step forward in blessing.
Some of the occasions were very close together.
Some occasions were a long time apart. I think it was 13 years between.
Because Abraham didn't act on what he should have, and God wasn't going to come and appear to him until he acted on the truth he knew.
If you and I don't act on truth, we know, don't expect.
A fresh revelation from God.
We can read the scriptures over and over again, so I can't understand this. You never will.
Act on the truth that you know.
Act on the truth you know that God has given you, then you'll give you more light.
Now we have an altar.
Now he's a worshiper.
And where is the altar? Right there where God appeared to him.
The very place of his presence.
Remember when the Lord walks on the water, the disciples were in the boat on the sea, and the sea was the boat was being tossed by the waves.
And the Lord appears, walking in the water.
He said to them three things.
Be of good cheer. That's the Lord's coming. It is I. That's the gathering point.
He not afraid.
Those are the three messages for you and me in the last days, the Church's history.
Be a good cheer. That's the Lord's coming. It is I.
Be not afraid.
So it is here. It's in the very place where God says I am the building altar. It says he builded an altar there, there.
Were reveals himself personally.
Oh, how precious this truth is, if it's ever reached into our hearts. Or is it just a doctrine that we've embraced?
Doctors teaching, you know, or has it reached right into our hearts?
We say that whatever you may think for me, the Lord has gathered me to His precious name.
Did you say that?
Build an order there and call upon the name of the Lord and pitched his tent there.
Pitched his tent there, not in Girar.
We've gone all the way back down to where the river branched off.
And now he's come up to Beersheba.
There, Isaac's servants digged a well.
Now we have an interruption in the story, and we find that Abimelech comes. And who is Abimelech? Why, he's the one in whose country he had been and told him to get out.
Good to know, dear ones, when the scripture tells us that when a man's ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with me. So if you don't have peace in your life, there might be something wrong.
In our ways, not pleasing the Lord.
And it's a wonderful thing to be walking in a path that's pleasing to the Lord, and to have an altar at the right place.
And also to have a tent in the right place.
The Pilgrim character is a tent and an altar.
Notice that word there in each case.
And then the third case, it's there that Isaac's servants digged a well.
That is, not only is he a worshiper, but he lives at that altar.
The place where the Lord has said His name, and that's where the well of refreshment is found.
There's where the Spirit of God is free to take of the things of Christ and open them to our souls.
Isaac said unto them, 27 First, what do you come to me, seeing you hate me?
Sent me away from you.
We saw certainly that the Lord was with thee. We got a nice testimony. The enemy sees this. The religious enemy sees it.
And we said, let there be now an oath between betwixt us, even betwixt us and thee, so on.
Next to my face.
And now they depart from him in peace.
What do we have next?
Came to pass the same day that Isaac's servants came and told him concerning the well which they had digged, and said unto him.
We have found water or refreshment and he called it that is the same as his father called it. He didn't give it a new name. He called it Sheba. That's the oath because it was the well of the oath.
Now there's a verse or two in the later chapter I'd like to read in closing.
The time came when.
Jacob and.
Came to their father Isaac.
Where did they find?
Found him in Heathrow.
That's the end of the world.
God had brought him to the very place that he said he would bring him.
Abram means Communion.
He sent mammary the place of happiness and all the experiences of life we didn't get. The rest of his life here is not recorded.
A few things, yes, but not very much.
But this particular experience that we've had tonight of the life of Isaac.
The the path of faith has given us in the history of Abraham, but this is not given by this way.
Place a complete separation from the religious enemies in the land we have here in this chapter tonight. But then he jumps over to the end of the story.
And his sons find him.
Well, here once tonight.
Where are your children going to find you?
Have you ever thought of that?
Your children are watching you.
Where are they going to find you? Are they going to find you in the place of God's appointment? Or are you going to wander off in a path of your own choosing, not having the mind of God led by perhaps natural affection?
Or something else away from the path of blessing and you walk, in your experience end up in Hebrew.
The place of fatness, communion. You won't end your life here in that way. If you take a path of your own choosing, there's only one path, and that's the path of faith, and that's a river Besar, the river of glad tidings.
It carries with it that.
Large bunch of escoles, grapes.
The joys that belong to the Christian pathway down here.
The Lord enable us then to walk.
Map app.
The glory of God down here let our pathway, whatever the experiences along the way are, will end in keeping.
That was Damry's Valley.