The Person of the Christ

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Address—Doug Buchanan
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To introduce our subject this afternoon, I'd like to turn to a few verses in the Proverbs chapter 30. We'll begin reading with from the first verse, Proverbs 30, verse one.
The words of anger, the son of Chica, even the prophecy the man spoke unto Ethiel, even unto Ethiel and Yuca.
Surely I am more brutish than any man and have not the understanding of a man. I neither learned wisdom nor have the knowledge of the holy.
Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended?
Who hath gathered the wind in his fists?
Who hath bound the waters in a garment? Who hath established all the ends of the earth? What is his name and what is his sons name? If thou canst tell to Matthews Gospel chapter one verse one, the book of the generation of Jesus Christ.
The son of David.
The son of Abraham.
Now it'd be nice to read the whole book, but we won't do that.
We'll turn over to the last chapter.
Get the conclusion Matthew 28.
Verse 18 And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things, whatsoever I have commanded you, and lo.
I am with you.
Alway even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Well, I read these verses.
And rather odd verses about being a brutish man.
Perhaps I could suggest that Agar, in his search to know God, in his search to find the man, the man.
The holy One, the one in control.
It was a feudal search.
And don't know if he found it or not, except maybe by faith.
But I'd like to suggest for us a different perspective to those verses, those of us who have seen and come to know the Lord Jesus.
God's Son come down to earth as man.
Displaying all that God wants displayed.
By his creatures.
We have such a wealth of information, such a wealth of beauty and things to lay hold of.
Will never scratch the surface.
The Lord Jesus Christ, I would like to talk about Him.
Before this meeting, I asked the Lord to fill me up with the Lord Jesus.
Well, I think he did.
I don't think I'll be able to get it all out.
But I hope there's something here for you in these scriptures that we read to lay hold of Him.
This morning we had him before us in our meetings and.
In fact, I'll confess that quite a few of the hymns and scriptures they took right out of my mouth.
Are of my heart to speak on.
That there's plenty more, plenty more we have in this book.
Genesis through Revelation.
The story of two men has been said.
Let's turn back to Genesis chapter one briefly. I'm not going to spend very much time in the Old Testament.
Genesis 1 verse one. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Chapter 2, Verse four. These are the generations of heaven and the earth.
Chapter 5, verse one. This is the book of the generations of Adam.
In the day that God created man.
In the likeness of God made he, him, and so on. And we could go on and we'll find that there were.
There are 12 generations in the book of Genesis describing the history of man that continues on through the book of Genesis all the way up to the end of Malachi.
Adam and his race, his genealogies, of which everybody in this room is a member.
We're all partake of his life and flesh, His nature.
Now we turn what we read over in the book of Matthew starts out.
A different generation, a different genealogy.
The Lord Jesus Christ, the 2nd man, the last Adam, and that's what we purpose to talk about Genesis or Matthew 11, the book of the generation of Jesus Christ.
It's interesting here, the son of David, the son of Abraham, if you'll trace through those generations in the book of.
Of Genesis, you'll find that Abraham is left out.
I was always going to ask one of the older brethren why that was. This afternoon the Lord told me why.
It comes in right here.
Matthew 11.
By faith, that is a rather, Abraham was the father of the faithful.
The Father of faith, and he became the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And so the chapter that was skipped over in the book of Genesis.
This book of Matthew takes up.
The Lord Jesus Christ.
Well, I enjoyed that. That's what we want to talk about.
Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham, that is he this this gospel and therefore this gospel gives us the Lord Jesus presented as to the Jews, their King, their Messiah, the son of Abraham, who was the father of the Jews, the beginning of that race, the the first king was David.
And he is their King, the Lord Jesus.
Was born a king.
We had this morning the superscription that was written over his cross. This is Jesus.
I better I better read it so I don't misquote it. This is Jesus, the King of the Jews. What a story.
A king on a cross.
Never happened before in the history.
A king crucified.
