I WANT all our young friends to note and think over carefully how very much depends upon “The blood of Jesus.”
The day in which we live, is a terrible one as regards the number and variety of deceits and snares which are abroad. The great “adversary, the devil” (1 Peter 5:88Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: (1 Peter 5:8)), is engaging the young with any and everything except the “one thing needful” (Luke 10:4242But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her. (Luke 10:42)) and when too late. I fear many will find out they have been duped by him, and that they are lost forever.
But what a great mercy if you, my reader, have already, in your youth, been awakened to your sinner ship, and have fled to Jesus the only Saviour. He was ready, waiting, and has gladly received you, has He not? And now He will keep you, as one of His own, for all eternity. Meanwhile He would have you to be “growing in grace and in the knowledge of [Him,] our Lord and Saviour.” (2. Peter 3:18.) You can gain this knowledge by loving, reading and learning all you can from the Holy Scriptures. In the Old Testament we read “Buy the truth and sell it not.” (Proverb’s 23:23.); this means that it will cost you something to obtain this knowledge; but without it you can never be devoted prayerful, or useful.
The knowledge of the Lord and Saviour will give you real joy and make your heart burn, so that you will use every opportunity of passing on the blessed news to others, who as vet know Him not.
Now ponder prayerfully the six following very precious Scriptures. Find them in your own Bible, and let it be your delight to render our beloved Saviour and Lord true thanksgiving, that is, not only of the lips, but of your life.
These are only a few of the passages concerning this momentous subject I hope you will be encouraged to search the Scriptures for many more.
J. R.