The Pilot's Smile.

We have had but one aim, in all our endeavors for the soldiers and sailors, and that has been their eternal good. The Lord has given us the work―opened doors of service for us, and strengthened our hands day by day.
Friends all over the world have helped us, and are helping us. The great Societies for Bible and Testament Distribution—the British and. Foreign. Bible Society and the Scripture Gift Mission―have made possible for us what would have been impossible without their help. We have been enabled to procure their Testaments and send them to all parts of the earth. May God bless them abundantly. None can realize like those who are brought face to face with great needs what. We owe to their great and generous organizations.
And we are all working for a Master Whom we love. We are told by a traveler about a vessel off a rock-bound coast, caught by a storm which threatened its destruction. In the midst of all the terror one daring: man, contrary to orders, went to the deck, made the dangerous passage to the pilot house, saw the steersman lashed fast to his post, holding the wheel unwaveringly, and inch by inch turning the ship again to sea. The pilot saw the watcher and smiled. Then the daring passenger went below and gave out a note of cheer. “I have seen the face of the pilot, and he smiled. It is all well.” Blessed is he who in the midst of earthly stress and storm can say with equal assurance, “I have seen the face of my Pilot and He smiled.”