And he is our Lord and Savior. Well, I'd like to go on now.
Trace through a few scriptures in this book. Well, before we do that, I should comment on the last chapter.
All power is given me in heaven and on earth.
There you see the final.
End of the story. The Lord Jesus.
In control, the very one who was rejected by his people is the one who has all power given to him.
Do you believe that?
Do we really believe that all power is in his hands now? That's what the proverbs, that's what Agar was brutish about because he didn't lay hold of that. But we've read this story over and over again.
About the birth of the Lord Jesus, who he was, His name and what it means, you know, just before I came here.
Yesterday morning when we went down to the airport.
There was a air show going on and the Blue Angels were there and all seven of their aircraft were sitting right there where we were. And so we walked out and we took a little tour some of the airplanes there and I noticed on the side of every one of those Blue Angels.
Was written the name of the captain of each one number one, number two, Lieutenant so and so.
And I saw those lieutenants walk out there and climb into their cockpits and fire them up.
And get ready to take off.
Their name was written there. A name is important. We've been talking about the name of the Lord Jesus. You know, I thought about inviting somebody to come up here and introduce themselves as their name when somebody comes up and you meet them and there's a lot of people here that I've.
Never met before, at least I don't know your name.
But we ask people, what's your name?
Well, somebody comes up and says, well, my name is Bill.
Well, who's Bill? I know lots of Bills. Who's Bill? Or who's John? I know lots of Johns, but that doesn't mean anything to me other than it's the name of the Bible. But then somebody may say, oh, he's the son of so and so. Oh, I know that man. And immediately we begin to form a relationship, a feeling of mutual understanding between one another, the name starts to mean something.
Or when I walk up to the side of that Blue angel's jet there and I see.
Lieutenant So and so there then all that name starts to identify with me something that that man has done or is doing or a position that he has.
At More.
That's what I'd like to do with the Lord Jesus this afternoon.
We'd like to look at some of his attributes, what he stands for, what his name means. What is that to you? Where did he come from?
What is he able to do?
Oh, that's the Lord Jesus, all power.
Is given me. He has it in his hands. Well, we'd have to read the whole book of Matthew, the whole Bible.
To really find out who he is, but we'll notice a few scriptures. Let's go on down now in chapter one of Matthew.
Verse 18.
Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise.
When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost, then Joseph, her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privately. But while he thought on these things, behold, the Angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph.
The Son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife.
For that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost, and she shall bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins.
Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son. They shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is God with us.
Then Joseph, being raised from sleep, did as the Angel of the Lord had bidden him.
And took unto him his wife, and knew her not until she had brought forth her first born son, and he called his name Jesus.
It's amazing here how?
The very one who would be perhaps the least likely to want and take that child and name it is the one who does name him Jesus.
He was not the true Father of the Lord Jesus the Holy Spirit. God the Spirit had come down and caused Mary to conceive the Lord Jesus Christ, and so he was both God and man. He was.
Of the Holy Spirit, and he was conceived in a human womb.
In the Virgin Mary.
A holy child.
God was his father.
Mary was his mother.
But he gets inheritage here.
Of the kingly line Joseph.
His father. His father.
That is according to right? Because it says.
He called his name Jesus. That's what the Lord had told him. Thou shalt in verse 21, and thou shalt call his name Jesus. Mary did not name him. Joseph gave him his name.
The Lord Jesus received the birthright of Joseph of the mind of David. He was heir to be king.
That's his title here in the Gospel of Matthew, and Matthew develops that all the way through. We've seen it on the cross. This is Jesus, the King of the Jews and so on. Beautiful story, a king, royalty.
But more than that, here it says.
His name shall be, he says.
In verse 7. The prophet in verse 22.
And shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is God with us.
God come down in flesh.
Now we'll we'll notice that.
As we go through a few just a few little excerpts out of this book, we'll notice how that the Lord Jesus Christ.
