WHAT fun it is to race across the meadow on the back of a pony.
Although a hunter prides himself on having fine hounds, our little master and his various dogs seem as happy as if the latter were a well-matched pack.
Let us compare ourselves to this in one way. God chose the Jewish nation for blessing. If His people had accepted the Lord Jesus Christ when He came to earth, we of Gentile origin could have had no claim on the mercy of God.
Through the death of the blessed Son of God, the way was opened for the Gentiles to become recipients of His favor. Now each person, Jew or Gentile, has but to take his true place as a helpless sinner before God, and trust in the blood of Jesus Christ shed at Calvary.
The dogs in our picture will never become noble-looking hounds; but at the coming of the Lord, all His own will be changed into His likeness.
‘Do you belong to the Lord Jesus?
ML 05/21/1933