Children—P. Elgawli
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My grandson, this is the savior for me.
I'm sorry, what is your name?
Jess, you told me that yesterday.
Why would you like to say?
What number #40? Very good #40.
Tells me so.
Tells me so.
Jesus loves me, Oh my God.
It was to make me glad.
Waste to hold me and hands on.
Please, please stay safe from every heart. Yes, she's a slight sweetie. God bless. Jesus loves me.
Where I live, yes. She's a slow sleep. Yeah, loves me.
Yeah, streams are slugging. The Bible tells me so.
I trust and should I die, he will Take Me Home. My God.
He's not slums. Me. Yeah, she's a slugstone. Speak loudly by the Bible.
Maybe one more.
What song would you like it?
#46 OK.
Since we have a lot of kids, we'll try this.
There is a verse, there is a line in the song that says and he calls and he calls all the GIRLS. What is that word? Girls?
Girls, that's right. And then the next line says and he wants all that BOYS.
What is that, boys? Good. We have girls and boys here. So the line, when we start singing and he calls and he calls all the girls, only the girls and the ladies sing that long. And then the next line, only the boys and men will sing that one. And then we'll sing the rest of the song together. OK, we'll try it out.
Well, thank you. That worked out great.
Now, I don't know if anybody has memorized the verse for this week, but the one that was on the Bible Truth Publishers Sunday School paper was a little bit of a long verse. It's actually part of two verses.
So I can understand.
If somehow difficulty with it.
Does anybody know what where the verse is found first?
Do you remember where it's found?
Let me see it then. Romans 815 and 16. OK, that's right.
So would you like to start saying that verse?
You have received the spirit of adoption. You have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, have a father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. Romans 815 and 16. Excellent, thank you. Anybody else would like to say the verse?
Yes, Lydia.
You have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry ABBA, Father, the Spirit itself.
Bereth witnessed.
Thou are spirit, spirit.
We are, we are the children of God. Romans 815 and 16. Excellent. Thank you. Anybody else I can help you too. Okay, Helen.
Romans 815 and 16.
You have received the spirit of adoption. Whereby would cry ever follow the Spirit itself beareth.
Spirit for our Spirit for our Spirit for we are the children of God.
Very good. Thank you.
OK. Anybody else?
OK, Jesse.
Ye have received the spirit of adoption, whereby whereby we cry ABBA Father.
The Spirit, the spirit is so fair to witness, and with our spirit, with our spirit.
That we that we might be that we are the children of God. Romans 815 and 16. Very good, thank you. Okay, what is your name Okay.
Room 8.
He have received the spirit of adoption reduction.
Whereby we call ABBA Father.
The Spirit. The Spirit.
Witness with our spirit.
That we.
Are the children of God very good? Thank you.
Anybody else? And this is a very hard verse there's.
Not always easy to remember some of these words, yes.
Almost 815 and 16. He ever received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry ABBA. Father, the Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. Romans 815 and 16. Excellent, thank you.
OK, miss anybody that would like to say it.
You ever see the spirit of adoption whereby we cry ABBA, Father, the spirit itself, birth. Witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. Romans 815 and 16.
Excellent. Thank you.
OK anybody else I missed?
OK, well, we're not going to talk about this verse in particular, but are these two verses but.
You are wonderful, wonderful verses to think about that.
First of all, they're speaking to.
Ones who?
Are the children of God right?
Now we hope.
We know all of you here in the front rows than we are.
Mainly directing our comments to you and some in the back too.
You're all children just by your age, right?
We have older ones and we have children, but we hope that you're just not children in age, but you are also.
The children of God.
Because you have.
Received a spirit by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. If you've trusted in the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit indwells within you and you are a child of God. And so we hope that that's the case. But if somebody is not a child of God here this morning.
Our prayer is that as we take up the Sunday School lesson.
That each one will put their trust in the Lord Jesus and become a child of God.
So some of you don't know who I am, and that's OK.
But I brought with me my uniform that I wear at work.
This is my uniform sum here have different uniforms they wear.
And this is the one I wear every morning except when I'm off.
