The Path of Faith

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
THE path of faith is necessarily trying.
And it is intended by God that our faith should be tried. Untried faith is unknown power; tried faith is God proved. There are times when God so deals with us that we have, practically, no outlook, no future, All around is fog. We cannot see one step before us. If we try to look ahead, our hearts are ready to break. Now in such seasons the wisest thing is not to think of tomorrow, but to look up. When we do this there will soon be found sufficient sunshine to brighten the spot where we stand, just enough for that one small place. And, fellow Christian, what more sunshine for yourself do you require? If you are enjoying that ray which comes straight from the throne above and shines upon you, is not that sufficient? So long as you are enjoying this, you will not be occupied with the fog which closes the next step from your view.
Let us remember, too, that where our God is the light is ever the same. He is above the clouds. He is the God of peace; and He knows what our next step will be, and what lies before us. The great thing in life’s trials is to have the God of peace with us, and His peace in our hearts. This is a reality, and can only be known in its full sustaining power in our trials. Give your cares to God, and He will give you His peace and be with you, and when this is so you can bless Him, even in the trials, for the trials.