The Present Day

Revelation 3:14
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Address—J. Brereton
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Like to turn tonight to Revelation Chapter 3?
We have had a great deal today about the door.
We've had before us the Lord Jesus entering in by the door.
Into the sheepfold, and we have seen the Lord Jesus presented to us in our afternoon meeting as the door. He aimed self, saying, I am the door by me. If any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture.
While here in Revelation chapter 3 and beginning with verse 14.
We read about another door, a door that I'd like to speak a little bit about tonight.
And unto the Angel of the Church of the Laodiceans right these things set the Amen, the faithful and true witness.
The beginning of the creation of God. I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot. I would thou work cold or hot. So then, because thou art Luke warm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.
Because thou sayest I am rich.
And increased with goods, and have need of nothing. And knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable, and poor, and blind and native. I counsel thee to buy me gold. Tried in the fire that thou mayest be rich and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness.
Here, and anoint thine eyes with I sat, that thou mayest see as many as I love, I rebuke and chase it. Be zealous therefore, and repent, behold.
I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come into him and will suck with him.
And he with me, to him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame. And I'm sat down with my Father in history. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit said unto the truth we find, as I'm sure many of us here are familiar with.
In fact, we in this second and third chapters of Revelation.
We have a prophetic outline given by God of the history of that which calls itself Christendom, the professing church, from the time of the days of the apostles until the Lord Jesus comes.
And what we have read about tonight is the last one of these churches, the Church of the Laodicean. And we find here that God is describing to us, my friends, the day in which you and I live.
This is the last turn. This is the last description God has to give us before the Lord Jesus comes. If we were to turn over to the first verse of the next chapter, we would find it tells us about a door open in heaven. The children of God, those who know the Lord Jesus Christ, are looked at in the 4th chapter as being in heaven.
The Lord Jesus has come by the time we come to the 4th chapter.
Here and these few verses, God is describing the day in which we met, and He starts off by bringing before us the Lord Jesus in a very special way. You notice it says unto the Angel of the Church of the Lausanne. These things set the all men the faithful.
And true.
Witness all, my friends, how we need a faithful and a true witness in a day like today. We are living right on the brink of the Lords return, right at the moment when the invitation of God's grace is going to be withdrawn.
This may well be the last gospel meeting not only for you, but for anyone.
In this world, and in this world tonight, there are so many kinds of voices. The doorbell rings at home, and along comes a witness that wants to tell us of some strange way to be saved. We hear voices in booklets, voices over the radio, voices in every walk of life.
And they all is the word of God says are not without signification.
They've all got a message.
But my friends, what you need tonight is a faithful and a true witness. Someone that will tell you the truth whether you like it or whether you don't. Someone who will.
Tell you what the state of your soul is tonight. And that faithful and true witness is the Lord Jesus Christ. He's the one whom God brings before us here.
At a time when the world is full of unfaithful witnesses, when the world is full of liars all seeking to propagate their own line of things, the faithful and true witness tells us of the day.
In which we live and tells us my friend faithfully of the condition of your heart if you're without Christ. Tonight we find it speaks of here. The Lord Jesus has the beginning of the creation of God. Oh, I tell you, there are liars going around knocking on doors every day of the week.
Who will tell you a lie about this verse too? They will tell you a lie about the very verse.
That speaks about the faithful and true witness. The Lord Jesus had no beginning. The Lord Jesus Christ was never created.
But he was the one whom God had before him in creating all things, and as we had this afternoon, the Lord Jesus, as the one who died and rose from the dead, is the one who God has.
As the head of new creation of that new thing established through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Well, the faithful and true witness seeks to speak to your heart tonight.
All my friends, when you listen, you notice how it says unto the Angel of the Church of the Laodiceans, right? These things set the Amen, the faithful and true witness. All my friends, would to God that you would receive all that is said tonight, everything that is said, that is in accordance.
With the Word of God as a message from the faithful and the true witness. Not for me.
Not from me, but from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Who loves your precious soul loves you, my friends, with the love, The love that I not only cannot imitate, but a lot that I cannot even understand.
A love that passes knowledge. It's incomprehensible to me, the love that God has for the poor, guilty, lost Sinner that stands tonight in rebellion against him.