What do you think this uniform is for? Yes.
Doc that is true.
So that is the uniform I wear and they call it the practice of medicine because we still practice. We try every day to know better.
So this is a book.
That somebody gave me recently.
A patient of mine at the office gave me this book.
You think it's a small book or a big book?
What do you think?
Why do you think a small book or big book? Big book, right? I'll tell you what the title of the book is.
To the page before.
It's called Library of Health.
Complete guide to prevention and cure of disease.
And this book was written in 1916 and updated in 1927.
Interesting. Excuse me, it's interesting. Obviously I did not go through this whole book.
Paul Reina would tell you when you go through schooling.
To become a doctor, you do have to go and read lots and lots of books. Probably maybe not one book that's as big as this, but if you put them all together, there's a lot of books.
Now one thing that's interesting that I did look in this book was.
Back in that time frame, 1927.
Said they said, what is asthma now? Some people have asthma here.
They said it was asthma is related to.
Some defilement in your blood.
Which we know today is completely not true.
A second thing they said How do you treat asthma?
Asthma is a condition of the lung where you can't breathe very well because your Airways get inflamed and tight.
And so one treatment they recommended for asthma was something called inhaled chloroform.
Now inhaled chloroform is actually toxic.
And we use it as an anesthetic or it has been used that way, but it can definitely be toxic to you. But that is what they.
Practice back then.
Another condition that we commonly see is an infection of the lungs called pneumonia. Some may have had pneumonia here. I've had it personally.
They said, well, what causes pneumonia? Well, back then they thought the cause of pneumonia was prolonged exposure to the cold if you're out in the cold weather for a long time.
That's how you get pneumonia. Now, maybe there's some truth to being out in the cold weather not being very good for you, but you would not just get pneumonia based on that. But the interesting thing is they said, well, how do you treat pneumonia?
Well, one of the treatments they recommended was.
Bloodletting. They would actually take let your blood get out of your body and that way the disease would leave you. Well, we know bloodletting actually can if you let enough blood out of you can kill you.
I think perhaps our first president may have been affected by bloodletting George Washington when he was sick. He wasn't good for him so.
The point?
You know, we learn all this information.
And this information changes overtime. Well, that's what they knew back then. That's what they thought was good. That's what they recommended. But as time has gone on, we've realized that that is actually not good at all. Well, let's turn to a verse in the Bible.
Because we have in our hands something that is much smaller than this.
But it's something that will not change. There's a verse in the Bible first, Peter.
Chapter 2 and it says.
Verse 25.
The word of the Lord.
Endureth forever the word of the Lord.
The Bible that we have in our hands endures forever. It's not going to change.
By time we're not going to find new information after a while and we're going to the Bible wasn't true about this. No, the Bible is always true and it it was written over thousands of years.
And it has not.
Changed the Bible is true today.
So first Peter.
Sorry, chapter one and verse.
25, yes, thank you.
Let's read it again since.
Somebody corrected me, but the word of the Lord endureth forever first. Peter 125.
And this is the word by which the gospel is preached unto you.
So we can trust this book because it is true and it will not change.
What I'd like to do today is.
Do something called.
A well.
Checkup. So when I see sometimes children in my office and they come and they're not necessarily sick, sometimes they just come in for a checkup.
And some of the things we do, when they come for a checkup, we make sure that everything is just going right as it's supposed to be. So sometimes when you're doing a checkup, you discover that, well, maybe they're not as good as they should be.
So I'm going to bring out my tool bag.
This is the bag that I carry with me.
When we travel and it has my tools, I know some people will have other tools in their occupation, but this is the bag that I use and the point of what we're going to do is.
We're going to hopefully learn that.
A spiritual lesson from this checkup. Because the Lord Jesus he taught his disciples and the people around him.
By example, by natural things.
Taught them spiritual things. And one such example was when he brought up a child, right? He brought a child and he says you learn from this child. And so we are hopefully going to learn something.
From this exam now, I will ask for volunteers. I will tell you ahead of time that there are no shots.