Displayed and proved to those around him and to us who read this book that He really was everything that he was spoken to be. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is in John 8.
Where they asked him, Who art thou?
Now, if somebody asked you that, somebody asked me that.
I'm probably going to tell them what my name is.
The name that my parents put upon me.
The Lord Jesus didn't answer that way.
He said, I am altogether that which I say unto you, That's not the King James translation, but that's the sense of it.
Everything that the Lord Jesus pretended to be by name or action, he was.
Now to get down to ground level here, so all the young ones can understand. If somebody asks you who you are, another way I might answer. I might say I'm Doug Buchanan and I am a farmer.
And there will be a lot of people in this room that will immediately say, oh, yeah, I know what? I know a little about farming. I'm a farmer, too. I know. And they'll immediately be something there between us, something conveyed.
The Lord Jesus didn't answer that way. He said everything that I represent to you to be I am. That is, His actions were considered perfectly consistent with everything that he was named. He's named Savior Jesus, which means Savior. Was the Lord Jesus a savior?
The Savior. Yes, He was the savior. He is the savior.
Is done as much as he has to save his people from their sins. He is Savior and when he took that name as Savior.
It meant that he was going to have to go to the cross to prove who he really was, that he would be what he came to earth to be, to be a savior. That's just one thing. He was Emmanuel, God with us. He proved that God was here on earth with his people.
Read the book of Matthew. It's all through the book.
And every other name I wish I had brought with me this there's a text, there's a great big text out of all the names that the Lord Jesus.
That belonged to him.
There's over 100 of them. I couldn't begin to enumerate the mall. We have two here.
Savior, oh Jesus, Emmanuel, Christ, the son of David, son of Abraham, and the list goes on. He was all of those. It's interesting how often we, you know, we have a saying, we put our best foot forward.
Usually the first time we meet somebody there, we try to make the best impressions upon them so they see the best side of us. Why is that?
We have to admit because there's a lot of bad sides to us.
It wasn't that way with the Lord Jesus.
None of that. He was everything and he displayed it when he came down here.
He's he's the answer to everything we every need we have.
You look at the list of all the things that the Lord Jesus is, all the names that he takes upon him.
And they accuse him of not being that and will notice some of those. Some of the things that he said when he was on the cross we had about it. He saved. Others himself he could not save as if he was a weakling there, hanging on there, as if he was one who was a victim of their power and the circumstances of the day.
And that because he was a weakling. He's coming to his end.
Is that what you? Is that the picture you get when you read the story of the cross?
It's not the picture that I get. It was the picture that the world tried to make evident of him. He wasn't a weakling there. They didn't take his life from him.
It wasn't because his best friend betrayed him and that he fell into bad circumstances that he ended up there.
He went there with purpose of heart to save you and to save me. There was a reason for him.
And so many didn't get the point. Everybody missed it. They didn't see who he was.
Have you seen who he is?
Is he your savior?
Have you seen that he died for your sins there?
Is he your Lord? Do you let him dictate your life?
You know, we talk about how hard it is to go through life. I want to make a suggestion. It's the easiest thing in the world to do if you have the Lord Jesus before you.
Oh yeah, there's hard things, but the answer is always simply found in him.
Do you need comfort?
He said come hurt her.
Do you need encouragement?
He's that.
You name it, whatever the need.
You will find a resource in him.
Now we must go on.
I'd like to.
I'd like to go to the second chapter, Matthew chapter 2.
Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judah, in the days of Herod the King, behold, there came wise men from the East to Jerusalem, saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. When Herod the King had heard these things, he was troubled in all Jerusalem with him, and when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes.
Of the people together he demanded of them where Christ should be born, and they said unto him in Bethlehem of Judith, Judea.
For thus it is written in the prophets.
In verse 8 we'll drop down. And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child. And when you found him, bring me word again that I may come and worship Him. When they had heard the king, they departed, and lo, the star which they saw in the east went before them till they came and stood over where the young child was.