Right here, he says. The faithful and true witness.
The beginning of the creation of God. And now the faithful and true witness speaks and he says, I know thy works. I know thy works, my friends, He knows everything about you, He knows everything about me. And the faithful and true witness, the Lord Jesus Christ would start off by saying, I know thy works.
Oh, I thought of this verse many times. I'm sure many have here.
I've heard men stand up and tell about all the wonderful things that they have done. God says the Lord Jesus Christ, as I know thy works, I know all about you. And the word of God tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God. This same precious book tells us that all our works of righteousness, all the things that we take pride in.
Are before Goddess, filthy rags. They have no merit, they have no work, they have no value. If you don't have Christ as your savior, he doesn't need you to tell him.
About your works He knows all about, and he knows that there's nothing but safe. Oh, you say, how can you say the high goal? The Word of God tells us that even the plowing of the wicked is safe, my friends, without Christ.
Please mark it, believe it. It's the truth of God. Without Christ, there is nothing that you can do that finds it brings any pleasure to God. Not that you can do if you don't know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior. You might say, well, I belong to a great big church. I belong to a great big organization. We do this, we do that. We have just spent all this money.
Watching, I know your works, I know all about.
And then he says, I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot, neither cold nor hot. Dear friends, that's the day in which we live, and day of lifeless.
Cold professional. You go up to a man, say, are you a Christian? He says. Oh yes, I'm a Christian, I'm a Christian, he said. What makes you a Christian? Well, my mother was a Christian.
I remember so well, if I could mention one specific thing I remember so well, years ago I was talking to a lady who was a Roman Catholic at the office where I worked. And this lady, during the course of our conversation, she said to me, she said, do you believe in transubstantiation?
And I said, no, I do not believe in transubstantiation. It is not in the word golf. Transubstantiation for some of the younger ones perhaps, is the is the teaching or the idea that the wafer that the is eaten in the Catholic Church actually becomes the literal body and blood of the Lord Jesus. I said, no, I don't believe in that. It's not in the word of God.
And this lady turned to another young lady, a college graduate.
Sitting there beside us listening and she said to her, she said, do you believe in transubstantiation? This young lady belonged to a very well known popular church in the world today. And she said, and I'll never forget it. She was about 25 years of age. And she said, I don't know, I'll have to go home and ask my mother.
She came back the next day in the office and just as bold as brass.
She sat down and she said, no, I don't believe in transatlantic. And I asked her why. I said why, why, Why don't you believe in it? Well, she said, I asked my mother, and my mother said, no, we don't believe it. That was all it meant to her, my friend, all it meant a lifeless profession. Her name was unregistered.
And that later of Christian and she was on her way to hell, on her way to have lost. She didn't know the more Jesus Christ her Savior. She never listened to the faithful and true witness. She listened to her mother and her mother said you believe this and you don't believe that. So she said I believe this and I don't believe that.
All there was truth, neither cold nor hot. She wasn't standing up and saying there's no God. I belong to a church. I'm a respectable member of society. I subscribe to the general rules that govern society. I belong.
Christianity, But she was on her way to hell. Dear friends, do you realize that Word of God here is speaking about those who profess?
Christianity. They profess to be Christians. They profess to be part of this church. The church delayed the seals, and yet there's nothing there but an empty, lifeless thing.
All the Lord Jesus here says, I wish that you were either cold or hot. How he haste that empty, lifeless thing. I think of some here this evening, children of Christian parents, dear Francis, two of you is the Lord Jesus saying to you, I wish that you were cold or hot. I wish that you were something.
Something have you decided, my friends?
Have you decided for Christ?
Oh, what a poor, poor substitute it is to say. Well, I belong to a Christian family. I talked to a young lady just a little while ago, about 20 years of age, and I said to her, I said, are you saved?
And her answer was my father is a minister. That was her answer. My father is a minister. When I asked her if she was saved different, what difference did it make whether her father was a minister? I didn't ask for a pedigree. I asked whether she was saved or not. And she will run to Christ.
And the only answer was my father is a minister. Dear friend, what a poor, poor answer that is. An answer of a soul that's lost.