That is the one thing that kids do not like when they come to see me. Are shots OK? No shots, promise I.
But there are prizes at the end.
Which is also something we always like to give is prizes. Who likes to go to the doctor? Does anybody like to go to the doctor?
OK, there are a few kids that do.
Some kids actually do like to go to see the doctor. Most times they like to go because their brother or their sister is seeing the doctor, but they're going to get the prize at the end.
So even if you don't participate, you're still going to get a prize, but I would like some participation if possible.
All right, so the first tool I use, and probably the most important one is this.
Who can tell me what this is?
OK, Peter.
Scope. That is right, a stethoscope.
So a stethoscope is very important. Probably if I couldn't have anything else, that would be the one thing I would need. Because what you listen with a stethoscope is to probably the most vital organ that you have. What is that part of your body that you listen to?
Yes, your heart, that is right.
Your heart. Thank you.
So I saw Joy holding her hand up there. She wants to be the first volunteer, so I'm going to listen to her heart, make sure her heart is OK. Where is your heart located?
Sounds very good. She's not even nervous.
So the heart.
Now the Bible talks about the heart, doesn't it?
So let's turn to a verse about the heart.
In Jeremiah 17.
If somebody has a Bible, maybe they can read it for us.
We're going to run out of time soon. OK, Jared, maybe I'll read it.
Jeremiah 17.
Verse 9. This is what it says. The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it? I, the Lord, search the heart.
This doesn't sound very good about our hearts, doesn't it?
I'll tell you a story.
Because like I said, sometimes we somebody comes in and they don't realize they have a problem. Well, I had this man come to the office one time and he was a little bit sick. He had a just a cold, which is not a big deal.
But then, as you would normally do, you listen to their heart and listen to the heart. And it's like this.
Does that sound like a good sound?
No, it's an irregular heart. The heart is not beating well, and he didn't even know that he had a problem. He just thought he came in for a cold.
So This is why we need the Word of God, because the Word of God tells us what we sometimes may not realize. It says the heart. Deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. That's our hearts. That's our natural hearts. But here's the wonderful news.
Ezekiel, chapter 36.
Ezekiel 36 and verse 26.
It says.
A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you, and I will take away the Stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. That is what the Lord wants to do to you today if you have this heart.
That speaks the Jeremiah speaks of desperately wicked. If we're still lost in our sins, God says, I want to give you a new heart.
Now this man, he didn't need a new heart man that came to me, he just needed some medication to help. But when it comes to spiritual things like our natural hearts that we are born with sin.
We cannot just fix it. It can't be fixed by doing something good or paying some money. We have to have a brand new heart.
And the Lord, that's what he wants to do to give you a brand new heart. How does he do that? He gives it to you by if you trust in the Lord Jesus, if you trust in him, he washes your sins away and you get a brand new heart. And then he says in Proverbs, my son, give me thine heart. He wants your heart now to for him to please and if you're saved.
We have to move quickly.
So the next tool we use.
Is this?
And there's variations of this tool.
So I'm not sure if you'll know what it's for, but.
What do you think?
Right next to somebody's eye. That's right, it's called.
And it's a hard word.
Ophthalmoscope and you kind of look in somebody's eye. You look at Luke's eye.
Magnifies things and shines the light into the eye.
And you can see things in the eye.
Well, sometimes.
There are when we do a baby exam, when the baby comes in, just a little newborn baby, we look into their eyes and we look carefully, something called the red reflex, because if you don't see that and you see some white in there when you look with that ophthalmoscope, there's a problem that baby may have.
Either something like that.
Blocking their vision like a cataract, which they can be born with or they can have even something more serious, a tumor in their eye. So that is an important thing that we do and that can the baby can be blind as they grow up if that's not fixed. So let's read a verse about blindness, Second Corinthians chapter 4.
Verse 3.
It says, But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost, in whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
And so.
I hope today.
That you're not blinded by Satan. Like this verse says, if you don't know the Lord Jesus, you're actually blind. You can see with your physical eyes, but you're blind to recognize that you're a Sinner and that you need the Lord Jesus and that He loves you. I hope your eyes can be open today to see.