When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.
And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down and worshipped him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts, gold, and frankincense and myrrh.
What a phenomena.
For a newborn child.
Is there any question who has the control of the stars in his hands?
A little newborn baby in Bethlehem in a major.
Where the horses feed laying there.
And a star is directing people.
Someone with a willing heart.
A searching eye, willing heart to go and to find him.
Had this ever happened before?
Who is this child?
The story speaks for itself.
It's God.
It's the controller of the universe, it's the creator, but it isn't a creator. That's a long ways off our off where we don't have access to them. Job complained about that, and he was full of himself and he was arguing about his own righteousness.
And he complained that God was not dealing with him fairly and he was far away, and because he had a lot of power, they weren't meeting on equal ground and therefore Job was in his predicament that he was.
Dear friend, dear brother and sister in the Lord.
Here we have an answer to Job, an answer to you, a little baby down in the Manger. Is that low enough for you to get relate to?
And yet.
He's controlling the stars.
Well, these three men doesn't say three sorry. These men presented their gifts. Well, I believe we've had the privilege of doing something like that this morning in our remembrance pouring out to him. Endured what our brother spoke on that this morning. But I'd like to go on now in the book and let's turn on over to the 11Th chapter.
Matthew, Chapter 11.
We'll begin with the second verse.
Now when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples, and said unto them, Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?
Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and show John again, those things which ye do hear and see. The blind receive their sight and the lame walk. The lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear.
The dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them, and blessed is he.
Whosoever shall not be offended in me.
I'd like to before we go on, I'd like to just comment a little bit on this.
The setting here is that John with the forerunner to announce the coming of the King, the Lord Jesus Christ.
And he had faithfully announced that the Lord Jesus was their King to get ready for him to repent, deal with their sins, get get yourself in the frame of mind and the state of soul to receive the King, for here he is.
And what had happened to him?
He lands up.
In Is this what was supposed to happen when the king came?
And I believe we can relate to a little bit of the feelings of John.
And I think that many times we have similar feelings when everything doesn't go nice and rosy in our life and problems come along in our life and we seeking to go on for the Lord. And yet one thing after another of hindrances and problems. And I doubt if there's anybody here, I don't know if there's anybody here that's been put in jail over it or not. I won't ask for a show of hands.
But I really doubt that you've been up where John the Baptist was.
You haven't had it as bad as he did, in other words.
But yeah, we relate to those things. We feel that when there's injustice.
And so John sins from the prison.
To the Lord Jesus. And if I understand the sentiment here, he's saying.
Lord Jesus, if you are the King, why are you allowing me to be here locked up?
And all this injustice going on.
It's not a wrong feeling.
But what we allow the feelings to carry is to could lead to wrong things. Yes, the Lord Jesus graciously answers this.
Let's go on and read.
Verse 7.
And as they departed, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John, What went ye out into the wilderness to see a Reed shaken with the wind? But what went ye out for to see man clothed in soft raiment?
Speaking about a king.
Behold, they that wear soft clothing are in King's houses. But what went ye out to see a prophet? Yeah, I say unto you, and more than a prophet.
For this is he of whom it was written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women, there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist, notwithstanding he that is least in the Kingdom of heaven.
Is greater than he.
We'll just stop there. Well, I think it's so lovely how this ends up about the Lord.
The Lord, in answering John, he speaks about what John did, where he went. You see, John had gone out. He was. He didn't grow up in the normal.
Place of education of the Jews, which are abandoned with the Scribes or Pharisees, or one of the sects of the Jews at that time.
John the Baptist grew up place all by himself.
Independent, separate from all the influence that Judaism had degenerated into so that he could be a.
Suitable messenger to announce for the king. That's why it was necessary for John to be dressed like he was and to eat the food that he ate. To be different. It wasn't just to be different for different sake that he was. That way he had to be separate from a wicked and adulterous generation, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to carry his message.