Here we have the Lord Jesus telling us, I would that you were either cold or higher. I know light works, that thou art neither cold or hot. I would that thou work cold or hot. So then, because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot.
I will spew thee out of my mouth, all my friends, what is ahead for this lifeless, empty thing called Christmas? This whole shadow, this great big facade? You know the Lord Jesus spoke about the grain of mustard seed, the grain of mustard seed that became a great big tree in the earth.
That's what Kristen knows. We come a great big tree.
The Lord Jesus says he's going to spew it out of his mind. An empty, lifeless thing. Where do you stand? Are you part of it? Are you part of this empty lifeless thing, either cold or hot? Are you part of this thing that's going to be spewed out of the Lords mouth? What a tragedy. What a tragedy my friend.
To be part of something that the Lord Jesus has already told us.
He's going to meet this. All this no taste, nothing that the Lord finds tasteful in it at all. Just an empty thing. There are those in this room tonight that have heard the gospel many times and yet as far as I know, have never said from the heart.
Those very simple words, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Is my seat.
Never said, never took the name of the Lord Jesus Christ on their lips reverently. And yet you stand here tonight, your mother's saying your father is saying they're not going to be spewed out of the Lords mouth. Mark it by friends, not one.
Not one true child of God will ever be spewed under the Lords matter. Not one. But this empty, empty thing, this saying, saying I'm a Christian, this pretense, this falsehood.
This covenant of lies, this pretense.
That so characterizes this whole scene of Christmas in which we Live Today, dear friends, This is its doom. This is where it's going to end, fueled out of the March Mountain.
The Lord Jesus has counseled. He has some advice. He has something, the faithful and true witness that He wants to counsel you about. What is it? Notice what it says.
Because thou sayest I am rich.
And increase the goods and have need of nothing.
Because thou sayest.
I am rich and increased of goods and of need of none.
Just recently I heard about it.
Man who was preaching in his church, preaching the gospel faithfully in his church on a Lords Day morning. This happened just about six months ago now.
And as he was preaching the gospel faithfully in his church on Wednesday morning, a woman got up in the audience and stood up and said, we don't need you here if you want to preach like that.
You go to where the sinners are. We don't need that kind of message. And in two weeks, he had left town. He was fired. He was gone.
I am rich and increase the goods and of need of nothing. I've got my church, I've got my religion, I've got my life. I'm satisfied. That's what they're saying here. Protects a cover.
Oh my friends, what a sad thing. What a pitiful thing for the soul to say. I am rich and increase the good and in need of nothing. That's how the person sees himself.
And then the Lord tells us how he sees, and Noah's not.
That thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. Is it possible that we're talking about the same people?
One is how the man sees himself.
The other is how the faithful and true witnesses.
Dear friends, you may feel very satisfied with yourself.
Or you may feel that there isn't any real need. Or you could be said. Or you may be indifferent, indifferent to the voice of the faithful and true witness. But it doesn't change what he sees. It doesn't change.
What the faithful and true witnesses report Your poor. Without Christ, you're poor. You've got nothing.
Nothing. What shall I give in exchange for his soul? But you have to offer what are you going to put before holy God in exchange for your soul?
Though in the 14th chapter, I believe it is, if I remember rightly of the book of Genesis, we have what to be is a very striking comment by the King of Sorrows. You read it sometimes like you'll find there the King of Sodom, a picture, I have no doubt, of Satan himself.
And he says to Abraham, concerning the people that have been living in Sodom, he says, Give me the souls, and take the goods for thyself.
Give me the souls, Give me the wives. Give me the souls and take the goods for myself. Oh, that's what Satan's offer is today. Do you want goods? I'll give them to you. You want the world? You can have it.
All he wants is your soul. Just your soul, just your life, just you. That's all he wants, just you. The Lord Jesus says you're poor. You have nothing to offer to God for your soul. What shall a man give?
An exchange.
Myself. Then it says you're poor.
That thou art wretched and miserable and poor.
And blind. Why wretched and miserable. Is that true? Well, you say you don't know all the fun I'm having. You don't know how full my life is. All my friends don't deceive me. Don't even try. You certainly can't deceive God. The life without Christ is an empty life, my friend. It's an empty. We were just commenting this morning, some of us, when we looked outside and saw the damp, raining weather.
