The Psalms Book 5: 119:86-176

Psalm 119:86‑176  •  7 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Lamed. “Forever, Jehovah, thy word is settled in the heavens. To generation and generation [is] thy faithfulness. Thou hast established earth, and it hath stood. For thy judgments, they stand to day, for the whole (or universe) [is] thy servants. Unless thy law [had been] my delights, then should I have perished in mine affliction. Never will I forget thy precepts, for by them thou hast quickened me. I [am] thine: save me, for thy precepts I have sought. For me have waited wicked men to destroy me: thy testimonies I attend to. To all perfection I have seen an end: exceeding broad [is] thy commandment” (vers. 89-96).
The stability of Jehovah is seen on high; His purpose emanates thence infallibly, but establishes earth too, the universe being His servant. Then its moral power is owned, and by it the conviction that the soul is His, attending in the midst of malice to His testimonies, and in the sense of total failure feeling the all-embracing value of what expresses His mind.
Mem. “How I love thy law! all the day have I meditated on it. Thy commandments make me wiser than mine enemies, for it [is] ever mine. More than all my teachers I have understanding: for thy testimonies [are] my meditation. More than aged men I understand, for thy precepts I have observed. From every evil path I withheld my feet, that I might keep thy word. From thy judgments I have not departed, for thou hast taught me. How sweet to my palate are thy sayings! more than honey to my mouth. From thy precepts I understand; therefore I hate every path of falsehood” (vers. 97-104).
Here it is love of Jehovah's law, leading to meditation, and with blessed results in wisdom and morally.
Nan. “As a lamp to my feet [is] thy word, and a light to my path. I have sworn, and will perform, to keep thy righteous judgments. I was afflicted exceedingly: Jehovah, quicken me according to thy word. Accept, I pray, Jehovah, the free-will offerings of my mouth, and teach me thy judgments. My soul [is] in thy hand continually, yet (and) I do not forget thy law. Wicked men laid a snare for me, yet (and) from thy precepts I strayed not. I inherit thy testimonies forever, for they [are] my heart's rejoicing. I incline my heart to do thy statutes forever [to] the end” (vers. 105-112).
In this stanza the light of the word for himself is acknowledged, and its judgments for wickedness.
Samech. “Double-minded men I hate, and thy law I love. My hiding-place and my shield [art] thou: in thy word I hope. Depart from me, evildoers; and I will observe the commandments of my God. Uphold me according to thy saying, and I shall live, and let me not be ashamed of my waiting. Uphold me, and I shall be saved, and I will lock in thy statutes continually. Thou settest at naught all wanderers from thy statutes; for a lie [is] their deceit. [As] dross thou causest to cease all earth's wicked ones: therefore I love thy testimonies. My flesh shuddereth for fear, of thee, and I am afraid of thy judgments” (vers. 113-120).
Wavering and evil-doing are deprecated as heartily as Jehovah's law is loved. But the need of being sustained is expressed, as on the other hand Jehovah's summary dealings with the deceitful and wicked; for indeed He is to be feared.
“I have done judgment and righteousness: leave me net to mine oppressors. Be surety for thy servant for good: let not proud men oppress me. Mine eyes fail for thy salvation and for thy righteous saying. Do with thy servant according to thy mercy, and thy statutes teach me. Thy servant [am] I; give me understanding, and I shall know thy testimonies. [It is] time for Jehovah to act: they make void thy law. Therefore I love thy commandments above gold and above fine gold. Therefore all precepts [as to] all I count right; every path of falsehood I hate” (vers. 121-128).
Hence he looks for Jehovah to act, not only on His servant's behalf but in vindication of His law.
Pe. “Wonderful [are] thy testimonies: therefore doth my soul observe them. The opening of thy words enlighteneth, giving understanding to simple ones. I opened my mouth, and panted, for I longed for thy commandments. Turn unto me and be gracious to me, as [thou art] wont to lovers of thy name. Establish my steps in thy saying, and let not any iniquity have dominion over me. Redeem me from man's oppression: and I shall keep thy precepts. Let thy face shine on thy servant and teach me thy statutes. Streams of waters run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law” (vers. 129-136).
The intrinsic and real efficacy of Jehovah's revelation is here expressed, with the spiritual desire created by it.
Tzade. “Righteous [art] thou, Jehovah, and upright thy judgments. Thou hast commanded thy testimonies [in] righteousness and exceeding faithfulness. My zeal destroyeth me, because my adversaries have forgotten thy words. Thy word [is] exceedingly pure; and thy servant loveth it. Little [am] I, and despised; thy precepts I do not forget. Thy righteousness [is] an everlasting righteousness, and thy law truth. Distress and anguish seized me; thy commandments fare] my delights. Righteousness [are] thy testimonies forever: give me understanding, and I shall live” (vers. 137-144).
Here the righteousness of Jehovah's judgments and testimonies predominates, which he forgot not, if others did.
Koph. “I have called with a whole heart: answer me, Jehovah; thy statutes I will observe. I have called on thee: save me; and I will keep thy testimonies. I anticipated the twilight [of dawn] and cried; for thy words do I wait. Mine eyes anticipate the watches to meditate in thy saying. Hear my voice according to thy mercy; Jehovah, according to thy judgment quicken me. Pursuers of mischief are nigh; from thy law they are far off. Near [art] thou, Jehovah, and all thy commandments [are] truth. Of old have I known from thy testimonies that thou hast founded them forever” (vers. 145-152).
Dependence is the great resource in the evil day, and indeed always, with confidence in Jehovah, but according to His word.
Rash. “See mine affliction and deliver me; for thy law I do not forget. Plead my cause and deliver me: with thy saying quicken me. Far from wicked men [is] salvation, for thy statutes they seek not. Thy tender mercies [are] many. Jehovah; according to thy judgments quicken me! Many [are] my persecutors and mine oppressors; from thy testimonies I decline not. I have seen treacherous dealers and was disgusted, who kept not thy saying. See how I love thy precepts; Jehovah, according to thy mercy quicken me. The sum (head) of thy word [is] truth; and every judgment of thy righteousness [is] forever” (vers. 153-160).
If persecutors are more felt, so are Jehovah's judgments on behalf of faithfulness as well as life in power.
Schin. “Princes persecuted me without cause, but (and) at thy word my heart is in awe. For me, I [am] joyful over thy saying as a finder of great spoil. Falsehood I, hate and abhor; thy law I love. Seven [times] in the day I praise thee for the judgments of thy righteousness. Great peace have the lovers of thy law, and they have no stumbling-block. I hope for thy salvation, Jehovah, and thy commandments I do. My soul keepeth thy testimonies, and I love them exceedingly. I keep thy precepts and thy testimonies, for all my ways [are] before thee” (vers. 161-168).
This stanza goes farther: awe at Jehovah's word, yet joy in what he says. Fruit of loving the expression of divine authority, praise rises fully, and peace without stumbling. Obedience is deepened by having all our ways out before Him.
Tau. “Let my cry come near before thee, Jehovah; according to thy word give me understanding. Let my supplication come before thee; according to thy saying deliver me. My lips shall utter praise, for thou wilt teach me thy statutes. Let my tongue answer thy saying, for all thy commandments [are] righteousness. Let thy hand be for my help, for I have chosen thy precepts. I have longed for thy salvation, Jehovah; and thy law [is] my delights. Let my soul live, and it shall praise thee; and let thy judgments help me, I have wandered like a lost sheep: seek thy servant, for thy commandments I do not forget” (vers. 169-176).
It is the worthy end of a psalm most instructive in experience for the individual and the nation.