It won't do to be like a lot and go back into the city and tell them that you got to leave the city because God is going to judge it.
If you've been living in the city, unlike the city, your words won't have any power.
John the Baptist was different. He was a separate man. He wasn't contaminated with any of those things. And he went out and the people found him oftentimes in the wilderness then.
And so the Lord asked, well, why did he, why did he go out there? What was he looking for? He's kind of taken him up on their, what their line of thinking is, because where do you find kings? You find kings out in the wilderness.
No, that's not where we look for kings.
But he was there.
He was there, he was in the Manger, he was out in the wilderness.
He was a Carpenter, he worked for a living in that way, and he was a king.
And this is the answer that he gives to John the Baptist.
But it doesn't stop there.
Commends John for his ministry.
Their king was there.
They were missing the boat as to.
Acknowledging him and receiving him as their king, if they had received his. Him. Oh, he was prepared. He had the power. He had shown the capacity to do.
All that was necessary for a king to do.
It's been said if the world had received him then we wouldn't have any hospitals in the world today.
We wouldn't have any wars in the world today.
And how many other things we wouldn't have to use pesticides and herbicides to kill all the bugs and the diseases and all of those things.
Did the Lord Jesus display that He was able to remedy all those things? Yes, he did.
And yet there was a man that was doing all this, and it seems like their eyes are blinded, they cannot see him.
Interesting in that 9th chapter of John that we read about the blind man, you know.
You know, there were a lot of, there were a lot more blind men in that chapter. If you read that chapter, you'll find there were a whole lot more blind people in that chapter than that one man.
They were a whole lot blinder than he was.
Because when the Lord Jesus opened his eyes, his physical eyes.
He saw how the Son of God and he worshipped him.
He saw him for who he was and all those other people.
One evidence after another evidence and they can't see him.
They miss it. Why?
Will for heart.
Will for heart.
Wouldn't happen.
Oh, dear friend.
Don't have this willful, stubborn heart.
Don't say no to the Lord.
Look at him. Who is he to you? Is he really everything?
He said he was.
Oh, maybe we know it in our heads, Maybe we believe it in our heads, but do we really believe it in our hearts and in our actions and how we behave?
Well, here the Lord is telling John.
Look at all these evidences, the blind that see all this.
Is there any doubt that I'm the king?
Well, I'm sure John had to say, Oh yes, Oh yes. But he couldn't understand the rejection. He couldn't understand him being king and not wielding his power and just putting it on display before everybody right then and now. And that's what.
That's the generation that we're living in to the now generation. Everybody wants it right now.
There's no that's not new. It's always been in hard man that that is we. That's natural.
Oh, the Lord Jesus has a perfect plan.
He isn't just all powerful and he's not a person who has to just put it on display to convince everybody for just for display sake or just for the sake that they will not acknowledge him for what he is at that moment. It has to fit in with his whole plan.
And he has a plan.
And he's coming back as king. It's part of that. And we've read in the end of Matthew about all power being given and he sends the disciples out. And we have that now. And that's why we baptize people in the name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit, because we believe that the Lord Jesus has all power and we own allegiance to him, and we make disciples to his name.
Because he's the one in control.
And he's going to execute it all when the right time comes.
And that's why in the last part of this here in the answer.
When he speaks about how what a wonderful person John the Baptist was, he adds a footnote to it and says never notwithstanding he that is leashed in the Kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
That's because the Lord Jesus, when he or as he forms his Kingdom right now and this time through the preaching of the gospel, and everyone who enters into that Kingdom is going to be in a far better and nearer relationship than anyone like John the Baptist here on earth.
Who lives to possess the Kingdom here on earth?
Which part do you want to partake of? The part in heaven with Christ?
For the part down here on earth now, they're both places of blessing, but the Lord Jesus is introducing and it's just starting to introduce this subject here of how of the formation of his Kingdom. And we spoke about that previously about the Kingdom of heaven.