We thought how many people there are in the world today.
Whose day has been ruined today because it rained so?
Sent their pleasure, their happiness depended on the sunshine, and when the sun didn't shine, their day was north. For many of us, the day was hardly ruined. Oh, what a day for many of us we've had. But for the poor Sinner without Christ says that the sun doesn't shine.
I remember one person, they were actually talking about Edie.
They said when they couldn't eat what they wanted to, they were miserable.
My friend, what a fragile thing. What a beautiful, poor, fragile thing. Man hangs his hopes on his hopes for happiness, his hopes for pleasure.
The word of God says you are measuring wretched.
Poor blind, blind. There's nothing wrong with my eyesight. All my friends. What about this friend who says I'm rich and increase the goods and the need of nothing? That's how we saw himself. But he was blind to his real condition. He was lying to how lost he was. He was blind to what the Lord Jesus saw.
To what the faithful and true witness saw, He was flying. He saw no loveliness in Christ. He saw no value to the precious blood of Christ. All my friends, I'm sure many of us here have had the same experience, but have you ever spoken to someone about this soul and you just can't help feeling in your own heart why?
Can't they see? It's so simple and it's so precious.
And it's so real, and the time is so short, and yet they turn away. They turn away, they listen, and then they turn away and go on their way as if you've been talking to them about the weather. My friends liveness blind and on their way to them, blind and not realizing.
Just how miserable and wretched they are.
And then last it says naked I am rich and increased of goods. God says poor and naked, naked, fully exposed.
Before a holy and a righteous God. All my friends, what about you, profession? Do you remember how it tells us about Adam and Eve? How they sold things together and made themselves even what they covered? They'd certainly gone to a lot of trouble.
They made aprons for themselves, but when the Lord God appeared in the garden, they said we were naked and we hid ourselves. What happened to that which they had spent time to produce for themselves?
It didn't cover, it left them exposed before. Only in the righteous God. Dear friends, if you're without Christ, you are naked. No cover, no shelter, no cover, no hiding place lost and fully exposed.
All things are naked and open unto the eyes, if with whom we have to do.
Well, this is the condition that God describes of the Sinner without process. And what about all the profession?
What about all the profession? You know, if we were to turn over to the 20th chapter of Revelation, we find there the dead, small and great, standing before the soul, the great white soul, the day of judgement, and there's not a word spoken.
Nothing to stand on.
Having on earth to fled away, time has ceased to be. Where in eternity, in eternity, at the entrance, at the beginning of eternity, everything by which we measure time is gone. That happens in the earth, and man stands there exposed before the Lord Jesus Christ who sits upon the throne.
And he has no defense. Not one word, not one word. Naked.
Poor, nothing to offer, Naked, wretched, blind, all my friends. He stands there just waiting.
To hear the senators.
And yet he offers not one word in his own defense. Why? Why is it?
What about all the conversation? What about all the arguments that we hear today? What about all the people I've actually heard people say? When I meet God, I'll tell him. I'll tell him.
You'll tell him nothing. You'll tell him nothing, my friend. You'll just listen.
You'll just hear if you die in their place, if you wait until the day of God's grace ends.
At the coming of the Lord Jesus, you will tell God nothing, you will just hear, and what you will hear is depart from me.
He curseth into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil.
Now the Lord, the faithful and true witness, has some counsel.
I counseled him.
To buy gold.
Tried in the fire, all my friends, last night we were talking about the verse in the 55th chapter of Isaiah. Hold everyone that thirsted, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money come ye buy and eat. Buy wine and milk without money.
And without press. Here's something else that's offered without money, without price. And he counsels you to buy it.
Go try it in the fire, all my friends. What you need, what you need, what my soul needed.
Was her righteousness that the eye of God could look upon and be satisfied?
Gold is the picture of that righteousness, that divine righteousness, that perfect righteousness that is offered to you as a gift.
With your fire, without money, without price, the cost has already been paid.
He counsels you to buy it. Do you have it? Oh dear friend, would you answer the faithful and true witness honestly?
