The Priceless Treasure

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
A LITTLE girl of about eight years of age went to a class, where she was taught about Jesus. She believed the simple truth concerning the blessed Lord, and, knowing that she had found Him, she went home and said to her mother, in the joy of her heart, “Oh, mother! I have found a priceless treasure!” Her mother wondered what was the matter with her little girl, and said, “What do you mean, child? Where is this treasure you have found?”
The child answered with emphasis, “In heaven, mother; it is the blessed Jesus I have found, and He has made me happy;” and she went on telling of the love of her Saviour, in bringing her to the knowledge of Himself.
Dear child, I will ask you one question: Do you know the loving Saviour as my little friend did? Is He the Priceless, Treasure of your heart? Jesus loves little children still, even as on the day when He took them up in His arms and blessed them. Will you trust Him? He has died on the shameful cross to save you from eternal woe. The blessed God had no other way whereby He might save poor sinners, such as we, save by sending His only begotten Son to suffer and die in our stead.
I beseech you to rest not until you know that the Priceless Treasure is yours.