That the Lord Jesus loves you and wants to save you. Know that the Lord when he was here on earth, he cured several blind people.
And in Luke 4 it says He gave sight onto the blind, Recovering of sight to the blind. And that's what the Lord Jesus desires to give to you today.
Light if you don't know him as your savior, and then if you're saved.
Bible talks about the eye as well.
In Luke Chapter 11.
It says.
Verse 34.
The light of the body is the eye, therefore.
When thine eye is single, thy whole body is full of light, but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness.
So boys and girls, the Lord, if you know him as your savior, the Lord wants you to have a single eye on the Lord Jesus Christ himself. He wants you to have him as.
The preeminent one in your life. The one who's first placed to please him.
OK, well the next thing goes together.
So it's the same light, but we do something different with this light.
OK, Evangeline's over there.
Raising her hand.
Next, you'll skip that. So we're going to look in Evangeline's ear, OK?
Very nice. Sure, her parents were kind of concerned, but she her ears looked fine.
And let's look in her mouth at the same time.
You can see her mouth really good.
So the ear and the mouth.
Now let's just look at a person Mark.
A story there marked Chapter 7.
Because these things sometimes will go together.
Mark 7 and verse 31 And again, departing from the coast of Tyre and Sidon, he came on to Sea of Galilee through the midst of the coast of the capitalists, and they bring unto him one that is deaf.
And had an impediment in his speech, and they beseech him to put his hand upon him.
We'll go down.
Verse 34 And looking up to heaven, he sighed, and saith unto them, F fatha, that is, be opened. And straightway his ears were opened, and the string of his tongue was loosed, and he spake plain. Verse 37 He said, He hath done all things well. He maketh the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak.
And so that's what the Lord Jesus.
Does now.
I'm sure everybody here can hear pretty well, but I have some people that come and they cannot hear.
And sometimes it's a simple problem. You look in their ear and there's something called wax and it's full. Their ear is full and they can't hear. And thankfully we can do something right there, take the wax out and boom, they hear really good. And they're so thankful that they can hear again. But sometimes the hearing.
Is bad that it's not a wax problem.
Sometimes it's a tongue problem or it affects the tongue. So I've had a little boy that came one time and his parents were concerned. He was just maybe around 2 years old. And his parents said we just, we're concerned he's not talking, he's not talking and he's supposed to be talking by two. And we said, well, maybe he has a problem here, Maybe he.
Can't hear? Well, he didn't have a wax problem, but he did have a hearing problem, and when the parents took him in and corrected the hearing, he could talk because he could hear what they say and then he could talk.
And, you know, sometimes I've seen children and they do this.
They don't want to hear. They don't want to hear.
Do you want to hear this morning what God says? I hope you want to hear what God says, because God wants to give you life.
And He wants to bless you. And it has to be that you have to open your ear to His word. And once you can hear him, the Bible says you can speak. And it's a wonderful verse. In Psalm 40, it says He.
Put a new song in my mouth. Even praise to our God so we can speak with our tongues. And the wonderful thing we can say is thanks to God. We can praise Him for what He has done. Well, I ran out of time. There was one more thing I was going to do, but that's OK. We don't have to do that. But I hope this morning that we have learned.
Something from the spiritual.
Exam spiritual health.
That first of all, our hearts.
We have to trust in the Lord Jesus that our hearts we have a new heart and that our eyes would be opened, we can hear and then we can praise the Lord and give Him thanks.
All right, well, after we pray.
Please come and there are prizes here for each who would like one. Let's give thanks.
Our gracious God and loving Father, we thank thee so much for the Lord Jesus. We thank Thee for sending him into this world to be a Savior of sinners. And we thank Thee for each of these children and thankful for allowing them to be here. And Frank thank you for the parents that brought them in. Thankful that he can hear thy word. And we ask that each one would come to trust in the Lord Jesus as Savior. And 2:00 to.
Seek to live for Him while we're here. And so we just pray for richest blessing on each one. We give thee thanks name Lord Jesus, Amen.