Do you have the goal? Try in the fire. Do you have the Lord Jesus Christ as your righteousness? All the word of God says that the Lord Jesus is made unto us, wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption. Where is my righteousness?
Christ is my righteousness.
What's by covering Christ is my covering is yours. Have you bought the gold tried in the fire that which has been tested and finds that it stands all the searching judgment going.
Isn't it marvelous to think, my friends, you and I that belong to Christ? Isn't it marvelous to think that all the light, all the majesty of God's throne, all the discernment of his holy eyes?
Can only discern the perfection of the righteousness that is yours and mine, and we belong to Christ. God himself can only see how perfect their righteousness is.
And we have the Christ. I counsel. Are you ready to receive counsel?
So I'm not prepared to receive counsel from you. Well, I don't blame you for that one bit, but what it does from the faith of a true witness, He's the one who's speaking here, the Lord Jesus Christ, and he's the one who's saying I counsel me to buy.
Of me go try to fight.
And that thou mayest be rich.
All the man always said I am rich. God says you are poor, but you can be rich, you can be rich.
Remember how it reads in Second Corinthians, how it says though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor?
That gave to his poverty might be rich. All dear friends, thank God I can say I'm rich tonight.
So many of us in this room can say, I'm rich tonight. I have Christ as my savior. But what about you all? You know, we sometimes speak about the rule being divided between the saved and the lost. Or God tells us here, this room is divided between the rich and the poor. That's how it's divided the rich and the poor.
Or you're rich. No in between. You belong to the Prince.
Since I counsel thee to buy of me gold, trying to fire that thou mayest be rich.
White Raven, that thou mayst include.
The word of God says you're naked, naked without Christ. But flow didn't white rain, white rain to be dressed in that which speaks of the spotless purity of the believers standing before God.
I think this is what he counsels you to buy. Is it yours?
Are you naked?
Are you dressed clothed in white rain?
Precious, precious thing that is to realize that it all comes.
And receiving the Lord Jesus Christ is your seat.
But you know tonight where you stand.
Empty profession that is going to be spewed under the Lord's mouth. Poor.
Lie in the middle or rich.
Safe in Christ, rich with a righteousness that God's eye sees and approves. White Raven, the domestic that shows how spotless the standing of the believers before God.
And that thy shame of thy nakedness do not appear and anoint thine eyes with I said that thou mayest see all dear friends, we just spent half an hour before the Lord downstairs. Pray that someone in this room tonight.
Would receive God's Isaac. Let's see.
See the Lord Jesus for the first time as their own precious seed. See the precious blood of Christ for the first time as that which is washed their syndrome. See the Lord Jesus Christ for the first time.
That's the sea.
When God has put up, you know, there was the blind man, and he, all he could say was, behold, I was blind. So now, dear friends, can you say that I was when God said they're blind, I was once blind.
Are you still going or have you received God's eyes?
Have you bought?
From the only one who hasn't said.
Isaac, anoint your eyes, that you might see.
It doesn't seem possible, does it?
There could be those who have heard the Gospel 500 times and still do not see Jesus as they see. I could tell you about a man who came to the gospel meeting, I believe I could say regularly.
Very seldom missed.
For over 50 years.
And let's find proceedings.
50 years of listening to the glossy.
Accepted Christ as a sea, and in order for God to save that man, and I say it without any exaggeration, God took him within a hairline of death. A hairline death.
He actually heard the doctor say as he lay in bed. He heard the doctor standing beside his bed and saying he'll be dead by 1.
And he received the Lord Jesus Christ as a sin.
God brings that man up and gave him about two or three years to let others know that God had brought him that place to eternity.
Brought back, he said. Dear friends, God love your soul. He wants you to be saved. He's counseling you with the faithful and true witness is counseling you.
Receive Him as your savior. Open your.
Eyes that you might see.
Lord Jesus Christ, as the one who paid your debt and.
Kelvin, I counsel.
As many as I love, I rebuke and chase. Be zealous therefore.
Oh, God loves your soul. The Lord Jesus loves your soul, and he cries upon you to repent, to repent.
We don't hear about that very much today, I believe Sometimes when I say it to my own heart, sometimes we neglect it in the dust.
