Mrs. Jones was a happy Christian and always seemed to have a smile on her face. One day as she was walking up the station platform, she was stopped by an elderly gentleman who said: “Excuse me, lady, but I want to thank you for something.”
“Thank me?” exclaimed Mrs. Jones.
“Yes,” he replied. “I used to be the ticket agent here, and whenever you went by, you always gave me a cheerful smile and ‘good morning.’ You do not know what a difference it made to me. Wet or fine, it was always the same, and I thought to myself, ‘I wonder where she gets that smile. One cannot always be happy, yet she seems to be'; and I knew that smile came from inside.
Then one morning you came by with your little Bible in your hand. I said to myself, ‘Perhaps that is where she gets her smile.’ When I went home that night, I bought a Bible, and have been reading it ever since. I have found Christ; now I can smile too, and I want to thank you.”
For Thou exceedest all the fame
Our ears have ever heard,
How happy we who know Thy name,
And trust Thy faithful word.