But what a wonderful thing to see that the Lord Jesus has all power to own Him, to enter into his Kingdom, even though everything outwardly seems in ruin. And may we find comfort in this when things don't go our way, that it's still the time.
Before the Lord Jesus is going to put aside.
All the effects of sin, all the works of man, and all the present kingdoms, and all the other things that are passing in here.
Forgive me a little personal story that happened yesterday.
You know, I started out yesterday morning to come down to come out here and we flew out. We had plane tickets to fly to San Francisco and then rent a car and come here. And because we didn't want to ride so late, we decided, well, we tried to board a earlier flight and see if we could get on standby and come out here and get to Lassen on a little nicer time.
And and so on. Well, we got out the airport, checked in. They were very kind to us and let us.
Check our baggage through.
Early on an earlier flight and they said, but we plane this full we'll have to wait till the last minute and see if there's a flight, I mean see if there's availability of seats. So we go out to the gate, we're out there and and.
Plain fills up and all these people get on and we're crossing our fingers there's too many people, looks like there are too many people getting on. We're not going to get on this flight. And so finally after everybody gets on, we go up and ask the ticket, ticket counter and she says.
We have one vacancy.
Well, we weren't going to split up into two and so we had to thank him and say, but no thanks, we won't take that seat. Well, I was, I was a little down about that. So we go out and I see the Blue Angels and I tour around and see these, see these airplanes and spend some time with my grandchildren and children and enjoy it. Few hours later we go back, check in, get our flight, go up to Detroit, we get up there.
And we taxi in and there's no room for us at the gate. And the pilot comes on and he says, sorry, ladies and gentlemen, we're 19 minutes early and they don't have a spot yet here for us, but they'll have it in a minute. And so sure enough, they did and we got in there early. We walk in the airport terminal and start walking down and we look up on the screen to see where our next flight is. And.
The flight that we had earlier flight that we had wanted to catch the San Francisco was says now boarding. Well, we walked quickly down there and we get on the earlier flying and get in.
Well, I think here what an example. This is what life is like. God is in control. My Savior is king. He knows what he's doing. I had my cake and I eat it too. I got to take go look at the Blue Angels and I got on their earlier flight both.
That's a little example.
When we don't understand, like John the Baptist, what's going on and why these problems are coming.
Don't fret about it. Look up to your King. Look up to the Lord Jesus. Recognize He's in control.
Seek the good Ever enjoy the moments that your cars broke down along the side of the road where you're sick, in the hospital where you failed your exam?
There's a blessing in it for you. He's such a God. He's in so much in control. He can even control when it looks like it's out of control.
You know, if I am in control of something, I have to pretty much have things organized. But if things get disorganized then I lose my ability to manipulate and make things go the way I want them to go. But God's not that way.
This confused state that's out there where the Kingdom of heaven is formed is in control by the Lord Jesus. All things, all things.
Well, let's go on to in our chapter.
I'd like to drop down now a little farther and consider the last verses of the 11Th chapter.
We'll begin with the.
Verse 25 At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and has revealed them unto babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed, seemed good in thy sight. All things are delivered unto me of my Father.
And no man knoweth the Son, but the Father.
Neither knoweth any man the Father save the Son, and he to whom the son, whomsoever the Son, will reveal him.
Come unto me, all ye that are that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls, for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Now this is another sequel to the story about John the Baptist being in prison and the the misunderstanding of the ways of God at that time when the Lord was here on earth. Because you see, they thought the Lord was going to form a Kingdom on earth right then and there. And then they were going to sit on 12 Thrones and around under the Lord and he was going to use them to dispense blessing out to Israel.
In all the nations of the world. But that wasn't coming to pass.
And here the Lord Jesus, instead of that being received as a king, he Pikes, and they don't dance.
They don't sing when they ought to sound.
Their hearts are dead.
They don't get it.
They're missing out.
Do you get what God's doing in your life?