But God calls upon you to repent, my friends, to own before God that you're on a course that leads to hell and turn around.
Oh to God that you're lost.
That you're soaring? That you realize that your sins have been an insult to God?
And turn from them and turn to Christ.
Now it tells us in the next week, behold, I stand at the door and not here. We have the faithful and true witness again, standing before the heart door, standing before the door. And he says I'm not, I'm standing, I stand.
At the door.
And not how many times has he noted your heart?
Once, twice, many times.
He stood there outside. What a picture, what a picture. It is a present of my friends, this loveless, empty thing that will be spewed out of the Lord's mouth. The Lord Jesus is seen as actually standing outside of it.
Is he standing outside of your heart?
Would be standing outside of your life? Is he standing outside of everything that you hold to be valuable?
And seeking an entrance there, all my friends. I remember I mentioned it many times in the gospel, but I remember one time visiting a young man in the hospital.
And when I spoke to that young man, he was about 15 or 16 at the time.
I asked him what was the plan and all I tell you it was just like Niagara Falls had been left loose. I sat there and listened for 15 minutes while he told me about his plans, about what he was going to do with his life, of how things were going to fall right in a row like this for you. He had it all planned out.
He had had a slight detour because he was in the hospital with a broken light.
But he had his whole life planned for him.
And when it was all finished, I asked him this one question. I asked him. I said, what part does the Lord Jesus have in all that life that he left?
And he had no hands.
To put it bluntly, my friends, there was no room, no room for the Lord Jesus in his life at all.
Thank God that young man today is a different young man altogether. He now seeks to please the Lord. He has changed, given up all those elaborate plans.
Accepted Christ save gathering going on happily, and Christ is now a large part of his life.
Here it was the Lord Jesus standing outside of his heart store and knocking.
I thank God tonight he's opened the door and let him be in the political team.
Christ, have any place in your life?
Does he have any place at all in your life? He stands there and he knocks and he wakes. You know what? Ethan says. I stand the door and knock if any man.
Hear my voice, hear my voice. Or he knocks. But how does he knock? How does he not? He knocks, my friends, by speaking to us?
To his word he's knocking or necessity a hear my voice doesn't say be a hereby knock says again here my voice many, many hear my voice, because the way he knows is by speaking to a Swedish precious woman.
Word of thought, His voice we heard today, my sheep.
Hear my voice here, it says, if any man hear my voice.
I will come in if any man hear my voice.
And open the door. I will come into him and will suffer.
Will you open the door?
Will you open the door or why not? Are you going to wait till tomorrow?
Are you going to wait till next week or next month?
My friends.
One minute.
One minute.
Too late will be the same as 1000 years.
He stands before the heart of the city tonight, and he knocks, and with his voice he pleads for a place in your heart, in your life.
He wants him. He wants you to receive him.
As the one we die. As the one, my friends, who died for you on the cross because he loved you so much, As the one who paid your debt, were you accepted? As the one who paid your debt, He received any mind, and all your debt of sin was paid.
Why didn't tell? And he stands, and he knocks, and he calls. And if you're hoping, open the door, he comes in. No heart to wretched, no heart to black with sin. No heart too far away, no heart too full of sin.
But that he will come in.
You're coming and give you to know the enjoyment of his company in your life. Know him.
As yours you notice the verse goes on to say to him that overcome will I breath to sit with me in my thought all the Lord Jesus has gone back to glory and he has sat down in his Father's throne. Now he says to those who overcome.
The false, the empty, the light was, the naked, the blind, the poor, the wretched, the miserable are spewed out of his mouth.
But those who have opened the door, they sit down with him.
In history, dear friends, are you going to be there? Are you going to be there with?
Here's the future that lies before so many of us here tonight. We're going to be with Christ.
Sitting down with him in his story and in the meantime?
When we have opened the doors, we have the privilege of the enjoyment of the sweetest and most precious communion with the Lord Jesus while we wait.
The last words say, Let he that Hathen you.
Lesson here what the Spirit said unto the church. The faithful and true witness says the Word. The Spirit of God now brings them before your heart within your conscience tonight, my friend.
And he says.
Let him heal. If you have an Eve, I pray God that he will hear what the Spirit has been bringing before your heart.