Are you willing to look to see to the Lord Jesus Christ and see what He's doing in your life, how He wants to bless you?
Who is it that understands this? Is it human intelligence? Is this just for the best educated?
No, the opposite.
A meek and a humble heart.
And so God the Lord Jesus Christ.
He thanks God that there's somebody, there's some souls that are laying hold of it in the measure and he praises God for that.
At that time, Jesus, I thank you for the Lord of heaven, because thou hast hid these things in the wise and prudent, and hid revealed them unto babes.
A baby. What's characteristic of a baby is it doesn't reason. It believes everything you say to it, everything you teach it. It's only after a few Hard Knocks that they start doubting things. Got a little grandson. I enjoy the grandchildren, I enjoy you little children, but even the littler ones.
So interesting to see that they don't have any fears until they fallen off their chair a few times or fallen down the steps and then they Start learning the hard way some of these things.
Oh, to have a heart before him like that. Obey the heart of a babe, to receive from the Lord Jesus what He would give to you of Himself.
Don't distrust him. You can be like that little baby and believe everything he says because it's true.
You can't believe everything everybody says, but you can believe everything that he says. He's all that he pretends to be, and he'll never let you down.
And so these ones, like the babes are getting the picture. They're laying hold of him a little bit and he thanks God for that. And what is the result of this?
It's communion with God, It's knowing God and his Son, Jesus Christ. This is the circle. This is the place we're brought into blessing.
Well, it's interesting.
Verse verse 20 says verse 27 says all things are delivered unto me and my father that is.
The Lord Jesus as man here, the King, the Messiah come down to earth, was one man that God could.
Deliver over everything and entrust to his care and keeping. You see, Adam was put in that place in the beginning.
And he failed and he lost control because he sinned, He doubted God, and he turned from God. He didn't obey explicitly.
And he lost control, and we're still seeing the devastating effects of that today. Thank God that the Lord Jesus is going to undo that one day. That's one of the last things that he's going to do. He's going to do away with death. The last thing, the very last enemy that's going to be put down is death.
That's going to be done away with.
Well, there's a man here nearby that has that power.
You know, I think about the story of Jonah, when Jonah was thrown into the sea. What happened?
The sea became quiet.
And then what happened? The Mariners, the men on the boat, they fear God and they worshipped him because they saw that Jonas God was in power and a calm took place there the minute that man that was in the place of disobedience.
Went down into the waters. Death.
But that God was a far off. They didn't know where he was. He was still in control, but he they didn't know a a nearby relationship. But we, beloved, have God right here where we are on earth, Jesus Christ displaying the same thing.
All things were given into his hands.
Now we know God. We're near him.
And what is the Lord Jesus say? Come unto me, all ye that favor, and every land. Do you have problems, the results of sin, cares and burdens? He's inviting you to come. That's why He came, because He wanted your fellowship and mine, and He's inviting you.
The Son of God.
And all those things that he is in himself.
Saying, Come unto me.
Well, take my yoke upon you. That seems to go a little step farther. Taking the yoke, he said. Now I want you not just to come to me, but I want you to go on and follow with me for after me. Come back to the statement. Overcoming evil is not difficult when you got the Lord's yoke on you.
It's easy, it's light, it's not burdensome.
We focus on the wrong thing when we say it's hard.
When we say it's hard to walk the Christian path, we're focusing on all the obstacles and we're leaving our blessed Savior in the background.
Look at him, get near him, come to him.
You'll find he's all that he pretends to be. He'll not let you down. He didn't let me down yesterday, and that was only one little piddly circumstance.
You could name a lot of them yourself, things that have happened in your life. God is in control.
And he wants your fellowship while you're there.
Maybe we could sing, just briefly.
Thy name we love Lord Jesus, and lowly bow before Thee. And while we live to Thee we give all blessing, worship, glory. We sing aloud Thy praises, our hearts and voices blending. Tis Thou alone we worthy own Thy beauties, all transcending. We'll begin with verse 2.